If I indeed was the problem
coyboyusa said on April 1, 2003 14:42:
Las and the monitors reserved the right to delte my user and password ..and they didn’t. The simple fact was things got ugly we are all to blame essentially..we are all empassioned about this on both ends of the argument....maybe this is exactly why it was never settled in the UN ..people are different and our opinions can go to either extreme...maybe we should all learn from this ??
peace Eric
zeeshan said on April 3, 2003 11:06:
Sweet: HOLD IT BABY HOLD IT! :d ;)
CoyBoyUsa: What is your point? Learn what?? That people have different opinions? I guess we all know that. *YAWN*
coyboyusa said on April 3, 2003 17:24:
al i was saying is don’t blame me we were all in violation of the simple rules of the forum.....the german chancellor capitualted this morning that saddam hussein must go and finally the un agreed that they ALL UNITED must be involved in the restructuring of Iraq. It’s sad to see it took the world this long to stop acting like children and agree. anyway,...lol as for the toxic waste dumps lol...nj isnt the only state that has been home to toxic waste hunny lol rember they are burrrowing under the salt flats to bury reactor fule, spent rods and other non degradable highly toxic material in utah lol so BLAH
StillFar said on April 3, 2003 17:53:
here’s an article from an american newspaper (yes, found one in english for you) about the german position, which you should read in order to understand what they stand for (which is quite different to what you wrote)
irvye said on April 4, 2003 05:35:
You know what they say... I may not agree with what you say but you have the right to say it. I just don’t think that TDR is the right place to talk politics.
coyboyusa said on April 4, 2003 22:50:
i agree irvey 100% this is the daily anti war oh and a little about roxette site :)
if you wanan rant like a loon post a group on yahoo :)
Aaso said on April 4, 2003 23:04:
I think you only visit Off topic every day! hey this site has another forum “Roxette” forum ... !!
wendy said on April 5, 2003 08:06:
Yeps,if we wanna talk about Rox. , there’s a Roxette-forum,and this is Off-topic,i dunno if you understand the word,but,it means that we don’t talk about roxette over here :p
And,well,i think both sides are right somehow,there were getting too many war-threads,but,there were also many threads about other stuff.....
sweet_stalker57 said on April 3, 2003 00:35:
I don’t really care what you have to say about the war, I just like dogging you because you live in Trash Fish City New Jersey. Home of 108 toxic waste dumps. :p