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Being personal

6 replies

Some thoughts in my head appear lately... being personal here, and in internet in general.
for me, it’s kinda strange. I almost never get personal in ordinary life... but in internet, somehow, with people I don’t konw at all I talk absolutely free.
I mean, well, I mean everything is just so different. in internet I speak as I can speak only to 2-3 people in real life. I speak myself out. completely out. and this leads me to these thoughts: everybody just needs to speak out at times. and in internet you get that possibility. you just need to give voice to your thoughts. and you do, especually in forums, when people can reply you. well, mostly you don’t seek the real answers and solutions of your problems in internet, but you need someone to listen. and you need someone to reply you, which eventually means that your words have had an effect on someone. you need someone to listen, and to that you see it (I mean, how do you feel if no-one replies to your topics?). you need to see that someone gives a damn thought for you. and you need to speak out without the fear of getting too personal, because themost of the people don’t know you. you don’t have to pretend being who you are not, I mean, you can be truly yourself...
(but one of the things that makes forums and stuff so popular, that in fact you can so easy give a fake identity /and my advice is, better don’t. you can get yourself in a trouble, and I’ve been in such once... ehh, long story, anyway, better avoid the questions than giving fake answers. I say it of personal experience. please, the ones who know about it, don’t, you know what.../)
the main thought is, one needs more attention. one needs the possibilty to be heard. one needs to see that other people need the same. don’t you think? I see that usually in ordinary life (outside the PC) it is a lot harder to say something to someone, than say it here (or anywhere). you are too limited outside, and here you get off these limits. but you get in another ones (the impossibility of direct contact, mostly, and such).
well, all in all, it’s about communication. you can get so personal in front of thousand people that you don’t know at all, but somehow you are afraid of being too personal with your friends (and here comes the understanding, the limits-stereotypes, the differences,...)
but in forum where I already know some people (some presonally), I can’t speak myself out the way I can in places where no-one knows me. that’s the reason why lately I go to some other forums, being “one of the crowd” can be so comfortable sometimes (or it can be just the opposite, depends on your viewing point).
and when it comes to that, it ALWAYS depends on your viewing point, especially when it’s about such stuff. it’s different ways of understanding, also different levels of talking, and you can argue for hours about things, without even understanding the point of the other. and it gets absolutely meaningless, to argue when there’s no understanding.
well, anyway, I don’t think I could express right my feelings and thoughts, and moreover it’s hard for me to talk about that stuff in English (it’s kinda hard even in Bulgarian)...
oh, damn it.
I needed to speak out my thoughts. and your replies DO matter, if you have something to say on that.

Nice observation. I agree. I feel the same way.

i_jera.. Yes I agree but that doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t try to find people in REAL LIFE. I mean yeah Internet can be fun and helping and whole lot of goodies but then again, one should have enough people around to express his/her feelings freely.


maybe because in internet we can choose which one we want to be friend with, we’ll only pick who we like and start have a great time with them, but in REAL life, we couldn’t choose. Friendly or mean people just come at the same time and sometimes the mean people are lots more than the friendly ones.

i thoink it more points out how untrusting we as a race of peopel are...alot of us take for granted our amonymity on the net..even though it is far from that.

i_jera: You just spoke out, what I am also thinking.
And believe me, my guess is that a lot of people feel the same way.

I feel the same way too. And for my personal experience (it happened to me once), when you need a good advice about something that worries you, it’s good to ask someone that you don’t know personally. Because if you ask someone that you know very well and loves you, he/she couldn’t be so rational as someone who doesn’t know you personally , because of the fellings that he/she has for you.
you know what i mean?


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