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What happened to the competiton on the

10 replies

Just wondering if anyone won anything. The results were supposed to be posted on dec 27th or something like that.

grrrr, still no one knows?

If you choose the direct link to the competition as it’s on you can still take part in the competition. Seems that they’ve forgotten it... :-(

Anyone know of an e-mail address we can write Capitol/EMI about this contest? It’s very annoying that they hold such a contest and don’t announce any winners.

At the very last minute they liked the prizes so much, they decided to keep them for themselves.
Can’t blame them.

The companie that updateed the site is no more.

they had a “konkurs”

sorry my english flew away this morning ;)


is this something really new and to wonder about, that they “forgot” about this (as many things... like updating the site) ??....

Did Famestudios (the company that created the site, partially owned by gessle go bankrupt?
Does anyone know more about this? There was an article about them being in a sticky financial situation, laying off most of the staff, but that article didn’t say they were bankrupt.

I think they have dropped the webdesign (they will get other companies to do these tasks) to concentrate on the “Digital Events”

Famestudios also manage ABBA’s official website, and this is continually updated. “ABBA - The Site” also has a “Site Feedback” section in the Forum, to which Famestudios always reply.

Therefore, Famestudios can’t be blamed for the fact that the results haven’t appeared on

The creator of the site are at Miami catching some sun and selling the prizes on Ebay.
I can see them outside my window.
One of them is cute.


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