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USA: New York post World Trade center project

18 replies


The people of New York City have made up their minds on what will be built on “ground zero” where the World Trade Center towers once stood.

It was decided that the city will build a memorial and two towers exactly where the others were. They plan to build the highest towers on the Earth, which would be higher than today’s two highest towers located in Southeast Asia.

“This is to show the strenght of the City of New York and its people”, said the reporter commenting on the decision.

This is awesome!!! The city will look even more beautiful than it a;ready is. The night lit skyline will be even more gorgeous. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York!

Hey!! That’s good news ;)

I’m just scared “higher then the others” and you guys will be very proud...... i just wanna say : watch out with that.....

you know the size doesn’t matter, it’s the quality that matters :P

i am disappointed with bnoth plans they r horrible

The bigger the building, the more people that’ll be in it, if this thing were ever to happen again. Looking at the events that are overshadowing us all right now, it could well do.
Yeah, it’ll be a two finger salute to the terrorists etc, but then its also an open invitation to do it all again.

I like that idea, NY is ugly without the towers
Is the best they can built, another 2 towers... maybe not so high...

All of you guys have excellent points. :-)! It’s nice to see that we guys worry! cool!

But, hey, we can’t hold back our wishes and decisions due to fear of those “unfortunate individuals”.
Can’t live in fear. We gotta stand bold and together and carry on with our goals! No fear should ever stop us! :-)!

Rox fans are the sweetest of all!! Take care, friends! :-)!

@Wendy: Are you feeling better, lindinha?

Carlos E., New York!

I just think I wouldn’t work in any of those buildings, and I think most people are not going to work in them anyway for fear of this to happen again.
I think they should build a monument as tall as they want not to leave the space as it is now, but not rebuild again the same thing...

And... what about a little park? Wouldn’t it be nice a park in the middle of Manhattan? In geography (I study this) studies one of the ways to measure the quality of life is cities is the m2 of parks it has... and how they’re distributed.

They should think about the quality of life in the city more than just... making big things like ancient Egyptians...

I could never work there if I lived there! Too scary.

@Saint: Yeah, i agree with your park opinion. It’s really cool. However, Manhattan already have Central Park, which is really big. It has bikeways, a little zoo, skate area, green all over the place, little ponds and many other things. New Yorkers go there all the time to read, sun bathe, just lay on the grass, run, play voleyball, basketball and soccer and even fly kytes! :-)!!!

So, i still believe that the memorial and two awesome towers will be gorgeous!!

Take care, friend!
Carlos E., New York!

Would you work there in the 150th floor if you were hired by a company to be there? :o

great .

Well, i would. It would be where my job is located at. :-)!!

Think of soldiers.... They know they may die when they have to go to war and they still go. It’s there job. So, it follows the same logic, friend.

But yeah, there’s always the possibility and a bit of worrying... but we gotta do our job and can’t be afraid of doing it.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York!

I don’t think they go,because they want to.... but because they have to...
Who wants war anyway??? Only stupid Bush...

yeah but he won’t be fighting in the war, but he will be sitting home watching the whole thing on the tv, nice eh?

The people that want war never fight in them... wars are wanted by politicians, high generals, but not by soldiers... In wars you never win if you’re a soldier, normal people just losses...
So sad :( I hope France and Germany are strong and brave enough to stop this stupid war :(

Ok! I headed into a soldier idea, but i didn’t mean to head this topic to a war one. That’s what we hear here in the US all the time. I’m talking about our duties. Do most people go work because they want ? Nope!
So, that’s what i mean, guys. It would be my job to work on the 150th floor, just like it’s a soldier’s duty to service his country.

I hope you guys get what i mean.

@Santi and Wendy: Hope you guys are doing fine!! Sorry if i have caused you guys any problems. Take care of each other, alright ?? :-)

Carlos E., New York!

Anyway I think there’s a slight difference between going to work as a tv weather man and being a soldier :DDDD
And I’m almost sure you would love to work as “weather man”, as I would do too. (I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope :D)
Well, I hope people can forget so easily what happened and if they ever construct such a thing, that they don’t have any problem working inside.
I really didn’t know where Central Park was :D Sorry, it can be that I have never really been interested in New York city mostly because is so big and it seems so insecure. I have never liked “monster cities”, and now it seems they wanna make it bigger... well, it’s a choice, I prefer to live in a house inside a forest :D
Anyway I think for the sake of good quality of life they shouldn’t make just 1 very big park and the rest an asphalt jungle. Well, you might know better than me the effects of parks in urban climate. And that better distributed they do better their job. But ok, it seems in that city everything has to be the biggest :D Biggest didn’t use to mean better :p
Have you studied something about urban heat island in New York? Can you please explain us the environmental consequences those building would have (that can be depending on the material, colours, height, geography, regional winds, sea currents...) on urban climate and what could happen if instead of it a park or something different could be in there?
Just if you have time :-)

PS.: Sim, we are doing fine, muito obrigado!!


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