Final Thoughts On This All
LittleSpooky said on February 16, 2003 00:44:
I am frustrated. As I stated under another post, I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of the War / Anti-War rhetoric. You know, Paul brought something to my attention earlier that makes me laugh out loud.
Roxette is working on new music, promoting it and stuff, and WE’RE NOT HELPING THEM!!!! We’re too busy throwing sand at each other because of the INEVITABLE war that is happening. Face it folks, if the protests didn’t do anything to halt this, a bunch of “music loving techno-geeks” ain’t gonna stop it either. We don’t have to like what’s going on in the world, we can try to change it. However, it takes time.
Changes aren’t as instantaneous as clicking on Send and sending an email. These things take time. But here we are, yelling at the tops of our lungs, trying to get everything changed RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Not gonna happen. So, long and short of it:
What are we doing to help Roxette promote their new stuff? NOT A THING that I see so far, beyond just going out and buying it. And that’s sad.
zeeshan said on February 16, 2003 06:10:
yeah like I am playing Roxette’s music everywhere I go! People know me as the RoxGuy who has Roxmania for years and not even his family cud do anything about it! ;)
I know a lot of people who DIDN’T like Roxette at all and some who had forgotten all abt Roxette but in either case, they are buying ROx material now and some are dedicated FANS.
I am calling my local radio stations to play ON but they still have not received it. I am also buy Rox material cuz I wana promote them. I don’t know much impact it makes but I wana do justice with the word FAN.
Also Spooky, you are right when you say that change is not instantaneous. Yes, they take time. Yes, it is not possible for music lovers to stop this war from happening but if you can tell the truth to someone who doesn’t know it and belives that WAR is alright then you can make big difference, because that someone can spread the word out to other people he/she knows. Change is NOT instantaneous therefore we should take the first step as soon as possible because by the time we come to a position to finally make a change, a lot of wars will be over and perhaps new threats and dangers will be lurking around. Better not put your today’s homework on tomorrow ’cuz you never know there might not even be a tomorrow.
Just the things I wanted to say :)
vaxjoe said on February 16, 2003 17:48:
i know a lot of ppl that help Roxettes promotion...mostly on the R2R site...we vote to get their songs on several radiostations play lists, we send emails etc...and thats the best we can do...i tried to get most of my friends to like roxette also and buy their cds, i myself first post every piece of news at my countrys music channel website...i talk bout them in every other music forum i visit...
what else can we do? :-/
zeeshan said on February 16, 2003 18:59:
how true coyboy! some don’t even throw sand on their shit! :D
LittleSpooky said on February 16, 2003 21:22:
I give TDR’s addy to people at work and what not. Not R2R. I think TDR’s better. (JUST MY OPINION) However... *shrugs*
Jud (moderator) said on February 16, 2003 23:38:
the Germans are also doing quite a lot, they have their own forum and I visit it from time to time to practice my German and to see if there is some new link where to vote/ request... so after all it looks like we *are* moving our butts :P
Spanish mailing list is also actively working on that... we may even have a party when the album is out... we will see :)
xarrrr said on February 17, 2003 00:00:
@LittleSpooky... i love this forum too... but i like R2R quite a bit more... more friends there... its more alive... just MHO
vaxjoe said on February 17, 2003 17:49:
little spooky: i dont think it matters if its TDR or R2R since those 2sites support each other...:)
and many ppl from here are also members there so ....after all the goal is the same ....Roxette :)
btw how are u? better i hope *kiss*
Mfan28179-Jason said on February 18, 2003 05:57:
Good points...but I guess there are more people helping out Roxette behind the scenes. ;)
LittleSpooky said on February 18, 2003 06:21:
vax: I’m better. The hole is still there, and I have to irrigate it every day two or three times a day to keep the food from getting stuck in there. Next... ROOT CANAL... oh boy oh boy oh boy... oh NO!! *goes to hide under bed*
Jud (moderator) said on February 16, 2003 01:04:
Can’t speak for the others, I guess there are others who also are helping Roxette, as for myself, I don’t spend my whole day here, so among other things, I have been sending out emails to different radio stations in Spain and in Austria, requesting to play ON or other any other song i feel like.
I have also been voting for them in the different websites that are normally listed on the Roxette forum.