Gone are the days when...
Vixzter said on April 15, 2003 16:57:
....You could walk into a record store and buy a nice and simple cd single! with 4 or sometimes 5 trax on.
Reason for this post? ;) I just brought the brand new Def Leppard singles which are enhanced, one being just a normal enhanced cd that plays on any drive, the other being a fancy dvd single that only plays (supposedly) on dvd players/drives.
What happens when I place the dvd single in my dvd drive on my pc? It crashes and refuses to play , it doesn’t even play the 1 audio track that is on that dvd.
Some may say....get a new dvd drive and others may say get a new pc.....why should I? it works with every other dvd I use, It could turn out to be one seriously exspensive dvd single if I did that.
I could also return it as faulty goods but then I’d be left with no single....seeing as they’re all gonna be the same!
I sometimes wonder what systems they test these things on....something with no other programmes running on it or some super duper (cost lots of money) dvd player.
I blame all this messing around with new formats and copy protection for spoiling my enjoyment of a decent cd single!
No wonder cd signle sales have fallen, its coz the normal cd single buying public can’t bloody play them on their cheap and cheerful cd players, we don’t all have disposable bank balances like the record companies do! :P
Hope this wasn’t too long for everyones eyes ;) Just thought I’d share my experience of the new Def Leppard dvd single ;)
Vixzter said on April 15, 2003 18:37:
It should be just a cd signle with music on....thats what I’m getting at really.
Ferdan said on April 16, 2003 04:23:
’single’ in spanish is “simple” but it looks like they’re not ’simple’ anymore :P
Denstandigaresan said on April 16, 2003 13:01:
Take it you haven’t got a DVD player then vix? Only one on PC? Hmm. GRRR!
If you wanted to see the stuff on there, could send it me and I could put it onto video for ya! ;) NAUGHTY!;););)
zaine said on April 16, 2003 16:51:
this is why napster is gettin’ so popular. Because you can just the song you want. No shoddy video that you would only watch a few times, or bonus clips or strange remixes by some dj you’ve never heard of. Just the song.
The first cd I bought was ’the smurfs, little puppy’ (omg, omg, omg) and it had 2 tracks on. It cost me £1.99. perhaps that was just because it was the smurfs, but didn’t everything used to be that bit cheaper?!?
oooh, I’m startin’ to get into this! lol, I’ll shurrup now...
Vixzter said on April 16, 2003 17:35:
maybe a reinstall of my pc will sort out the dvd bit *crosses fingers* should be ok until i fill the pc up with crap again, like all those must have programmes like Kazaa ;)
but the point of a single is surely music and not dvd. i wonder if dvd single sales count towards actual single sales.
Ally87 said on April 16, 2003 17:41:
@suzanne: yeah it did.... (hehe, we’re what? 15 and 16 and doin our OAPs impressions already!!) my first single was whigfield, saturday night... on tape!! had the original and one remix i think...
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 10:22:
well look at it this way..in an industry losing money ...singles don’t make sense..u force peopel to buy shitty albums for one single and u make 20 bukcs off of them instead of 1.99....ingenious isn’t it
Vixzter said on April 17, 2003 15:36:
@coy: then why release signles at all? if its not just to make money then what is the purpose of them?
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 15:40:
vix along time ago artists made their living on the amount of singles that they sold...prior to video radio was the massive promoter and singles sold like hotcakes...now its all changed...for alot of us singles afford us remixes and b-sides...but labels simply see a monetary expense..i eman emi looks at it this way..
say they presses a million copies of the real sugar single..which the song kinda failed in the charts and it only sells say 10,000 copies...what does emi do with the other 90,000 copies...they take a loss...so in the end they figure don’t make them. Honestly i think if artists embraced online music and made their singles downloadble they’d be really popualr again ...I know I’d be more psyched about downloading a new rox single then waiting a month to get it through an online outlet :)
Vixzter said on April 17, 2003 16:06:
The reason the music industry doesn’t embrace downloadable music is coz theres always someone out there that can find a way around paying for it.
And all this copy protection shit just gives the hackers something to do.
Personaly I get more of a buzz out of going to record store and being able to buy a single and have that in my hand, then I can see I actualy have something for my money rather than just an mp3(or whatever) file.
Anyway..... re-installing windows this weekend....might solve my dvd single playing problem ;) The trouble £2.99 can cause! *goes away shaking head*
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 16:08:
vix you and i are a dying breed of music lovers unfortunately the world has changed :)
sweet_stalker57 said on April 21, 2003 01:53:
making it up as he goes... the world according to Coy!
Ferdan said on April 15, 2003 17:54:
DVDs haven’t found a standard yet, there’s allways some compatibility problems :(