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solo albums

10 replies

u know i was thinking if marie had 2 release a english solo album.. im sure there would be more interest in it than a solo album from per.. an it could actually do well internationly... i imagine it been just like a roxette album but better serious lyrics just without per... an i expect it 2 do almost as well

NO english marie albums....

at least that way all fans can be pleased...(swedish an non-swedish speakin) an it would be a gr8 new challange for marie....

fantastic idea
i think its surprising she never made anything in english.

PLEASE no marie english solo albums..............

wel honestly even she admits that lyrically her english is poor...and alot of her songs don’t translate well

i’d rather her do a cover album of jazz standards it would be really great

i think marie just needs sum encouragment.. i thought the demo english solo songs were decent lyrics.. bad moon was even better than pers lyrics...even ATLTK was gr8 lyrics

I would love a Marie cd in english - would give me something to listen to while I learn Swedish....

wouldnt it be better to learn swedish with a swedish solo album?

Marie solo in English... NO!
Though, I do like the bootleg, English songs floating around. “Bad Moon” is GREAT!

She said she would never work in English ( I know, never say never.). Unless, she did a cover... Like “I never loved a man” that they did on Unplugged... that was GREAT!!!

As for PG, I would love another Swedish album from him, even though TWATG was awesome. The Swedish songs had a bit more depth lyrically.

i remeber a chat roxette had during the HAND period.. an a question was asked 2 marie will she ever make an english album an she said thats actually a gr8 idea...sumthing along those lines


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