Per will he come to the UK?
ally77 said on February 3, 2003 06:49:
So with the release of TBH & ATAY you next week... do you think we will get to see Per in the UK doing some promo!!
I know Marie’s not gonna come and who would eveb expect her too.... but it would be nice to see Per pop in an appearence on UK TV.... say THIS MORNING OR GMTV...
Please Per... we love you & miss you!!
-Gee- said on February 3, 2003 19:23:
same question in germany.... :/
maaan cant he tell us when to check him out!?
P.S: WE-DONT-BITE! (wer’re veggie’s *g*)
ally77 said on February 3, 2003 20:26:
G Norton V Per!!! that would be worth seeing... I would pay a fortune to charity to see that...
Hey do you thing Graham would fancy Per!!
Denstandigaresan said on February 3, 2003 21:49:
I can’t see Per being asked to appear on Grahams show somehow. It’ll be a case of Per? Roxette? Who? Of course I would pay to see this also! What delightful goodies would Graham behold? Kexx? Plop?? Oh the possibilities! Come on you UK roxers, post on the guest suggestion board on Grahams site. :)
ally77 said on February 3, 2003 22:33:
If you go on to the Graham Norton website for CH4... you can send them a message... pls bombard them with messages!!!
onlywhenidream said on February 4, 2003 10:09:
use the above link to request per on graham norton!!!!!
zaine said on February 4, 2003 18:46:
hehe, cool. I got a reaction for a change! would be fun if he did come on! Per prob not agree to it though :/
Denstandigaresan said on February 4, 2003 21:33:
Maybe he would when he sees the list of past guests?? PRETTY big names there.
xarrrr said on February 3, 2003 07:00:
IF he does, (which i somehow doubt, sob!!) i’m THERE!!!! lesson or no lesson! ;P