Should we have a war?
lost-little-girl said on March 7, 2003 18:25:
I am all for it, Bush is right lets get it started. The sooner we get rid of bin laden the better.
StillFar said on March 7, 2003 18:32:
bin Laden?...guess you missed out on an already existing war, not your fault, who can really keep count on all the wars you’re about to fight right now...
Aaso said on March 7, 2003 18:54:
oh take it easy I was just kidding i’m all against WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Santi said on March 7, 2003 19:27:
No... never...
“How many times must the cannon balls fly before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind, the answer is blowin’ in the wind...”
zeeshan said on March 7, 2003 19:44:
“With their tanks and their bomb, and their bomb and their guns, They are still fighting”
I hate WAR! No WAR!!
lost-little-girl I see you are from U.S.A. Please tell me, have you ever lived in a country which is having a war?? HAVE YOU? I hope u do cuz only then you will know how EASY it is to say “I AM ALL FOR IT”
Aaso said on March 7, 2003 19:58:
thx Zee... I think she can only understand when she live under such a sky that she can only see bombs instead of stars...!!
Aaso said on March 7, 2003 20:00:
She thinks Bin laden is a lost little mouse that she can catch him easily and cut his tale of and say “oh please be a good boy ok?”!!!!
Ferdan said on March 7, 2003 21:41:
Aaso and Lost-littlegirl
so you want a war?... why don’t you join the army then and go to the frontline of battle... you’ll have the best view, better than TV.
It’s pethetic how people can easily say “hey, I wan’t my American soldiers (they’re still people, not rambo nor Terminator) to go and die for me, and if civilians get killed... who cares they’re not my neighbours.
and Bin Laden? wtf has to do with this inminent war?
It is an economic war... that’s why half or more of the world is against it.
rox-kuryliw said on March 7, 2003 22:54:
no they should not be a war, im from england
(half ukraine ), and its amazing how many people DO NOT want it, I personally feel that Mr Bush is very dangerous (gun lovin yanky, ps i know not all americans are like this). I am not going to fight no matter what, they have a problem with a group of people , they need to be stopped not evryone in the poor county. very strong subject to get into really, becouse no one is gonna change my mind, at the same time i cant make anyone agree.
do anything, but hurt no one.
Have a nice day ;-)
lost-little-girl said on March 7, 2003 23:33:
@ Ferdan, for your information I applied to join the American army but I was refused entry and failed the medical because of a heart defect. So yes if the USA requests my help I am only to happy to go to the front and shoot the bastards!
ally77 said on March 8, 2003 00:11:
Ferdan said on March 8, 2003 00:21:
oh, aaso... sorry, coudln’t help to reply as soon as i seen the first 2 posts.
@lost-littleligirl: i don’t know wheter to feel sad or happy that you couldn’t join the army.
suburber said on March 8, 2003 00:50:
Well... To state sth from the old Europe:
I really DO think that Saddam is more dangerously than Bush (@ roxkuryliw: Don´t forget: Bush is a democrat who won an election. The result of Saddam´s - let´s call it - “election” was 100%)!
But we have to question ourselves what the best way of disarming Iraq is. I am convinced that Hans Blix´ work is worthwhile and by far better than a war.
One thing really shocks me: Only the UN have the right to decide. How can politicians like Mr. Bush or Mr. Blair say that they would fight against Iraq even without legalicy of the UN?
Oh my god... Let´s keep on demonstrating!
suburber said on March 8, 2003 01:00:
I agree: Ever really asked yourself why we in Germany, Greece, France, Europe, US... are so rich?
No, this world is NOT fair as we currently DO have the problem that every day thousands of people have to die because of starving!
People in Iraq have to die because there´s no medicine for children. 15 € could rescue a child, but we DO have an embargo...
Of course: The question is: Who is responsible for that. Saddam? Well, yes... But the second one is: Do we want to change the world?
Peace! Eirene (don´t have Greek letters...)
vaxjoe said on March 8, 2003 01:06:
Thats was good Nick! (by the way we have the same name)
As the song says “If u wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself then make a change”
As for whose fault it is ...Its our fault everybody...cause while ppl die from starvation others get rich...when ppl dont have food to eat WE are spending our time engjoying and buying things (as if material things ever made anyone happy)
Its a deeper problem mate... “But it all remained the same cos things can never change”
Its a vicious circle im afraid :o(
suburber said on March 8, 2003 01:16:
And our NICKnames are even better ;-)
Well, just agree with u! But at least we can pray, demonstrate, discuss...
BTW: Are you also sleepless... Jag tror jag ska lägga mig nu... Let´s go to bed!
vaxjoe said on March 8, 2003 01:18:
No im not at work and very sad as best friend is leaving tomorrow...i spent most of the day crying and smoking so i feel sick now ...i really need to talk to people or i’ll go crazy
rox-kuryliw said on March 8, 2003 01:44:
- lost little girl, sorry to here your heart problem , we all have medical problems,i spent half last year in and out of hostpital with an irregular heart beat, and liver problems and everything else that goes with that, not an result or reason for more voilence around the world if you ask me, there is already enough problems elsewhere. and yes you do sound abit like a gun crazed yanky. lol
Something needs to be done, about the problem, be do they care about the normal people getting on with there lives in these war torn counties, war terror, hurt, death, pain, loss, shock, horror and more that these poor people will live thought FOREVER if they live. they has to be another way.
I call for all the goverments to have a referendum for each country TO SEE WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT !!!!!!!!!
and everyone else good points ;-D
zeeshan said on March 8, 2003 10:03:
DISARM IRAQ? Guess whaT? I live in Pakistan. A nuclear powered country and I am not proud of that in anyway! India is also a Nuclear Powered coutnry which means these two traditional rivals can go on WAR any time (thanks to India!). You know wat? I would like to see my government and Indian government DISARMING for good! I repeat DISARMING FOR GOOD! BUT having said that let me also take this opportunity to tell you that NO, I WILL NOT ASK MY GOVERNMENT TO DISARM NUKES WHEN ANOTHER COUNTRY WHICH HAS THE HEIGHEST NUMBER OF NUKES in the world and PROTECTS a country which has the SECOND HEIGHEST number of nukes.
Who the hell gave any right to the U.S to “disarm” other countries when it has not disarmed itself? It is more like if I smoke then I would not be able to teach my children NOT SMOKE! because they will say HEY.. DAD! YOU SMOKE!! WHY NOT US!?
Bush is only trying to be God and that is not a wise move at all. I hate to say this but many innocent American lives are on constant dangour because of this man. Er.. I also forgot to mention Bush’s dog i.e. BLAIR he is also a very dangerous person!
After Iraq comes Iran then comes Korea then china!? then what!? the World? the whole Euorope?
Ferdan said on March 8, 2003 11:47:
he wants the oil
you wanna talk about mass destruction weapons?... well, there’s north korea.. much more of a threat than Iraq... so, why iraq now?.... the only difference between iraq and korea is the oil.
You can say, oh terrorist.. bad people bad people, yeh sure... but there’s no proof of connection between sadic hussein, i mean, saddam husein and bin laden. Neither of mass destruction weapons... just some “big” missiles but not any nuclear stuff.
But stubborn bush wants oil so bad that he’s making up stories all the time. First the connection with bin laden, then the weapons, then “we want iraq’s freedom”... kinda obvious
coyboyusa said on March 8, 2003 13:37:
first of all this isn’t going to be a WAR..not in the way peopel traditionally view a war. sevondly I think theres gonna be a significant postponement..after seeing bush on tv here in america he’s ver solemn and the rift in the un is very very disenheartening. The actions in Iraq will not rid the world of bin laden so whever has that idea in their head get over it. I hope my country does only what they intend to do,... remove saddam, replace him with a government of the people then mind our own business..enough with nation building we’re not really wanted there to begin with
Aaso said on March 8, 2003 13:41:
hi people I think I missed a good discussion!!!:((
2 ferdan nope :D
2 Vaxjoe did you forget about your friend now?? But I think this forum is not a good forum to forget about pain!!!! ;P hope you a good day!
2 Zee ... LOL I think you are the only one here who can understand me!!!!!!!
zeeshan said on March 8, 2003 19:25:
Aaso, I am glad to hear that!
I just read my post and I found that I made many mistakes. I am so sorry about that!!
wendy said on March 8, 2003 19:50:
I can’t believe that people,in these times,still wants war....
The world is full of technology,we wanna be smart,we find ourselfs so beautiful,we’re proud of ourself,for every problem(exept AIDS :( ) they have something,....
Well,i don’t think war makes us beautiful,i don’t think we should be proud of ourself,and,if they know for everything something,why can’t they solve stupid little problems like this (cuz,actually,it is) with words,like every grown up human being....
I’m ashamed...we build houses,we give birth to babies,we make things for everyone to see,we work on our future,....
For what??? To tear it down,in less then a moment,for some stupid war???? Do we want our kids to live in a world like this????
It makes me sad :(
zeeshan said on March 8, 2003 23:13:
wendy: I now know why so many people here like you! *smooch* *smooch* *smooch*!
LittleSpooky said on March 8, 2003 23:25:
Oooh.. this is dangerous. But I’m not exactly known for living the “safe life”.
I have 2 sides to this. And yes, I’m entitled to have coflicting emotions on this, everyone is.
On one hand, I say enough is enough. I’m tired of hearing about the US supplying aid (of any kind) to other countries, when our own people are starving and homeless in the streets. I’m tired of people who make millions upon millions of dollars treating those of us who bust our asses everyday just to BARELY make it, like dirt. I have a good paying job. In fact, it’s damn good when you consider that I don’t have a degree in anything and that most people who DO have degrees, MAKE LESS THAN I DO. There’s more on that, but I don’t have all the band width in the world to post it.
On the other hand, it’s time to get Saddam Hussein OUT. He’s executed his OWN children for opposing him (or have we forgotten the son and daughter who are now dead?) He used neural gas on his OWN PEOPLE because they were a different ethnic background than him, and they dared to oppose him as well (We seem to have forgotten the Kurds from before Desert Storm circa 1991). Anyone who DARES to speak out against him winds up dead.
While the US ain’t the greatest of countries, I can at least tell my neighbour that I think he’s an anal retentive, brown nosing, idiotic fool, and not have to worry about political assassination. As it stands now, I have 20+ co-workers who have been called up by their National Guard / Reserve units:
Bret Haun and Glen Burr are 2 of my closest friends. I work closer to them than I do any of the others that are gone and their input in my life is sorely missed already.
Do I want war? No. Do I want Hussien to continue on unchecked? No. He’s had 12 YEARS to comply with the UN and disarm his weapons, and he hasn’t done it. Time should have been up YEARS ago. But he’s been left alone and now, it’s time to stop playing and get this sorted out. I support my friends and the other soldiers. Their enlistment was something that they chose to do, and I support that decision.
As for me, I can’t get into the military for several resons, but the biggest ones are: Too old (28) and I’m too fat. *shrugs* Other than that, I’m prime candidate for driving troop transports or underwater demolitions, just because of my background.
Let’s keep the peace here. I know that it’s not easy for ANYONE ANYWHERE. But let’s try to have one place where we can go and just leave it all behind. Yes?
carmie said on March 9, 2003 05:03:
i dont beleiv in war
it looks 2 me like they r just little boys
they belong in a school yard playing
i stoped watching the news because i think its a game of “who’s got the bigger dick??”
wake up angry people!!!
war is disruction,not peace.
Santi said on March 9, 2003 10:54:
It’s more than proved that the only way to get rid of Saddam is that people from Iraq do that. It happened with Milosevic and it happened in Iran before. It’s the people that has to say no to him. But the USA are just making him stronger, they did after the gulf war, made him a hero because of the block against their country. What did they get -> people starving and thinking their leader was the only one in the world caring about them. And now, they are gonna tell the iraquians that USA is there to help them... c’mon... people is not that stupid.
First of all, this war is about geopolitics, not human rights. Like most things USA does. We should not forget USA were providing with all the weapons and technology Iraq has now, during their war against Iran... and it was pure geopolitics too.
The funny thing is that they want to control what we think and make us believe they are a kind of “world police”... c’mon...
Aaso said on March 9, 2003 14:07:
oh great Santi.......... you are realy a cute one!!! a great mind....
kachina008 said on March 9, 2003 14:23:
seems to me the fundamental problem is israel vs palestine.
why isnt anyone doing something about that?
LittleSpooky said on March 9, 2003 18:31:
To split the Thread here in about 3 ways, I think one of the reasons no one is doing much about Israel and Palestine is because:
According to the Bible, once the fighting stops, and Solomon’s Temple is rebuilt (along with another religious building), it will signal the Second Coming of Christ.
I don’t put much stock in that, but this is what I’ve heard.
Santi: No kiddin. Just like we put Manuel Noreiga in power, and several others. No one said that our governmental leaders were INTELLIGENT when they picked these people *lol*
PS - Santi: It’s IRAQIS... although that’s a new word I think should be added ;o)
harriej said on March 9, 2003 19:18:
No, I don’t want war.
First of all: Bush has no real proof that iraq has
mass-destruction weapons and I guess America has these weapons also, so then America has to get rid of these weapons too.
Second: The only reason why Bush wants this war is because he wants to show he can do the same as his daddy or even better(??).
Third: If it was not a region full of oil, they wouldn’t care (there are some regions in Africa where Saddam-look-alikes are in power, but you never hear Bush about that.
Four: There is no relation with Bin Laden, at least it has not been proved until now.
Five: A war costs (a lot of) innocent lives.
Six: At this point Iraq is busy with disarming, so give them the time to continue with that.
(Bush should be starting to disarm also).
Seven: The USA should learn that they are not in charge of the whole world; they are really interfering in everything and thinking that everything they say has to be obeyed by everybody.
Eight: Did you know that the USA themself supplied a lot of the weapons to the iraqi’s? (This was mentioned in the good movie: Bowling for Columbine).
It is good that France and Germany show that they have a opinion of themself instead of being the lapdog of the USA (the videoclip of George Michael was very clear and good).
Only if there comes a clear, good proof that Iraq has mass-destructionweapons and other weapons that they can use, and if they are not willing too disarm and doing everything too make it difficult, only in that case (and only with approval of the UN) a war could be necessary.
BTW, I am more concerned about North-Korea.
What do you guys think of the situation over there?
You can agree with me or not, but this is my opinion.
suburber said on March 9, 2003 23:23:
harriej, I agree with you: It´s good that Germany and France have an own opinion! That´s why we keep on demonstrating against a war!
I´ve got one thing to add: We are democrats, true? Bush is a democrat, Balkenende is one, Schröder, Chirac, Blair... Turkey has a democracy! Their parliament decided that American soldiers should NOT come to their country. But what are they doing at the moment... And what would America do without legalicy of the UN? They would start a war nevertheless.
No, my dear friends! I am very very happy that our two nations are close friends. We won´t forget what you did for Germany some 55 years ago. So, we are definately not just against America, no way! But we keep on opposition a POLITICS (!) that wants to bring democracy to others but doesn´t accept democratic decisions which are not in its own will!
Roxrider_USA said on March 10, 2003 01:21:
I don’t want to cause any nasty discussion. However, i want to say that one of the main reasons behind Russia’s, France’s and China’s opposition is not only politics but also economics. France and Russia are Iraq’s biggest trading partners. France has many oil contracts in Iraq and Russia has many oil field development project contracts in Iraq to be started as soon as the UN suctions are lifted. France , Russia and China have altogether more than $390 billion in oil contracts and assets in Iraq. So, yeah, although politics is one of the reasons, economic interests is also a big part influencing this never seen before strong opposition. :-)
@harriej: The North Korean threat is very real and scary. North Korean has been firing short range missiles into the Sea of Japan as a kind of missile test and they also have intercepted a US unmaned spy plane over the Sea of Japan with fighter jets. Also, they have flown in South Korean air space without permission on the eve of the inauguration of South Korea’s new president. The US has already sent 24 long range bomber planes (12 B-1 bombers and 12 B-52 bombers) to the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean a week ago. The reason they were sent to Guam is to aware North Korea that they shouldn’t try anything crazy and because the 24 bombers can easily reach North Korea from there.
Peace out friends.
Carlos E., New York.
Ferdan said on March 10, 2003 06:11:
anyway afterall, i think the biggest point is Bush is gonna invade a country without a single evident or concrete proof to validate his action. And that is scary, making the world bipolar too “with them or with us”...
zeeshan said on March 10, 2003 06:15:
Let me ask you once again. Why in the world U.S.A “orders” other countries to disarm while it has Nukes too? WHY?
Is BUSH not dangerous? I ask you all IS BUSH NOT DANGEROUS? You talk about Saddam, you talk about Iran and you talk about N. Korea. I say BUSH is a threat to the whole world. Never I have felt that IRAQ is a threat for my country. I bet u must not feel that way too. It is just stupid propaganda. Look, I am not concerned if he killed his own children or not or if he poisoned his own people or not. NONE OF MY PROBLEM. I am not bothered to go and help them untill or unless Iraqis and I mean common Iraqi people call for the help.
If Iraq is being asked to DISARAM then so should U.S.A, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, India and other “declared” nuklear powers in the world. Again tell me.. is BUSH not dangerous? How many of you feel insecure beause of BUSH? how many of you feel that U.S.A. is trying to “control” your country? How many of you think that SADDAM is trying to control your country? No people... no my dear friends, my fellow Roxers. The question that all of us should be asking to our self is IF SADDAM IS A THREAT AND SO IS BUSH THEN SHOUD BOTH NOT BE REPLACED??
Americans WAKE UP! your lives are in threat. There is a “clear and present danger”. Wake up people. Start protesting. Start making some noise. TELL YOUR MEDIA TO SHUT UP and “ORDER” your government to sit quiet before it gets too late for all of us.
Peace and love,
Santi said on March 10, 2003 22:18:
Ok, Iraqis :D I thought it was Spanglish :p
Btw, I was thinking about General Augusto Pinochet :p
lonely_girl said on March 11, 2003 09:05:
Oh my, I know that it is dangerous to answer such a sensitive question but I will:
I’m against war.
Things that give me to think in this connection:
1) The US-government and the English governement couldn’t prove that Iraq is still having weapons of mass desructions and the “proves” they used were mainly faked.
2) The connections to bin Laden with Iraq couldn’t be proved either
3) The governments mainly in Europe who have other opiniouns than USA of England are treadened like stupid children that are unwilling to obey. I thought that expressing our free will is a human right?
4) a war against Iraq would make the people there more upset towards the western world which causes more terror and more support to Al Kaida so we (the western world) would have to live with the fear that terror attacs like 9/11 could be repeated.
5) why is the US governement not more concerned about North Corea? This state owns nuclear weapons and they are testing rockets...
Don’t get me wrong, I think that Saddam Hussein has to be removed because he’s a terrorist and the Iraqi people suffer. But The proves to start a war aren’t strong enough for me.
Th_Th said on March 11, 2003 09:31:
how does Sadam stand in connection with Bin Laden or with the 11th of September?
lost-little-girl said on March 11, 2003 18:43:
Ferdan, I think we should put you out on front line!!
Roxrider_USA said on March 11, 2003 18:54:
Well, based on intelligence Al Quaida has operatives in Iraq and Saddam knows about the operatives that are in there. However, i can’t comment on that more ’cause i don’t know anything else about it. Also, i’m not sure if the intelligence that’s available is valid or not. Well, anyway, we the ordinary people will never know with things this sensitive are true or not, unfortunately. No government tells their people about such things.
Take care, guys!
Carlos E., New York.
coyboyusa said on March 11, 2003 18:57:
on the issue of the iraquis overthrowing sadaam...i wonder this
is the inherent muslim mistrust of the western world what stops them from overthrowing him themselves...they both don’t view america with much respect....i mean the sactions are a UN action yet everywhere u turn the media calls them american sanctions....
oh and another thing...i honestly don’t feel too threatened by nuclear proliferation I know it sounds bigger question is where is all the nuclear waste going to go...russia can’t keep up with thiers they have nuclear subs sitting in the ocean rotting away ..what are all these muslim countries gonna do...turn the deserts into toxic waste dumps?
StillFar said on March 11, 2003 18:59:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Officials of the U.S. Air Force say they hope that a Tuesday test of a new 21,000-pound bomb will pave the way for its use in Iraq against critical targets on the surface and underground.
Santi said on March 11, 2003 20:55:
I think it’s serious that USA threats France in case they block the UN resolution. I think it’s very serious.
Santi said on March 11, 2003 20:57:
According to “European Intelligence” one of the guys that crashed the Boeing against World Trade Centre took lessons in flying in an airport that is 15 kilometres away from where I live... Maybe they should bomb Valencia too.
vaxjoe said on March 11, 2003 21:01:
they cant start bombing the whole world just cause of this and that :O
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 04:37:
Washington (CNN): A C-131 “Samaritan” aircraft dropped the bomb on a test range at the western reaches of the base shortly after 2 p.m. ET. A Pentagon official who reviewed videotape of the blast said the bomb created a tall cloud of debris that billowed into the sky but did not resemble the mushroom-shaped cloud of a nuclear blast. The Air Force videotape was to be released later.
MOAB is much bigger than any other conventional bomb in the U.S. arsenal. Dropped out of the rear of a transport plane and guided by global positioning satellites, it spreads a flammable mist over the target, then ignites it, producing a highly destructive blast.
That’s a piece of the report on the MOAB test.
Take care!
Carlos E., New York.
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 04:46:
Btw, many hotels and restaurants here in the US are lowering their French flags to protest against the French position. Also, some people here and even congressmen are thinking about changing the the name of some French foods such as french fries to freedom fries and french toast to freedom toast. There are many people here angry or annoyed at the French position.
Also, support for a war without UN authorization has increased from 48% to 55% here in the US. People are saying that they are getting impatient with the UN inaffectiveness. People believe that the UN diplomacy is not going anywhere and that this diplomacy may take another 12 years.
Well, this is just to let you guys know how are things here concerning this issue.
Take care guys!
Carlos E., New York.
LittleSpooky said on March 12, 2003 06:48:
Kachina: S’alright :o)
Holy sh*t. The Moab Bomb. Wanna know where it got its name?! MOAB, UTAH. That’s right. The bomb was named after a town/county/region (whatever) of UTAH. Of all places. Of course, someone tried to get it named the Hurricane (pronounced Hur-eh-cun. Utahns... morons as they are) Bomb (I think that’s taken). The Juab (Joo-ab) Bomb... anything BUT Moab since Moab’s a prime tourist spot (ARCHES Natn’l Park etc)
Just a little news flash.
Utah... famous for Mormons, Mini-Vans, Methlabs, and now Bombs *lmfao*
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 07:01:
@Littlespooky: MOAB bomb = Massive Ordnance Air Burst bomb. You are funny, friend! :-))!!
Take care!
Carlos E., New York!
Jud (moderator) said on March 12, 2003 08:14:
“Also, support for a war without UN authorization has increased from 48% to 55% here in the US. People are saying that they are getting impatient with the UN inaffectiveness. People believe that the UN diplomacy is not going anywhere and that this diplomacy may take another 12 years.”
Oh cmon this is half of the people, so i wouldn’t say people are changing their mind dramatically... if it would be 70% or sth.. :P
LOL about the French flags and all. They will have a lot of trouble in Spain if they have to follow Bush orders to not be friends with France anymore. A LOT of our economy consists in exporting/ importing to/from France!
LOL What do the others have to do then? Put France flags in the balcony and get france flags pins on our coats? :D:D
But of course, our beloved president just cares about what his pocket will get for supporting the war, he is out of the goverment in 1 year about - cuz he won’t be candidate for president anymore...I wonder why the hell he is not leaving us alone then ...
15th March - they are talking about a second demonstration, I read something about that in Spanish newspapers, is that true?
nelina said on March 12, 2003 14:03:
I am against every war that can make more children die! And in Iraq, 10 years after the first golf war children continue to die because of malnurishment and the effects of the bombs the americans dropped.
Lost little girl, I am sure that the images of the iraqi hospitals never come to your country. But in Greece, we watch them on television, and trust me these people are suffering already enough!
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 14:19:
i’m not defending any side here, but was only the US who dropped bombs on Iraq in the first Gulf War? If i remember correctly a coalition of many countries was formed. Concerning the sanctions, that is a UN sanction. So, therefore, all or many of the countries in the UN agreed to the sanctions.
@Judith: You’re right. It’s not like 70% but if you compared it to the UK only 19% of the people support action against UN approval.
Take care, friends!
Carlos E., New York.
Aaso said on March 12, 2003 14:19:
oh no... please stop WAR........ I can not stand anything more about it.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
nelina said on March 12, 2003 14:22:
Roxrider USA: Correct. A coalition of countries bombed Iraq. The result remains the same.
StillFar said on March 12, 2003 15:27:
freedom fries...a bit of research and they would have found out that french fries have nothing to do with france, but have their origin in Belgium...I’m missing words, this is becoming very pathetic!
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 15:41:
I know! Lol.... They are thinking about that only to not have say or use the word French.
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 12, 2003 16:05:
While some republicans decide how to name a potato, there are some other countries, taking their decision on how to deal with Iraq rather serious.
Isn’t democracy also about freely deciding whether you support killing thousands of civilians or not? You know the person who is preaching the most about freedom, is the same person, who wants to put sanctions on everybody who doesn’t agree with him. No tell me, isn’t that dictatorship? I’m so sick of his politics. Yesterday, I heard a comment of Bush, criticizing Russia and China not stepping into the North Korea crises and try to help find solutions. Now who is responsible for this mess in the first place. Who declared North Korea as part of the Axes of Evil, knowing, that the United States is in no position to fight against two countries such as Iraq and North Korea at the same time. What did he think? They would just sit back and wait until the States finishes with Iraq…CNN is constantly criticizing the incompetence of the UN…Well, does a country that states it doesn’t need permission from anyone to start a war really deserve support from anyone?
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 16:22:
Uhmm.. it can go both ways. For example, those who suppor the US such as the UK, Spain and Bulgaria believe so probably because they’ll get many fat benefices by standing with the US whereas the ones who oppose the US such as China, Russia and France and many Arab states have political reasons such as their governmental offices and oil and trade contracts with Iraq.
As our friend Santi says it’s all about politics or better yet “geopolitics”. After all, what government want to put in risk their political careers and fat economic benefices if their won’t be any compensations afterwards? It’s as simple as that. Just like in business, interests come first. It’s doesn’t matter if you preserve your interests by playing the evil starting a war or playing the nice one by trying to prevent a war. It’s all about interests when it comes to governments and companies.
Peace out, guys!
Carlos E., New York.
suburber said on March 12, 2003 16:23:
@ Roxrider
Well, it´s difficult to compare 1991 with the situation today:
12 years ago Saddam invased Kuwait. Today he doesn´t make war directly.
12 years ago the UN authorized a war in order to help Kuwait. Today this democratic organisation refuses to sign such a resolution.
So, it´s a new situation if
a) the world wants war to PREVENT a possible danger
b) the US, UK, Spain and Bulgaria would strike against a nation WITHOUT UN authorization.
Let me ask one more thing in order to understand what people in the US think: Do they really think that UN are a “debating society”? Do they think that Blix´work doesn´t effect something?
Well if that´s the case then we do have a different situation here in Germany: Many people do believe that the inspectors work is worthwhile an helps to disarm Saddam (and isn´t that what Blix said in his report last friday?).
StillFar said on March 12, 2003 17:01:
Roxrider, got your point, but I do have to disagree. The question whether to start a war or to prevent a war is not a question where you just decide yes or no. A war, in whatever form and against whoever, has to be justified. You need reasons to attack a country. Until know Bush/Blair just talk a lot of crap, repeat it every no and then and think that they can make a case without an argument. Well, this is the question that has to be answered before it’s coming to interest. Is there a reason to attack Iraq after a very calm 12 years? Why now? I think if the States would make a case, most countries would agree, but some sentiment about recent events can’t make that case...maybe it can in the states, but there’s not much support elsewhere...except from countries that have been threatened or promised support
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 17:02:
@suburber: Yep, the majority of the people here in the US believe that the debate on Iraq is just a debate because hardly anything has changed concerning this issue in the last 12 years. As a fact, do you know that the UN has passed 18 resolutions concerning Iraq in the last 12 years. Have these 18 resolutions solved the problem? I guess not, otherwise we’d not be discussing this at this very moment. Another resolution, would be the 19th one. Inspectors were there before and destroyed many dangerous weapons. They got expelled and Iraq came up with these Al-Samoud 2 missile that violate previous resolutions. Just right there, it shows that none of the resolutions solved the problem and we don’t even know what happened to all the chemical and bio agents that produced earlier. Don’t know if they destroyed it all or not ’ cause they don’t show to the UN any evidence that they destroyed it all or not. So, yeah, for most people here in the US, the UN is not being effective. I mean, how can you expect Saddam to become an angel suddenly and never more violate resolutions if before when the inspectors left he went on and created more weapons that are banned by the UN. So, can you see an end to the UN process? As long as this UN process takes long like it’s going on now, the sanctions will stay there and the people will keep on living miserably while Saddam is well fed, have everything he wants and keeps on build many luxurious palaces covered in gold as many of this palaces are.
Unfortunately, i don’t see an end to the UN process the way it is going now. Unfortunately, force maybe the only way the UN have to put an end to this ’cause i don’t see Saddam leaving his office
and going into exile or even the Iraqis revolting against Saddam to oust him from power ’cause they are too scared of him. Furthermore, if the UN won’t change how it tackles the Iraq issue a coalition of willing countries will put an end to this.
I wish my point of view was wrong. So, you guys can interpret this anyway you want considering your point of view. Just hope i’m wrong ’cause i think we shouldn’t have a war. :-((!!
Take care friends.
Carlos E., New York.
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 17:13:
@Stillfar: The world is not fair. :-(( We know that the powerfull leads and rules. That plus geopolitics and the terrorist threats of such high magnitudes that never before threatened the US have contributed to the now time frame. As unfortunate and said as it is, that’s how the world works. Past history has many of examples of this. A classic one is the Cold War. It clearly shows how two superpowers fiercely defend their interests and geopolitics. From that we got, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the criation of NATO and the Iron Curtain and many other conflicts. All ’cause the two most powerful countries in the world at the time wanted to protect their interests.
I just wish it all worked differently. :-((!
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 12, 2003 17:44:
*That plus geopolitics and the terrorist threats of such high magnitudes that never before threatened the US have contributed to the now time frame*
Roxrider, the way I see it, if the US continues their current politics, 09/11 will only be remembered as the beginning of a series of attacks. You using the same words I hear every day on CNN, aren’t you ever thinking that your government really lost it. In 3 years of presidency Bush created the biggest anti-american front I’ve experienced throughout my lifetime. A country, even a powerful country, can only rule if many countries combined support that...the way I see it, he’s on the best way to change that.
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 18:16:
@Stillfar: That’s the new mentality in the US government and of many people here too especially because many people are deeply affected by those attacks and others are angry at it. That’s how they view the US position after 09/11. That’s why Bush keeps always saying that after 09/11 everything changed. So, i’m passing to you guys what the way of thinking here is.
Yep, i know that such policy may bring more attacks and this is sad. Wish it was different. Anyway, we shouldn’t have a war.
Take care friend!
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 12, 2003 20:13:
that’s the new mentality, fed day by day by your media...very sad!
Roxrider_USA said on March 13, 2003 14:59:
@Stillfar: You’re right! It’s just like a soap opera. There’s background music and even special effects.
That’s why i also watch the news on the Brazilian TV channel (Globo Internacional) on the satelite and even on spanish channels such as Univision and Telemundo. (Sorry about the accent on the o of univision).
@Santi: Hi there!! How are you ? Learned anything new about biochemistry ?
Take care guys!
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 13, 2003 15:23:
Roxrider, I start to like you! Respect, your eyes aren’t closed!
coyboyusa said on March 13, 2003 17:48:
i think what this supposed war is starting to really show is just how navie we have all been to what has been going on int he rest of the world. We don’t learn our lessons at all. Nuclear proiferatin is starting up again, old tiesare strained and the supposed ruling body o the wordl..the un has been turned into a slapping fight at the school yard. Everybodies credibility is being qestioned now. Gemany and france ..more s than the us...stand to lose alot of money they are making off the sufferig of arab people for oil...china and russia ,may have been supplying iraq and iranw ith nuclear and military know how...england in a bid to save facewith most of europe ccomes up withthis benchmark plan that most of the un just rolled their eyes at. I nev ver wanted war and at this point al I want is a totl stop. everyone needs to sit down and think everything over. the crossraods we face today may be our undoing tomorrow.
Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer
zeeshan said on March 13, 2003 19:11:
Judith: I see you rememeber that. When I told my friends what you told me i.e. the french-to-freedom name change all of ’em were laughing their lungs out. Then ofcourse came my question about the french kiss!? and u can imagine what kinda affect it made on the already crazy situation!
Aaso: I am concerned about IRAN. After Iraq comes Iran and Iran means MY REGION and people of my religion!!!!!!!! I can’t stand it anymore. GOOD LUCK Aaso.. take good care.. My prayers are with you and Iraqis.
To everybody else... PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE WAR. The best thing you could do is SPREAD THE WORD OUT. Which word? the word of wisdom the word of peace and USA’s hidden aims behind the war.
zeeshan said on March 13, 2003 19:14:
The lame U.S government should first learn to disarm its self. I see some people here yaking crap instead of asking their government to disarm first and to stop supporting a terrorist nuclear powered country. USA sure does have some very intelligent congressmen and leaders............ NOT!!!! :D:D
Jud (moderator) said on March 13, 2003 21:13:
but Zee already wondered before why isn’t Pakistan not disarming too - so he knows already what’s in his country....
zeeshan said on March 13, 2003 21:22:
need I to say anything?? Thanks Judith!
I also see some people NOT reading previous posts before trying to FLAME others :) I LOVE TDR.. every time something like this thread turns up and I get to learn the ever changing attitudes of human beings and their mental conditions ofcourse.
coyboyusa said on March 13, 2003 21:53:
i wasn;’t flaming you i was making a point you go about making these trite anti american comment with little to suport them or you make them and then when someoen points out that you country does the same thing you clam up for a couple of posts..its hillarious and sad at the same time
Santi said on March 13, 2003 22:08:
@Roxrider: I learnt that my teacher of Edafology doesn’t know what is an enzyme!!! :D lol!!!
Roxrider_USA said on March 13, 2003 23:01:
@Santi: lol. This is unusual. BTW, I never saw the word Edafology. What is that subject about?
Take care.
Carlos E., New York.
LittleSpooky said on March 14, 2003 03:27:
*knows the bomb wasn’t really named after Moab, Utah*
However, there were people who DID protest its naming like that. *shrugs*
zeeshan said on March 14, 2003 15:30:
coyboyusa: you amuse me just the way your comments amuse soo many of the TDR members. Do you even know what kind of opinion most of the people have for you? I bet u don’t even care. ANywayz, keep on posting your “amusing” posts up here. I like to have a laff ever now and then.
lost-little-girl said on March 14, 2003 17:48:
I really don’t want a war but I guess it started an unusual thread on this forum.
I am NOT FOR WAR... just wanted to see what other people thought about it.
Yes I would have liked to have join the army as I said I failed the medical but I would not have liked to go to war.
So firstly I apoligise to anyone I have upset with the starting of the thread!!
Roxrider_USA said on March 14, 2003 20:11:
Hey, you can start whatever thread you want to. Besides, who doesn’t want to talk about a possible just won’t post in this one. Relax friend!!!
Take care!
Carlos E., New York.
Ferdan said on March 14, 2003 20:18:
lost little girl,’s not the first time we discuss this topic, and it won’t be the last time... so you can start the topic you want. If people got pissed off at you, it was ’cos you didn’t discuss it properly... and not because you started the thread.
coyboyusa said on March 15, 2003 00:28:
ytou’re right I am not here to impress the genrally naive world community :)
sweet_stalker57 said on March 15, 2003 04:27:
I would bet my life you don’t have a passport and your dream vacation is probably Las Vegas.
zeeshan said on March 15, 2003 08:20:
LLG: “I am NOT FOR WAR... just wanted to see what other people thought about it.”
Is it me or someone feels the same thing? I mean I find it a bit difficult to swallow. Maybe it is me but who knows I maybe feeling the right thing!
Ferdan: Hi there bud!! I see loads of people talking about you. I gota tell you, I don’t have a problem with you saying whatever you wana say about HAND and other ROX songs. So keep that FREE SPEECH going. You have my support! :)
Cowboyusa: Well, we all know who is naive here and who is not. Another reason for me to laff my lungs out! :D I am starting to like you.
Sweet_stalker57: What can I say dude? your posts have always been a great treat to read. Keep ’em up! :)
Btw.. Sweden has asked TWO IRAQI DIPLOMATS to leave Sweden. Guess American influence also goes deep down european countries. What does Sweds have to say about this? I hope they know WAR is not good.
Aaso said on March 15, 2003 13:30:
Yes ... we are coming to an end.. March 17th is already here... people you are just talking and talking and teasing each other.... what have you done? what do you think about future..!!!! All Iraqi prople... haa... they are the only ones who will be flamed...
2 Zee yes after it.. it’s our turn... oh GOD
We need only peace here!!!!!!!!!! nothing more
love you friends
DaCapo21 said on March 15, 2003 21:42:
That’s final..... why should we discuss something so logic? Who in this world wants something like that?
Santi said on March 15, 2003 21:56:
@Zee: Don’t forget that Sweden is the most americanized country in Europe, and that if it wasn’t because of France (that is Europe too) the attack would be a reality by now.
And you shouldn’t forget that GOVERNMENTS are making the war, NOT PEOPLE. Today there have been many demonstrations all around the world (Europe INCLUDED!). You shouldn’t forget that (for example) Spaniards do NOT want war, though the asshole of Aznar is making so many efforts to put us in... Remember people is not the government!
coyboyusa said on March 16, 2003 01:53:
i have a passport thank you and my dream vacation is anywhewre outside a metropolitan city in asia :) so there so much for what you know
coyboyusa said on March 16, 2003 01:54:
peopl need to wake up and get ur terminology right this isn’t a war :)
vaxjoe said on March 16, 2003 01:57:
and wheres your dream vacation?
btw my friends brother is getting married (they live in michigan) and guess where they paid to go on honeymoon? To Maine! ahahahaaaa...and we could have arranged them honeymoon in Europe for half the price they paid!
I mean ...from Michigan to ....Maine!!! ROFLMAO
Roxrider_USA said on March 16, 2003 02:30:
Hi! That’s right Santi. People should not flame or yell at other people ’cause the ones responsible for the actions of our countries are our governments. It’s alright to support or not support our governments ’cause it’s perfectly okay do what you believe is right . However, many times what some people believe is right, is actually wrong, unfortunately. Be open-minded! See what’s behind the curtain!!! Then do the right thing!!! :-)
P.S. : Unfortunately this up coming week seems to be the last week before the first shot is fired. :-(!
Peace out friends!
Carlos E., New York.
Roxrider_USA said on March 16, 2003 02:39:
@Vaxjoe: Hi there! I really didn’t understand what you meant by that. Don’t you think that what they decided it’s their personal decision. What’s wrong in going from Michigan to Maine to have their honeymoon? Don’t know why you think that is so funny or stupid, friend. I mean, they do what they want.
Take care!
Carlos E., New York.
Roxrider_USA said on March 16, 2003 03:34:
@Vaxjoe: More neutral? Didn’t know i couldn’t comment on something or even ask a question. Come on, friend, i just didn’t find the honeymoon stuff that hilarious or your attitude towards it that cool. But, hey, it’s your call. If you don’t want to answer the question, it’s fair enough. However, i believe i can disagre, can’t i ? :-)
Take care, Vaxjoe.
Carlos E., New York.
vaxjoe said on March 16, 2003 03:41:
the “more neutral” was ironic...i meant U SOUND too neutral in general!
First of all read all what i wrote NOT only the part that its convenient for u to comment...
Their brother and i thought it would be wiser for them to have a honeymoon in Europe (since they ve never travelled abroad) with less money than spend a fortune to go from michigan to maine!
U can disagree however u comment on you was about that “they can do whatever they want” ...Sure they can ...but still its hilarious to me..
And Carlos...u re not that “politically correct” in real life are u? I hope its only ur profile of your TDR persona...
sweet_stalker57 said on March 16, 2003 04:20:
will wonders never cease?!?
but what about all those Muslims in Asia coyboy?
how will you stand it?
sweet_stalker57 said on March 16, 2003 04:36:
I just had a great idea! All the TDR members can pitch in and send you to Kampuchea!!! Take a lovely stroll through Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Pursat, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces, into the forests or dry paddy fields!!! :)
LittleSpooky said on March 16, 2003 09:02:
vax: Mebbe they’ve never been to Maine? Mebbe they heard about a great Bed-N-Breakfast? Who knows? I mean, yeah, it’s cheaper... but it’s also their choice as to where to go on their honeymoon. *shrugs* That’s just my .02 on it. Doesn’t mean much.
Hell, if I ever got married, I’d probably go to LA or NYC for my honeymoon. That’s just me.
Santi said on March 16, 2003 10:57:
@Carlos: Ehm... You should believe more in democracy. And “our politicians” should too. Cuz we pay their wages, and we elected them to represent US.
When Aznar stands beside Bush saying that UN should accept the stupid resolution, and most people on the streets are going to demonstrations against it, when they talk about peace but first they want to attack Bagdag (where, if they do, a lot of innocent people is gonna die and they know it) while we are talking about peace being peaceful and solve this conflict in a peaceful way... Mr Aznar is NOT representing me... and the 75% Spaniards or more who are against the war. And he is supposed to represent me all the time he’s president :O
They are not untouchable, more inteligent (especially Bush...), than we are... (they are not saints...) they should be one of us that takes the decissions that are good for us & ACCORDING TO OUR WILL. Well, so Aznar wants to attack Iraq... is that OK? :O No, it’s not, cuz “everything for people but without people” is something that stopped existing (or officially started disappearing) in 1789 , cuz democracy means listening to the will of us.
If they actually have any proof they should SHOW IT. For us to decide with all the information available. Cuz lack of information leads to wrong decission many times... they’ve been asked for the proofs and I haven’t seen any... so I believe it’s just an excuse to bomb Iraq, cuz Bush is obsessed with Sadam (cuz the previous Bush couldn’t beat him... I guess).
vivien said on March 16, 2003 12:31:
Per doesn´t want a war either.( Surprise?)
He said it in the latest issue of “La musik” , a swedish magazine.
He said that Bush is a “läbbig typ” ,an awful type, and Saddam too.
He has right.
zeeshan said on March 16, 2003 13:15:
Yet another reason for all of us to keep on loving Per Gessle! :)
coyboyusa said on March 16, 2003 18:46:
i honestly hope that if we do go in we do uncover what sadam wasn’t lettin the inspectos find just so itcan be rubbed in the face of evry greedy coward in the un cause thas what this boils down to
both france and gerany are worried cause they dont’ want the world to know that they both havve huge stock int he iraqi oil profits and they have both been proliferating him with munitions agains un mandte
coyboyusa said on March 16, 2003 18:48:
btw sweet talker i don’t hate muslims just the ones that strap dynomite to their 5 yr old kids or attack peopel cause they rtoo lazy to do anything for themselves so they think murdering peopel to get it is the right way
Jud (moderator) said on March 16, 2003 21:53:
“both france and gerany are worried cause they dont’ want the world to know that they both havve huge stock int he iraqi oil profits and they have both been proliferating him with munitions agains un mandte”
Where did you get this from? CNN? ;)
Roxrider_USA said on March 16, 2003 21:57:
@Vaxjoe: I don’t see why i’d be politically incorrect. I’ve been living in the US for almost 6 years, so that’s why my info on TDR says USA as the country even though i’m brazilian. It only makes sense to put down the place you live. Why would i say i live in Brazil if i haven’t lived there for the last 5 years and 7 months?
But, hey, thanks for commenting on what i had asked. :-)!
@Santi: I get what you mean. Democracy is the will and/or voice of the majority of the people of a certain state. So, yeah, leaders should hear the majority of the people in countries like the UK and Spain. However, here in the US, the majority supports president Bush. I don’t want a war although i think Saddam is ruthless. Unfotunately, i’m part of the minority right now here in the US.
Be safe, friends.
Carlos E., New York.
harriej said on March 16, 2003 21:57:
Then they should also have mentioned that Iraq still has a lot of weapons they received from the USA in the eighties.
suburber said on March 16, 2003 22:47:
Well, whatever irony means to u...
Cowards in the UN?
German oil profits in Iraq?
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 15:39:
The lastest news here in the US are:
–>US, UK and Spain have decided to not persue a “second” or 19 UN resolution vote. This means that the diplomatic window has been closed.
–>Secratary of State Colin Powell to speak in a news conference at 10:45 am US eastern time.
–>President Bush to address the american people at 8:00 pm US eastern time. (Expected to tell the american people that Saddam has a few days to leave Iraq).
–>US advises UN inspectors to leave Iraq as soon as possible.
–>Here at the UN in New York, many UN imbassadors are giving news conferences throughout the day.
–>Pentagon is saying that Saddam may be thinking about using chemical and/or biological weapons.
–>UN Secretary General Kofi Annan tells UN inspectors to leave Iraq.
–>Stock markets (stocks) in NY are going higher. (Probably due to the fact that incertanty has been removed).
–> New polls:
64% of the american people support President Bush. (Up from 53%).
88% of the American people believe Saddam and Al Quaida may set terrorist attacks at the US. Therefore, the american people believe Saddam should be removed from power.
55% of americans personally believe that Saddam himself set up or was part of the 9/11 attacks.
That’s all that’s going on right now, friends.
Be save everyone.
Carlos E., New York.
Aaso said on March 17, 2003 16:41:
mm, Carlos would you please tell me where did you get these??
*64% of the american people support President Bush. (Up from 53%).*
*88% of the American people believe Saddam and Al Quaida may set terrorist attacks at the US. Therefore, the american people believe Saddam should be removed from power.*
*55% of americans personally believe that Saddam himself set up or was part of the 9/11 attacks.*
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 17:45:
@Mel: These numbers are from MSNBC and CNN news channels. The numbers were given out today (03/17/03) by these two news agencies. However, i don’t recall the error margin for these numbers, though. I’m trying to find other polls that may confirm these numbers. :-).
Take care Mel. Kisses!! :-)
Carlos E., New York.
Jud (moderator) said on March 17, 2003 18:16:
funny how those numbers are completely the other way round in Spain... where over 80% don’t support the war .... and are completely against attacking without UNO agreement.
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 18:57:
That’s why Spanish and UK prime ministers are under fire there and having their political careers damaged whereas people here believe that President Bush hadling of the crises is appropriate.
Personally, something that i believe causes this totally different views is the 9/11 attacks. The attacks happened here and the people here actually felt its horribles effects whereas in Europe and other countries around the world, although people think it’s horrible, they didn’t live through it nor their countries received such terrible attacks. For me, that’s the key reason for such completely different views. That’s how i feel.
Take care.
Carlos E., New York.
Jud (moderator) said on March 17, 2003 19:09:
what does Iraq have to do with the 11/sept? The “reason” for attacking is that they are supposed to have all those weapons that many other countries included US have, so I really dont see the link.
In Spain we have been hit many times with “internal” terrorists, so its NOT that we don’t know what terrorists attacks are. We are just reacting different, I would say, maybe because we didn’t have one attack but many, and in different areas of the country, and some attacks have been quite close to eachother, and we have lived a civil war not long ago, and there’s still people alive (my grandmum and my parents for example) who suffered from and lived it. And we have suffered a dictatorship. So I would say Spaniards *know* how it feels like. We just react different.
StillFar said on March 17, 2003 19:14:
being attacked by a group just doesn’t justify war against whoever is economically interesting...In the past we had many terrorist acts around the world, if everyone would behave like the US government, I don’t think this planet would exist anymore. There are consequences to every action you - even if it’s the US - are taking.
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 19:22:
@Judith and Stillfar: Guys, have i said that it justifies an attack? Nope. Pay attention to what i said. The people in the US think like that. They feel like that. I’m not saying that it justifies attacks. Come on guys, please read carefully what people say. :-)
Yep, people react differently. That’s right. But can we really discuss reactions and blame these reactions when they are linked to emotions and beliefs created by horrific events ? That’s the problem! That’s why reactions here and there are so different.
Take care!
Carlso E., New York.
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 19:29:
*64% of the american people support President Bush. (Up from 53%).*
*88% of the American people believe Saddam and Al Quaida may set terrorist attacks at the US. Therefore, the american people believe Saddam should be removed from power.*
*55% of americans personally believe that Saddam himself set up or was part of the 9/11 attacks.*
DAMN!!!!!! so this means that the whole nation has turned stupid!? brainless?
Judith: BTW.. is your country not supporting US??
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 19:31:
someone needs to sleep a lot these days cuz this someone seems to be watching a lot of CNN and thus has no knowledge of things what-so-ever. Ths most intelligent american would understand who I am talking about :D
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 19:35:
@Zeeshan: Could you please not use such words as stupid or brainless. It just sounds bad. No one can be viewed as brainless or stupid only because they believe in something others don’t. Hope you get what i mean, friend.
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 17, 2003 19:38:
Roxrider: yes I think I can discuss reactions. What happenend on 9/11 was shocking...for everyone. I think most people tolerated when the war against Osama Bin Laden started. However, there’s a point where every person has to come to its senses again. Whatever happened 9/11 isn’t in connection to Iraq, it’s only a pathetic propaganda system and a moron of a president that somehow gets the people to follow him, as he uses anger to unite people, which is the worst thing a leader can do. It’s not the way you feel, it’s the way you are supposed to feel!
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 19:42:
@Stillfar: Thanks for commenting on that, friend.
:-). I really appreciate that. Yep, that’s the fact. People here really feel and believe that way.
Later man.
Carlos E., New York.
vaxjoe said on March 17, 2003 20:18:
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they’ve always done before
Look at the hate we’re breeding
Look at the fear we’re feeding
Look at the lives we’re leading
The way we’ve always done before
My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can’t deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars
I don’t need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin’ soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain’t that fresh
I don’t need your civil war
Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we’re spilling
Look at the world we’re killing
The way we’ve always done before
Look in the doubt we’ve wallowed
Look at the leaders we’ve followed
Look at the lies we’ve swallowed
And I don’t want to hear no more
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:22:
Roxrider: My thousands of apologies to you if my comments hurt you in anyway. I am sorry but roxrider just for a second, think from MY brain, think what I feel about all of this! I have repeatedly said here in TDR that I am NOT against an average american. I like Americans because they work hard and are good helping people! But the thing which you got from some research or something actually denies anything remotely close to my opinion about Americans i.e. people with brains.
Also, Roxrider please read my last comments very closely:
“DAMN!!!!!! so this means that the whole nation has turned stupid!? brainless?”
I said “turned” stupid or brainless? Also notice the QUESTION MARKS. I guess, either my punctuation was not good enough or maybe something screwed up the whole thing.
I hope the above statement clarified my point-of-view(s) now lets talk about something else, like, what if I mean it??? well even if I was being scronful then what happened to the freedom of speach??
Roxrider, let me be honest. I like you and I think you are not like other americans here who sound more like little children trying to teach grown-ups and who deserve some spanking.
I don’t mean to hurt you and I don’t mean to hurt the feelings of any good person around. I am just tryign to express myself that is all. Anywayz, I shall try to be more consious about my words next time thus killing my freedom of speach (if any)
Santi said on March 17, 2003 20:30:
I think everything has to do with the religious thingie. The Christian fundamentalist in the USA can’t accept to be slapped without destroying the enemy. It’s just like what happens in Israel and so on. Everything you do, I do it too, so we’re in peace... but this leads to the end, to the extinction. Someone has to stop this escalation and if Iraq, Osama bin Ladin or whatever the terrorist dictator doesn’t, our “democratic” governments will have to, cuz otherwise they’re turning to be the same as the other leaders.
Santi said on March 17, 2003 20:31:
(I didn’t mean religious beliefs but *religious law*... in Spanish is called Talion’s Law)
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 20:35:
@Zeeshan: Thanks for being so polite and kind to the point of expression an apology. You can use freedom of speech when you you want. Just always, be careful with someone things that we say. I know how you feel. Sometimes i also feel like saying things, but then i think better and say something that has the same idea but doesn’t insult or hurt anyone.
What’s important is that you have the character to come back and explain what you mean and say that your mistaken. You just don’t run away. I like that, friend. Keep it going like that. Take care of yourself.
Carlos E., New York.
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:48:
@Roxrider: Thanks for being understanding. Again, I am not insulting or hurting anyone. Never have, never will. I am just trying to express myself to the internation community here in TDR that is all. Your comments are a clear denial to my earlier question. I hope as long as guys like you are in America, we will always have a hope. Thanks again.
Santi said on March 17, 2003 20:49:
You both can comment on my point too if you want... I’d like it to be discussed :D lol :D (FLAAAAAAAAAME MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! :D *joking*)
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:58:
Santi, to be honest I can’t understand your core point and secondly, atleast I don’t need to flame people (specially the ones I like like YOU!!)
Santi said on March 17, 2003 21:07:
USA is a very christian conservative state.
Bin Ladin destroys their symbol (skyscrappers and planes).
USA attacks them.
They weren’t successful killing him.
So they won’t stop till they can hit back.
Since Bush’s father wasn’t unsuccessful with Saddam... Bush junior needs to hit back to keep the pride of his father.
And Bush has to hit back some “evil” leader cuz his society wouldn’t accept not to hit back anyone.
In Spanish, that is called “Talion’s law”, they say something as “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. And it’s the very same that happens with Israel and Palestina.
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 21:55:
@Santi: In Brazil it’s said “olho por olho, dente por dente”. (Something like: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). It’s interesting. I think Santi understands what i mean by the effects of 9/11 on the american people.
Carlos E., New York.
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 22:39:
but saddam has nothing to do with 9/11
saddam does not have nukes
saddam does not have other mass desctruction weapons!!!!!
Roxrider_USA said on March 18, 2003 00:14:
@Zeeshan: Well, personally for me i think that he doesn’t have anything to do with 9/11. But 55% of americans believe so. What i meant when i said that Santi may understand what i mean, concerns to the religious issue that Santi talks about in a few posts above.
I hope no or very few innocent people don’t lose their lives and that a better Iraq comes out of this war. Praying. Now i’ll go watch President Bush’s national address. Take care friends!
Carlos E., New York.
coyboyusa said on March 18, 2003 00:27:
lo lets close this topic its depressing :) besides the war machine is in motion now we will see what saddam does and does not have..either way alot of politicial ties have been theres gonna be alot of ass kissing to do to make things right
Jud (moderator) said on March 18, 2003 12:47:
no.. most of spaniards don’t support the war... but our great president does not hear the people, nice eh?
Santi said on March 18, 2003 13:22:
The fact is that... Hussein family has been said to leave the country cuz USA is gonna attack Bagdag... so... if they are gonna attack & they wanna kill Saddam and they tell him to leave... then it’s clear they don’t give a shit for the Iraqis that are the ones that are gonna die in fact... I mean... euh...
coyboyusa said on March 18, 2003 14:36:
not a single iraqi is gonna die if they just step aside like they should..if they hate him so much as a dictator then what is there to defend. this is liek saying germany was better off for leaving hitler in control! zDOn’t get me wrong I am not 100% for this incursion....thats what this is it isn’t gonna be a war not int he sense that any war was ever fought...but i do agreee that taking the hokie pokie slow route of the insopections puts everyone int hat area in jeopardy...saddam has no respect for human life he even murdered one of his own that the type of man who should be in control of anthra, mx, etc? If you say yes u need your head checked
vaxjoe said on March 18, 2003 14:40:
Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we’re spilling
Look at the world we’re killing
The way we’ve always done before
Look in the doubt we’ve wallowed
Look at the leaders we’ve followed
Look at the lies we’ve swallowed
And I don’t want to hear no more
StillFar said on March 18, 2003 14:59:
coyboy, yes maybe they should step aside and not support Saddam Hussein...but what will come after? It will be a country that is interested in their oil, that is already enemy since many decades, a country hated. That country will take power of their land, a mentality never even tried to understood. Having democracy in a country with so many extremist groups isn’t easy! The US politics have this bubble of a perfect world that is just a whole bunch of crap!
Roxrider_USA said on March 18, 2003 17:34:
Latest news here:
–>As Vaxjoe said above Australia, Poland and Japan support the war.
–>French diplomat says that if Saddam uses chemical and/or biological weapons on US and UK soldiers, then France may join in the conflict.
–>Australia is going to send 2.000 troops to the conflict region.
–>Spain said it won’t send millitary troops to Iraq but will provide chemical/biological desinfection personnel and other specific personnel.
Latest poll:
–>After President Bush’s speech last night:
Now 71% of americans support President Bush concerning an Iraq invasion. (Statistics from an ABC news agency poll).
That’s all.
Take care.
Carlos E., New York.
Aaso said on March 18, 2003 19:22:
Zee that was nice ... but I can not see some facts on my TV .. so I have to watch those staffs!!!
coyboyusa said on March 18, 2003 19:28:
if this whole conflict were about oil why would we have waited 12 yrs to finally do this be realistic for once. besides saudi arabia hase leased 15 oil tanker to send almost 180 billion barrels of oil to the use in the next 3 months how on earth can this be about oil. if anyhting france is the country most interested in iraqi oil they have almost a billion dollars in annual contracts with iraq..not to mention they cold them the original nuclear reactor that israel bombed in the late 80;s. its amazing how peopel can’t see the truth before them.....what will come after...hmm i dunno perhaps democracy and freedom from oppression...reesyablished trade and humanitarian help...a kurdish state, there’s so much potential for the middle east...just along the lines of human as well...bono is so interested in erasing 3rd world debt..what should be erased are the warlords and politcians who put those countries in such surmountable debt in the first place...and btw there is no such thing as unbiased media anywhere you really should realize that
coyboyusa said on March 18, 2003 19:30:
oh and along the lines of bush being a moron and a war monger...if i rember right winston churchill was view the same way when he vehemently warned europe and britan of the impending peril that hitler posed to the world and he was ridiculed for it...and look what happened
Santi said on March 18, 2003 19:50:
@coyboyusa: Of course they’re not gonna oppose to SAddam... cuz thanks to the USA for people in Iraq the only person that they see cares about them is Saddam... Do you know that until the blockade people were starving...? Thanks to the USA... They will always hate the USA and they will never trust Bush...
StillFar said on March 18, 2003 20:07:
Coyboy, I don’t know if you travel a lot. Well if you do, you will find out that some people have different visions of the world we live in. Saying there will be freedom and democracy isn’t an easy task considering extremist groups sharing the same land & hating each other. You think a leading power, that’s more hated than what they already have is making a change?
I won’t be able to change your mind about if a war against Iraq is necessary at this moment or not. But here are some things you might want to think about. Almost two years ago, the world deeply sympathized with the United States. Look at the world today! Have you ever experienced a colder front against your country throughout your lifetime? Rumsfeld declared France and Germany as old Europe, an insult, just because he didn’t agree with their opinion to avoid war. To excuse himself, he compares Germany with Cuba…I think you know about the American history with Cuba, so no need to explain more. Bush declares Iran, North Korea and Iraq as Axes of Evil, an expression that was used during the 2 World War. Using that expression, you might have to consider that these countries won’t sit back to get attacked. The situation with North Korea is adding another threat to an already vulnerable world peace. Going to the UN and finally giving a shit about the worlds opinion (if it’s not shared by your own) isn’t helping either. It just unites already angered (ex)-Allies, awakes sleeping enemies and makes them sympathize with the real enemy.
A war and killing innocent people needs justification. What your government is presenting is no justification, they simply bring allegations and don’t give the people, who are trying to find evidence, the time to do so.
Coyboy, I’m sorry, but I really do believe Bush is a moron, I have never seen a leader of a country failing so badly as he did during only three years of presidency.
freshold said on March 18, 2003 20:14:
correction: The Polish government supports the military invasion. But they didn’t ask us, the Polish citizens. It’s similarly to Spain as somebody before mentioned.
Roxrider_USA said on March 18, 2003 20:19:
@Stillfar: Thanks concerning the “might”.
@others: Remember, the majority of the people in Iraq don’t have access to open newscasts through TV or radio ’cause it’s all blocked. Also, people fear Saddam. (I have never seen in an election all voters in the country vote for the same leader and no one vote against or undecided even though there were no other candidates). I mean, Saddam got 100% of all votes. Do you think that this would have happened under normal democratic voting conditions ? Only the fact that the people had the choice of only one candidate is strange. What do you guys think? :-)
Carlos E., New York.
StillFar said on March 18, 2003 20:22:
Roxrider..did I offend you?
btw, I guess this expains better part of what I wanted to say
zeeshan said on March 18, 2003 20:24:
“But here are some things you might want to think about. Almost two years ago, the world deeply sympathized with the United States. Look at the world today! Have you ever experienced a colder front against your country throughout your lifetime? Rumsfeld declared France and Germany as old Europe, an insult, just because he didn’t agree with their opinion to avoid war. To excuse himself, he compares Germany with Cuba…I think you know about the American history with Cuba, so no need to explain more. Bush declares Iran, North Korea and Iraq as Axes of Evil, an expression that was used during the 2 World War. Using that expression, you might have to consider that these countries won’t sit back to get attacked. The situation with North Korea is adding another threat to an already vulnerable world peace. Going to the UN and finally giving a shit about the worlds opinion (if it’s not shared by your own) isn’t helping either. It just unites already angered (ex)-Allies, awakes sleeping enemies and makes them sympathize with the real enemy.
A war and killing innocent people needs justification. What your government is presenting is no justification, they simply bring allegations and don’t give the people, who are trying to find evidence, the time to do so.
Coyboy, I’m sorry, but I really do believe Bush is a moron, I have never seen a leader of a country failing so badly as he did during only three years of presidency. “
StillFar: that was gr8. I agree!!!!!!!!
Yes the U.S. is facing a hard time but the people nor the government realize this dangerous situation. An attack on IRAQ means U.S taking over the 12% of the earth’s oil reserves thus making many contries feel insecure and defenitely angry!
Roxrider_USA said on March 18, 2003 20:54:
@Stillfar: Nope friend. Not all. Why you think that ?
Take care.
Carlos E., New York.
coyboyusa said on March 18, 2003 21:03:
the blocade was a un sactioned and enforced action why is it everyone believes that it’s solely the usa? secondly everyone views super powers in an unpopular light. the usa has been reluctantly thrust into the role of a policer of the world...besides i think its our inability or reluctance to share all evidence that we have that is hurting our efforts right now...but i believe that there is good reason for it.. as i stated before alot of other nations have been violating UN mandate in regards to aiding iraq in its effort to get weapons..this is why alot of nations and especially france are vehemently against the us going into iraq.
honeslty i think the whole thing was botched the last time...i think we sghoudl have risked a little lack of repour with the arab world and removed saddam then...
again i reiterate I am not 100% for this not in the way its been presented but the un has been relegated to this stand by role of we just pass bills and legislation and do nothing. it was becuase of the un and its reluctance to do anything that the massacre in rawanda happened..that bosnian/ serbian genocide went on unchecked for so long. It has always been the history of most of the moder world to have this sit and wait approch and every time its evolved into a horrrible situation for the world...we need to start learning from history and stop repeating it
StillFar said on March 18, 2003 21:16:
“everyone views super powers in an unpopular light”
that’s exactly the reason why your country has to act wisely. Your government wants to lead, so let them lead, but lead in a way that makes the world a better place. If you act out of misery, hurt, anger or arrogance it just won’t be appreciated.
“its our inability or reluctance to share all evidence”
all evidence? Which evidence are you talking about? To my knowledge there’s none.
“i believe that there is good reason for it”
this is not going to church and believing there’s a god without proof, this is a war on people that aren’t any different from the people killed in the world trade center. You need more than belief….
“we need to start learning from history and stop repeating it”
good point, unfortunately recent history proves you wrong…
Malmo said on March 18, 2003 23:02:
Well, well…
Americans are about to unleash a new war… So, ‘cmon!
- the first thing that I’d like to declare: some american guys have said above something about Iraq’s democracy. Yes, it is totally absent… So fucking what???!!! I always laugh loud when I hear about democracy from americans. Any nation can talk about democracy but not Americans!!! Since you declare yourself as World Power that is out of question, guys!!! You’re all products of your ideological propaganda and nothing more… So there is only the well built illusion of democracy in USA!
- the second thing: I have no doubt that americans will smash to pieces Iraq’s defense technology in the desert. Expensive laser guide systems will do their best. But I really want to watch what will they do when will start to assault Bagdad city… It’s interesting, do they know what is street fighting? Do they know what furious Muslims do with their enemies? Do they know that civilian-at-day will turn in butchers at night (so they will get stabs in their backs)? I guess americans gonna choke with blood of their soldiers… Maybe they will start to use their brains in this case?!
We have a very common proverb: “american help”. So, ‘cmon, americans, HELP another one nation to get “freedom”… but your freedom is just like imprisonment.
…I’m so sorry about future Iraqi children. Americans gonna pump out everything from the country.
// Hello from Russia, American brothers.
Roxrider_USA said on March 19, 2003 00:14:
@Malmo: Regretably i don’t think a dialogue can be continued with such hatred and dirt in your words. If you want to discuss your point do so in a civilized way. However, if you can’t abstain others from, at least those who a bothered by your terrible words, the pitful attitude that you showed above, learn how to discuss in a more polite and respectful way.
Have you stopped to think that not all people living in the US are americans? Stop and think.
Hoping for better discussion with in the future,
Carlos E., New York.
sweet_stalker57 said on March 19, 2003 01:53:
man what if you were a chick in the army right now in the desert? I remember 2 girls got busted for
prostitution cause those soldiers get the money
but no “fitta”. One had $70,000 dollars in her
back pack! :)
it’s not like Nam!
so the only thing an American soldier has to
worry about is friendly fire, crappy army
food and blue balls.
Those poor people don’t stand a chance! :(
and if you live in Bagdad how do you not support
Saddam? get in your BMW and go on vacation?
coyboy, do you look good in a wig and lipstick?
go service the troops! show your support!
LittleSpooky said on March 19, 2003 02:19:
For clarification purposes (and you can go and look it up anywhere on the net)
In 1955, the United Nations changed the religious classification of the United States from Christian to Pagan. Check the UN charter.
DO NOT tell me that the US is a Christian state, I will tell you that you are full of it. It IS official. How do I know this? My mother was born in 1955 and when you look at “The Year In Review” for that year, it is listed. You have to wade through a lot of stuff, but you can find it on just about any search engine for the United Nations.
Santi said on March 19, 2003 07:51:
I don’t mean officially. But I guess we all know the Christian fundamentalism was created and is still alive in the USA. Cuz as you say, ok, they changed that in the !950’s... but if I don’t remember badly in the 1970’s Christian fundamentalist was so strong that in the States of Texas and Ohio they banned biology textbooks which accepted as truth the theory of evolution...
And an American president doesn’t get to be president if he doesn’t show he’s a good Christian...
I think fundamentalism is much more alive than what you think... otherwise why the president has to say always “God Bless America”??????? :O
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 09:57:
TODAY ..... is the 48 hours dead time..... :((((
I’m waiting for that..... I have nothing to do exept waiting.. !!!!! Today ....
Ferdan said on March 19, 2003 10:51:
Aaso, i have a sad new.
Part of your goverment is accused of 2 bombings in my country (One against the Israel’s embassy and the other against the AMIA, a jewish organization), responsible of the death of more than 100 people.
It was just a suspect a few years ago, but Israel’s intelligence said it was all true.
“According to a report in the New York Times, the Iranian government not only organized the bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, but also paid Argentina’s president to cover it up.
Citing a transcript of a secret deposition in the inquiry into the 1994 bombing, the report said that Carlos Saúl Menem, a Roman Catholic of Syrian Muslim descent who was president from 1989 to 1999, had received $10 million to downplay the Iranian link. “
this is the link when it was just a theory
It is so sad :(
vivien said on March 19, 2003 12:20:
I saw a placard with this text today:”Kriga för fred är som att knulla för att vara oskuld.”
which means :”Start a war for peace is like fucking for virginity.”
MadTom said on March 19, 2003 12:51:
That’s a really good point!! It’s such a nonsense what is happening with the world at the moment. Bush wants to give the world the reasons for a war, but he failed. A war just because USA believes that Hussein has got weapons of mass-destruction? USA has so much other problems so solve but instead of that they throw bombs on people who can’t avoid them. Hussein is a dictactor and has to be replaced by a democratic leader but can we only realise this through another war??
I’ve read that Per once said that Joyride was such a massive hit in america because the people needs some happy music to get over the gulf war somehow. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again.
Imagine all the people living live in peace...
vaxjoe said on March 19, 2003 12:52:
lol @ vivien , that was the smartest thing i ve heard the last days hahaha
nelina said on March 19, 2003 13:58:
It is very likely that war begins tonight. Now, I only hope that it will end soon...
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 15:34:
2 Ferdan... *nothing to say*
You made me cry ... Ya know, I do not believe in my government. They have killed so many people in the prisons ... people who fought for their freedom... so many people ..... we are hurted by the government too ... My Father was in prison for nearly 13 years ... cause he was a commonist.... just for he was against such these things!!!!
But our government has changed a lil bit during these years ( I mean last 5 years) .. not so good but better than yesterday!
As you may noticed Iran is the only country who had no demonstration against WAR ... ! People are so tired they think the only way to run away is that US attack IRAN too!!!! but I don’t think so!
I’m all against WAR!!!!
vaxjoe said on March 19, 2003 15:40:
Aaso: dont u cryyyyyy tonight i still love u babyyyyy
Go listen to “little miss sorrow” and u’ll be fine
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 16:18:
2 Vax *smile*
Don’t you know that you need somebody
Don’t you know that you need someone
Everybody need somebody
You’re not the only one
vaxjoe said on March 19, 2003 16:26:
I know it’s hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn’t time be out to charm you
Aaso said on March 19, 2003 16:37:
If you can understand the ME, then i can understand the YOU
What I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you
vaxjoe said on March 19, 2003 16:42:
Lay beside me, under wicked sky
The black of day, dark of night, we share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there’s no sun shining through
Black hearts scarring darkness still, but there’s no sun shining through
What I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, ’cause I’m the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
Ferdan said on March 19, 2003 17:11:
it wasn’t my intention to make you cry
may i give you a hug? :))
vivien said on March 19, 2003 17:40:
I agree.
And Bush shouldn´t had any chance to being president if his dad wasn´t the old Bush.
So maybe the next president will be Clinton´s daughter....
wendy said on March 19, 2003 18:38:
oh.... Dear Aaso...and everyone else from those countries......... We’re all with you,you’ll be in our minds...... *hug* :X ;)
I hate this...i thought we were all grown up people.just kids from 5-9 years old play war....
marcusvandeursen said on March 19, 2003 23:28:
When it comes to Bush Jr, it seems he himself is one of the biggest threads to human rights in the entire world... am therefor still daydreaming of a targetted mini-missile knockin’ down on his very own head... might be good for his mental health
powerpoplarry said on March 20, 2003 00:56:
OK, I tended to avoid this subject cuz I hate war, and the whole topic, but it’s really just unavoidable at this point, with war starting in 10 minutes. :(
Um, I wish their was another solution, I really do, but I can see Bush’s point of view. Saddam is a master of deception, and has tried to make a mockery of the whole world for the past 12 years. I wish he would step down, and make war not possible, but in reality, he started it, and he even kills his own people. It seems Bush’s objective is to go in, kill the bastard + his sons ONLY and get out, not hurt any of the Iraqi people. Bush wants to set them free of dictatorship, that’s it. It seems if he doesn’t do that, Iraq’s terrorship will continue.
It’s a catch 22 really, not go in and have the terror continue and have the US be viewed as a chicken or start a war and get it over with?? Tough choice, but Bush thinks war is. He thinks that once Saddam is defeated, terror will be shot down once again, that’s his goal. I guess he just wants to take initiative, that’s all. Hopefully, this will end soon, and they kill the bastard, as no one else will take charge.
Believe me, I’m not for this war, no way, but Saddam made it be the only choice.
AASO, I hope you’re safe, and sorry to say, Ferdan is right, your country’s government may have improved over the past 5 years, but they are not saints either, and have committed much evil. I hope they steer away from Islamic evil too, and go against Saddam’s ways completely. I have hope, and I hope you are safe. Come here and be an ally!! :-)
Aaso said on March 7, 2003 18:31:
I agree with you!!