Please release Little Miss Sorrow & Bla Bla Bla..!
Pascal said on March 29, 2003 11:51:
Dear Per & Marie,
Please release Little Miss Sorrow and Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla (You Broke My Heart) as singles.
For instance:
Little Miss Sorrow - in July
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla - in October
Let Wayne Isham make a videoclip for both songs and I’m convinced Roxette will top the charts again just like in the good old days. Opportunity Nox and A Thing About You both flopped because they weren’t strong enough. Music channels want songs like LMS and BBBBB and not like ON or ATAY. You dont’t even have to do promotion. When you have a strong song and a good videoclip, the song will sell itself.
DaCapo21 said on March 29, 2003 12:09:
Pascal that’s not a bad idea in fact many of us here would love to have another rox single later this year but ....try to put yourself in Per and Marie’s shoes.... no matter how good a song could be and no matter its potential... would you still feel the will to release a single while you’re not doing promos at the moment cause you don’t want to do promos alone without Marie? Would it be fair to see a song on the radio or a video on TV when you’re at home with the family trying to get over the difficulties the band is facing especially concerning Marie?
Then a video how come? If Marie has not the strengh enough to be in it and Per on the other hand is not feeling motivated to do whatsoever in Roxette now without Marie.... It wouldn’t make sence in understand his sadness and will to take a break and wait until Marie gets better...
I hope you understood what i’ve said don’t be angry with but it’s ok if you feel sad about it, remember that we all are as well as Per... Marie is now the numero uno concern let’s hope for the best ... :)
Pascal said on March 29, 2003 16:28:
Per and Marie don’t have to do promotion.
1) make a videoclip (with or without Per/Marie)
2) single release
3) distribute the clip
-> hit !!
DaCapo21 said on March 30, 2003 12:02:
Try to uncerstand what’s up with Marie and Per right now and stop thinking about sucess sucess and sucess is that so important to you? is that the only thing that matters for you about Roxette? Is to be hit all the time...
NO .... with Per feeling a bit down and the concern for Marie’s recovery it makes no sence trying to do videos or promoting songs on the radio just to have hits. They don’t feel ready for that now there are much more important issues on the ROX camp to be solved....Try to understand that for a change and do not concive us with your potential hit making suggestions cause ALL WE ANT IS MARIE TO GET BETTER
As a FAN i wouldn’t like to see Roxette pretening to be ok by releasing singles and not be involved on promos for the single when they are a bit down psicologically cause they’re all concerned with Marie. I rather have this break than to see Per doing somethig now that he is not feeling honestly... i wouldm’t be so hipocrit or try to fool myself or my fans with that!
Pascal said on March 30, 2003 12:12:
Marie and Per don’t have to do anything. They don’t have to be in the videoclip. They don’t have to do any promotion.
vaxjoe said on March 30, 2003 12:14:
theres no hit without a band behind promoting!
this is the 00’s not the 80’s
DaCapo21 said on March 30, 2003 12:29:
JESUS...can’t you accept things they way they are?
boykie19 said on March 29, 2003 12:06:
even though we mite likes these songs alot... just face it... they wont get 2 number 1 ..... :((