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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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ON in club on Sat'nite!!!!! :o)

5 replies

Hi guys!

After d/l’ing the CD quality version of ON on Sat’afternoon I burnt it onto a cd and took it out with me to a club we were going to. Gave it to the DJ and he played it 20minutes later! It sounded F!CKIN AWESOME!!!! I thought no1 would dance on it cos it was all brand new and stuff, but everyone loved it!!! My group of friends followed my lead and were jumping and going off to it..... awesome club track believe it or not.....


Nice! I always request Roxette at discos, too!

...not that I go so often.. :)

Watter club?

coool :P

We should actually do it - if you know about/go to clubs that play current popular dance hits, you should burn them a copy of the track and take it with you next time.......

BTW, Erwee it was at Aqua’s foam party...



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