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help needed - DivX codec

6 replies

(stupid question, I know, excuse me)
I have DivX codec version 4.12, but it seems not to work with some files... which is the last one? (5? or am I wrong? where I can find it?)
the problem is, that I cannot open some DivX .avi files... and maybe this is because I need more updated version or something? (in the status bar of WMP it says something like /cannot check what exactly in the moment/ - 1. connecting to server 2. sending request for the codec 3. request failed 4. playing /error/ aand it plays only sound) so, can someone help me?

trqbva da natisnesh chekmedje-tam ste sa failovete


BTW some DivX movies are actually compressed with a different codec called Nimo, if it still doesn’t work try that.

Nimo is not a codec, it’s a whole bunch of them... pretty nice when you don’t want to download and install them all separately...

I think that’s right.

You get everything you need!!!


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