The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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8 replies

What is happening with it?

What is there to happen? This is a fan-tasy.

Roxette movie, he, he :D There isn’t any Roxette movie.

there´s a Roxettemovie
the documentery in the DVD was called “roxette en film” in sweden and if you translate it it´s roxette the movie

zee is probably talking about the fantasies some fans had in this forum earlier this year. A “real” movie about Roxette.

ATLTK Sure i know that, but I think Zeeshan didn’t mean that “movie”. Well, it’s not even a movie.

Great idea ! Iwanne see it too! :)

Isn’t Flumeride a sort of roxette - the movie???


Hey guys I had heared about a Rox movie which was to be directed by Mr. Aukerland. Per (or maybe roxette) was one of the producers.

Eeeekkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! a Fantasy!!!!! :(:(

damn! They can make movies on aliens and blah blah... why not Rox!?????? :(



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