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how come call it 'Have a nice day ' ?

12 replies

I love “You Can’t Put Your Arms Around What’s Already Gone”!

i always wondered why have a nice day was tha album title? hope it not after that horrible song, you cant put your arms around whats already gone! that has have a nice day in it somewhere !

That song is the best in the whole CD :D (I know you all are gonna flame me, thanks if you do :P I’ll play it again :D Soooooo coooooooool :DDDD)
“...took the tram around the bay, where everyone tells you to HAVE A NICE DAY!...”

Of course it’s for that man, as Look Sharp it’s because of the song Dressed for Success!!!!! :P

that song is a heap of crap the only thing onm hand not worth listening to

have a nice day is said when someone is gonna leave, i mean it’s a kind of goodbye... i thought that it was the end of roxette back then. i was sure this was last album and they were telling us good-bye in these words: have a nice day...... :/

@ Jackeill

o deer...u guys can find a farewell message in everything rox puts out!

yeah, it seams that everyone always thinks that it’s the end of roxette.... they said today in aftonbladet that it’s not.... they will sontinue as fast as marie is feeling ok....

i hope for a new album with roxette next spring and a GT tour next summer.....

I love it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

If I’m not mistaken, Per sometime said that they were at a resturant and somehow the topic of Have a nice day was brought up by Marie and they decided it was a cool title, so Marie is responsible for the title

It’s a great album and a very nice title...

its cool to name your song after a line in a lyric....

Or maybe they were saying ’goodbye’ to their American market after the McDonalds fiasco and chose to use an American cliche? ;)

I deffinetely think they used this ’American’ saying, to get attention of American Record Companies. Here in Ireland and Great Britain, American’s are known for their ’Have a nice day’. People here find those 4 words annoying, but sure, it is an american cliche thingy, so from the very first moment I heard that Album title, it was abvious to me, what Roxette tried to do, get more attention in the US.


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