Parre said on January 9, 2003 21:06:
i hope someone can help me.
i try to connect to msn and i always got an error ???
the internte explorer cant connect to the internet, even via proxy doesnt work ?????????????????????
does someone know what i have to do ??
or whats wrong ??
thanx a lot in advance
Parre said on January 10, 2003 21:43:
@ littlespooky
you are right, internet explorer works fine, im here, but msn messenger dont.
do you know whats wrong ??
zeeshan said on January 10, 2003 22:10:
What error do you get? which version of Windows are you using? which version of MSN Messenger are you using?
LittleSpooky said on January 10, 2003 04:46:
Before commenting, let me see if I can clarify this:
You can’t connect MSN’s Instant Messenger, but Internet Explorer seems to work fine? Or are you having difficulties with both?
Thanks for taking the time to clarify. It will help us to help you :o)