They take back M.Moores oscar!
vaxjoe said on April 2, 2003 09:23:
Just saw it on the news...they actually said he will be excluded from the Oscars from now on.
purplemedusa said on April 2, 2003 09:31:
I wanna c Demi back on the oscars!!! She’s got the best butt in the business!
zeeshan said on April 2, 2003 09:59:
Who the hell cares? The biggest award for anyone is people respecting him. He said the truth and what he felt and therefore he has my award, which, I guess, is good enough!
Roxrider_USA said on April 2, 2003 15:23:
@Zee: Amazingly well said. You’re the man. The oscar is just a symbol. The real thing is within him. He’s values!
Carlos E., New York.
Ferdan said on April 2, 2003 15:29:
Is it true?
well, an Oscar is a symbol...
an oscar taken away ’cos expresing an opinion....... is also a symbol.... but not a very good one.
zeeshan said on April 2, 2003 19:10:
StormKeeper: He is the guy who won an OSCAR for the BEST DOCUMENTARY (right?) and he said a lot of stuff about war and said “SHAME ON YOU BUSH”.
Santi said on April 2, 2003 19:17:
He said:
“I’ve invited my fellow documentary nominees on stage with us here in solidarity with me, because we like non-fiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man who’s sending us to war for fictitious reasons, whether it’s the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts. ... We have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you.”
Stormkeeper said on April 2, 2003 21:02:
this reminds how people in Texas burned Dixie Chicks´s cd´s because one of them recently said in London she feels shame for Bush or smth like that.
Jud (moderator) said on April 2, 2003 21:07:
this reminds how people in Texas burned Dixie Chicks´s cd´s because one of them recently said in London she feels shame for Bush or smth like that.
>> and these who burned the CDs I guess are the same ppl who put somebody in jail for burning a US flag?
coyboyusa said on April 3, 2003 17:30:
thank god
this is a man that rolls his fat ass around int he pot of capitalsim and then gets up on stage to blabber his political views at an oscars ceremony...he has no respect whats so ever
the oscars is not a political forum
coyboyusa said on April 3, 2003 17:33:
burning a national emblem and a cd are not the same thing at all
i rember they burned all the milli vanilli cd’s when they found out they were lypsinching or they burned madonnas sex book etc.....
the national flag is an emblem of pride for every country ..people died and suffered and performed heroic acts in the name of national pride and no flag should be subject to being summarily desecrated by peopel who’s closest thing to suffereing is going a day without a cup of coffee from starbucks
down with yuppies :)
StillFar said on April 3, 2003 17:51:
as you can read on, he presently works on a documentary which will describe the relationship between the Bush/Hussein families, so even if he gives back the Oscar, it’s not the last time he will educate us about a ’fictitious’ leader...
Emil__BG said on April 4, 2003 06:34:
..”an Oscar taken away ’cos expresing an opinion”....
the Oscar award isn’t a symbol anymore..
sweet...-i guees that was a secret :-)
powerpoplarry said on April 4, 2003 06:57:
Coyboy, he was CHEERED at the Oscars!! They just boosted the volume of the 5 boo-ers!! It’s a shame that the Oscar people took his award, just for telling the truth!! The ceremony was a PERFECT place to express his view, as it would reach the most people in the world. Sure it took balls, but he should be COMMENDED, not ridiculed or penalized for it.
Freedom of speech, I don’t think they’ve ever heard of that term. And remember Vietnam?? People protested that war because it was wrong. What’s wrong with doing the same thing today?? Man, do people forget their history or what??
Jud (moderator) said on April 4, 2003 07:22:
burning those cds is respectless, and that’s enough for me.
Anyway, as with Madonna’s video (I still think
there was some pushing from “somewhere”), this will just make him better :D You see I had never heard about him - as many ppl over here? - and now be sure he will find a market for his next documentary (if he doesn’t “disappear” before that is).
And I think that such cultural events ARE the places where to speak your thoughts. I am proud of our Spanish actors :) At least in Spain they can still speak!!
coyboyusa said on April 4, 2003 22:42:
as for the madonna video go to her website there is alink to an interview she did saying she felt the images in the video were disrespectful to the troops..that she is not anti bush antfreedom just anti war....mixchale moor is one of those opportunists, of those jews so many arabs like ot make fun of because they jump on ever sensistive issue to get themselves notice. regardless of the ties that amy or may not exist between the bush and hussein families ..modst political families have ties to something...the kennedies and the mafia are a great example
coyboyusa said on April 4, 2003 22:48:
oh and nothing is wrong with protesting...but i think its kinda funny how u have these peopel who are protesting saomething they know nothign about...have the protesters out there are yuppie kids that are out there aligning bush with hitler are people whose only exposure to anthign about the hoolcaust was schindlerds list ,....they re also the same peopl who have never been to the site of the vietnam wall or the berloin wall. These ar epeopel who wallo in all the pleasures capitalism bathes them in and then they whine .....these are the same pepel that say bush is killing peopel for oil and they drive gass guzzling suv’s
its time for the hippocracy to end treally it is
Jud (moderator) said on April 5, 2003 07:22:
and they are the same people who have lived a civil war themselves not long ago, the same people who have lost grandparents, parents.. in the war, who may have been in prisoners camps, the same people who have been to jail for the simple fact of speaking Catalan... oh, surprise?
harriej said on April 5, 2003 08:28:
This is really unbelievable!!
Excluding someone for telling his opinion.
Where is the freedom of speech?
At the Oscars they should just look at his qualities as a movie-maker and not at his political point of view.
Besides that, I do agree with Michael Moore’s opinion.
harriej said on April 5, 2003 08:36:
coyboy usa:
How come that you are really always against the opinion of the rest over here?
Is that really your opinion or do you say these things to get the other people upset.
Do you like to be disliked by the other TDR-readers?
No offence, but I just do notice that in a lot of threads you are the only one who has a different opinion than the rest.
Off course this is allowed, but it is so strange that it does not occur in 1 or 2 threads, but in a lot (if not most) threads.
Don’t see this as a attack on your opinion.
Everybody has the right to say their opinion, but I was just wondering why?
Santi said on April 5, 2003 08:41:
He’s too patriot, and you know, patriot is the contrary of democrat... he can’t accept the opinion of the rest of the people if they ever said something against his country.
By the way, to hear “bad things” about USA you don’t really have to listen to Europeans... just watch The Simpsons in Fox television...
Ferdan said on April 5, 2003 09:09:
yeh, but the Simpsons had a lot of trouble with FOX... but the rating was on Simpsons side, so FOX even trying, couldn’t never stop Simpsons rants about some sides of American society...
like the republican council of Bob Patiño (what’s his name in english??) and Mr. Burns and the other bloodsuckers. Or the views on religion.
LittleSpooky said on April 5, 2003 10:01:
Power: Did you see the interview they did with Susan Sarandon before the Oscars:
“We protested Vietnam at the Oscars primarily because that was an age where NO information was being given to the people. No one KNEW what was happening, as it was kept under wraps. In today’s time, whether the information is accurate or not, it is there. I am not protesting at this year’s Oscars for the simple fact that it is not the place to do so...”
The quotes aren’t accurate since I don’t have a copy of it, but this is the genral idea. Susan Sarandon is one of the TOP people against this war. For her to say something along those lines... I’d re-think your statement there. She had the right idea: Protest, just don’t make an ass of yourself. Michael Moore did just that.
Oh Judith: Notice how the Dixie Chicks WERE OUT OF THE BLASTED COUNTRY before saying anything. And what about the song called “Soldier” (I think that’s the title). Assanine is what they are. They don’t DARE speak out here in the States. It has to be done from London.
Jud (moderator) said on April 5, 2003 15:19:
Oh Judith: Notice how the Dixie Chicks WERE OUT OF THE BLASTED COUNTRY before saying anything. And what about the song called “Soldier” (I think that’s the title). Assanine is what they are. They don’t DARE speak out here in the States. It has to be done from London.
>> then I find it even sadder...that you can’t speak in your own country...
Btw, I forgot to say that those people are the same who may have lost some relative, friend... at a terrorist attack from ETA, who may be living under constant threat from this ETA as well, oh, another surprise?
coyboyusa said on April 5, 2003 15:43:
i have my opinion i have never ever really been a popularist in therms of public consesnsus. I support the war I support protresters I don’t support hypocrites which alot of those protesters are. I guarantee that if the suplly of oil to the usa was turned off tomorrow half those peopel out their on the opicket lines would go insane...we live in an oil dependent world its a simple fact..whether this incursion is about control of oil or not...noone reserves the right to disrespect the very young men and women risking their lives in iraq. Michale moore is as much a politician as george bush is...look at the peopel he keeps as hsi company..many of them are liberal politicians. It’s all political. and btw I am not an extremist patriot either :) comntrary to public opinion here
coyboyusa said on April 5, 2003 15:45:
and i never said that american culture isan’t flawed either where anyone made that summation is beyond me too :)
Jud (moderator) said on April 5, 2003 16:01:
I think nobody missrespected the soldiers over there...the poor kids will have enough of this in their minds during their whole lives, if they survive.. :(
So now that the war IS a fact, I guess we just can expect for it to end asap and for the least victims and suffering as possible (on BOTH sides)..and that the war IS for something...
LittleSpooky said on April 5, 2003 19:27:
Judith: No, they could speak out here... they just didn’t have the courage. They purposely WAITED until they were out of the country before saying anything. Anyway, their career’s pretty much been flushed down the drain because of it. Right or wrong, this is what happens.
Jud (moderator) said on April 5, 2003 20:04:
:S Weirdo.. I mean.. I’m sure they knew that their words would reach America in 2 seconds..
sweet_stalker57 said on April 6, 2003 02:24:
I actually admire coyboy and enjoy his posts (when my eyes don’t cross) cause he won’t back down! :)
powerpoplarry said on April 6, 2003 05:51:
Actually Coyboy, protesters are not hypocrites. It’s just Bush is wrong and a complete liar and a moron for starting this war in the first place. Guaranteed, if a Democrat was in office, there wouldn’t BE a war. It’s all about money, control of oil, big business and pushing Republican-ism onto innocent Iraq, who, by the time this war ends, will be corrupted by Bush. From one corrupt leader to another, pathetic.
Oh, and I still agree with Michael Moore speaking out, it was actually expected because he’s been known to be very outspoken, and all of his documentary films have been considered somewhat controversial.
Coyboy, it seems you’re a fighter, but your views are definitely misguided, believeing the propaganda. Smart but misguided.
alchemiste said on April 7, 2003 16:54:
coyboyusa wrote:
>> mixchale moor is one of those opportunists, of those jews [...]
- !!! -
zeeshan said on April 7, 2003 18:45:
what? are they talking abt the “W” word? Judith shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
oh I like this coyboy guy.. I really do.. he always pops up from here or there and shares his intellectual opinions. Keep on amusing errrrrr..... informing us from your precious ideas and views.
LittleSpooky said on April 8, 2003 02:54:
Judith: Yeah, but I don’t think they quite expected the backlash that they got. I’m thinking that they were hoping more people would side with them.
The latest poll (I don’t know by who and with a + / - 3% margin of error): 80% of the US population polled (8 out of every 10) SUPPORT the war. *shrugs* No one DARES to ask me ;o)
powerpoplarry said on April 8, 2003 04:13:
As for coy’s comment regarding Jews, is he anti-Semitic?? I’m Jewish and I was offended by his snide remark about Michael Moore. Not sure if the guy is Jewish or not, that was a bad remark to slip out. I don’t rag on him for being GAY, do I?? No, of course not!! I support gay people and gay rights, but he had no right to say something anti-semitic like that. The guy should be banned from the boards if he doesn’t apologize...
Well, I read that quote in context and still, coy COULD be anti-Semitic, based on his sentence. He’s just always been outspoken, a radical liberal, and he’s always been like this in his other films. Not sure if MM has othert ties to any other party or group of people, but he puts himself in the midst of controversy. Michael Moore is a very brave man, and he should be commended for his work, simple as that.
Again, Coy must apologize for his anti-Semitic slip, otherwise be banned...
Jud (moderator) said on April 8, 2003 09:09:
@powerpoplarry: unfortunatelly these kind of comments are a constant in his posts. But well, at least the others have learnt from our mistakes :))
zeeshan said on April 8, 2003 09:22:
Judth: “OUR’S MISTAKE”? which mistake did we make lately? :D I believe u can’t make mistakes.. a sweet angel like u can’t make any mistakes.
animalkingdom said on April 8, 2003 19:26:
Words & analyses...And all the very small problems of ours. It’s just so sickening! Sometimes I just wish a huge meteor would crash in and hit us, the Westerners.
powerpoplarry said on April 9, 2003 03:21:
Hey, maybe I did see a similar coy remark, regarding Jews like myself, and I didn’t think he meant it. But, seeing it just then, and thinking about it, I do take these comments seriously.
Hmmm...notice how he, like, disappeared?? I guess we shall wait and see if he apologizes or if he’s a right-wing, Republican, white supremist asshole who just happens to be gay. Could be an inferiority complex he has...
Twilight-Ghost said on April 10, 2003 16:18:
When I told my brother about this (Mr Moore’s Oscar was taken from him) he told me that it shouldn’t matter. It is not the award that is important, it’s the recognition.
Mr Moore now knows that he is good enough to win an Oscar...... and that’s all that should matter.
I also came across this petition when I was net-surfing yesterday.
What do you think of that?
............ and as for Dixie Chicks. Those people who burnt their CD’s??? Some people who probably wouldn’t buy their CD’s bought it so just they could burn it. So, that’s more sales for them. (Lucky for them) Don’t you think?
vaxjoe said on April 10, 2003 16:24:
burning cds
its like living in the dark ages...did they call them witches as well? lol
Jud (moderator) said on April 2, 2003 09:25: