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Polish version of "Listen to your heart"

5 replies

Most popular Polish radio station, RMF FM (which promotes Roxette in Poland), will release an album with worldwide-hits in Polish. The 1st will be Roxette’s song - “Listen to your Heart” - in Polish it is called “Widze Twoja Twarz” /I see Your face/ sang by on of the best singers - Kasia Kowalska. The video will be taken in next 2 weeks on Dominicana Island. That’s all. An if you know Polish (:-D) you can read full news. Here you have more details...

Jak dowiadujemy siê z oficjalnej strony, zaraz po koncercie we w³oskich Dolomitach, 6 lutego, Kasia polecia³a na dwutygodniowe wakacje na Dominikanê. Jak czytamy na stronie - Tam w³aœnie bêd¹ krêcone zdjêcia do kolejnego wideoklipu do piosenki jak¹ Kasia przygotowa³a na sk³adankê radia RMF FM - utór zespo³u Roxette “Listen To Your Heart”, która w polskiej wersji jêzykowej i tekstem autorstwa Kasi bêdzie nosiæ tytu³ “Widzê Twoj¹ twarz”.
Piosenkarka wraca z tych “zimowych” wakacji 22 lutego. Poniewa¿ okaza³o siê, ¿e godziny przylotów mog¹ kolidowaæ z koncertem w Domu Muzyki i Tañca w Chorzowie, zaplanowanym pierwotnie na ten dzieñ, organizatorzy postanowili przesun¹æ imprezê na 24. Wszystkie kupione bilety oczywiœcie zachowuj¹ wa¿noœæ...

no to fajnie :) ostatni album kasi jest calkiem fajny :)

Kaaaaaaaaaaasiaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! She’s one of my favourites :D
I’ve got a Spanish friend who used to tel me she sounded like Roxette in her album “5”, and another Polish friend who in fact liked Kasia but quite of hated Roxette :D


Everyone who want to hear roxette’s polish cover of “Listen To Your Heart” by Kasia Kowalska, go to my page ;)
There is a 30 sec. song in mp3 format.

I Think, it is great! Kasia Kowalska is one of most popular polish singer. If you want to know more about Kasia Kowalska, see the web:



Her voice sounds much alike MAries...

Wow, sounds nice :) Anyway, I like more her own songs! :p Go Kasiaaaaaaaaa!!! :D


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