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3 replies
ATLTK said on May 11, 2003 16:19:
hi does anyvone have anything for swap
I have
för dina bruna ögon unsinged
GT firast lp yellow vimntl promostamped
and POP 86 issue cd
( I think i have one whos intrested in heartland mini lp promostamped ) but tell me if u want it
just swapping and rare items
LoneGunman said on May 11, 2003 18:55:
I have 3 itens to swap :
- “Per Gessle” - Per Gessle
- “The Heartland Cafe” - Gyllene Tider
- “Rarities” - Roxette
But I was hopping someone could trade those itens for a brand new copy of “Mazarin”+DVD... am I just dreaming ? :)
All the best