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Per in Swedish tv last night!!

13 replies

It was on the tv4 news yesterday at 10 pm. He was talking about the new Beatles-dvd .. you can watch the clip on!pkg_id=476$index_id=15285

Hey thanks, Tevensso!

I even understood something :)


LOL! Per is such a geek! ;) The video seems to be shot in the Roxette room at EMI Stockholm.

Is someone able to download it? I tried but wasn’t successful...:-(

I have tried to download it but I didn’t manage to do so.

thanks– i guess it’s Tisdag 09:00

in what min is Per ??
poor weather reporter–he is freezing!!

no .. it´s måndag 31/3 22.00

there are different clips to chose from. There are pictures and a small description of what it´s about to the right ... the one with Per is a bit below the others ..

ok–“yesterday “:-))) my mistake..
Per –around 13:50-14:00 min

there´s also another clip, which is a little bit different, if you choose måndag 18:25
And one at 13:00 ... but that one doesn´t seem to work .. at least not to me

I can´t open them either, but I saw it on the Tv at 22.00.
Could anyone tell me the difference between the clips cos I´ ve only seen one.Tack.

The language is Swedish. Where on the page?

under the pix of real one player ,you can see a datas– find 31/3 22:00– and click on it... than push the Real ONe’s play button ..

or... use that link..



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