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Is Marie the most popular female artist in Sweden?

17 replies

I have always been wondering if Marie is the most popular female artist in Sweden, is she close to being the biggest selling one?

Of course she’s not...

@ Santi

What the hell do you mean ’of course she’s not’...Of course? How?
I think she’s very close if she’s not the most popular female artist in Sweden...Two other candidates would be: Lisa Nilsson and Eva Dahlgren.

I am not sure how many solo albums Marie has sold in Sweden...neither Eva Dahlgren. I have read many times reporters refering to Eva Dahlgren as the most popular/ successful or best female artist in Sweden...I have no clue in what facts this sentence is based on, but anyway, both Marie and Eva are THE female artists :)

most popular: she one of the most popular

best selling: i think she is

Äntligen did oversell Beatles “1” in Sweden, that’s prettie successful

Wasn’t her Sommarturné the biggest tour ever in sweden?... or the 2nd biggest one (After Atertåget) :) ?

Ferdan: no..there have been other tours that have sold far a lot more than Marie’s... GT beated the record that held the Rocktaget, but I think Rocktaget comes 2nd and then must come Wilmer X or even Kent, or?

1. Gyllene Tider - Återtåget
2. -
3. -
4. Rocktåget
5. Who knows...? :)
15. Marie...

Carola is the most popular female artist in Sweden. Noone is even near her popularity.

Which is very sad.

oh yea Carola...Forgot about her.
Anyway, she seems to have been quite successful outside of Sweden too (Norway for instance) although DSR reached top-20 there too and ÄNTLIGEN #6...

i think marie is the best selling

Äntligen sold 3x platina in 2000 and was the 2nd most sold album after Beatles “1” (Marie was in the lead in december, but according to beatles is no. 1 that year....)

and in 2001 it was the 84th most sold....

yeah, they say in the återtåget video that they beated rocktåget with återtåget... and i’m sure that marie didn’t reach the 2nd spot...

OMG, Carola again...

Anyone knows how many records (singles and albums) Marie has sold so far? :-)

who cares if she is best in sweden or not!? she is best for me! :D

never heard of this C person, or seen records, but marie has her own section in my Virgin megastores.


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