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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Missing songs on PH.

7 replies

I’m a bit disappointed with the length of the CD. Even WITH the bonus-EP the CD is merely 70.27. There could’ve been at least 3 more songs on it, including the EP.

that’s normal that pop songs are quite shorter than ballads. lenght is different for each tbh and tph, however number of songs is similiar in both :)

If I understand correctly then the copy protection limited the length of the Ballad Hits? - of course it’s nice for the Pop Hits to be a mirror of the Ballad Hits, also with 15 songs - but I do feel that given that the pop songs are shorter than the ballads then Fireworks and She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore could have been included on the Pop Hits - I have bought the Pop Hits, but I would like to make my own copy (if I can!), simply adding these two songs as well as the greatest single that never was... Crush On You - however, even as it stands the Pop Hits is an awesome work of art!! - Rich-UK

Rich! Yes, I will do the same, add the EP (possibly removing Better off) and the missing Pop singles! :)

most of roxette great rock songs clock in at exactly 3:43 flaf joyride edit etc

even per said the best pop songs last only about 2 1/2 minutes

tevensso - you are just being a bitter bitch again. *grin*

I don’t have the CD YET... but from checking the tracklist, they could have added a few more stuff... Screw the protection, most people already have the new stuff on MP3 anyway.:P

SDLHA sooooo should have been there! Oh well. :’(

Thomas, aren’t you tired of them callin’ you BB in vain? I think it’s time to prove your “new”nick. Remove those silly “joyride/pop/tourism” survivor round topics. I’m sick of them. Aren’t other people?

Nah, Jax can call me whatever she wants, but Shirley. :)
Hmmm, yes, maybe move those threads to off-topic?


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