LittleSpooky said on December 28, 2002 04:37:
As I continue the work on the TDR Members Site, I have discovered that I need something else from you all (Shut up Markuz and Jas. I can hear you two fools grumbling all the way over here =Þ)
I want Rox pix now. Some of you are scratching your heads at that. Trust me on this. Whatever pix you have, send me a few. I’m asking for these because I’m sticking them up on a separate part of the page. Which will be made known as time goes on. Credit will be given to those who possess the pix (so if Denny sends me a few of just Per or Marie or of both, I will put on the page: Picture(s) contributed by Denny).
You willing to help out? *eyes Vix and Denny* I KNOW you two ladies would like to contribute. *throws a rope around Judith* Yes, YOU TOO. *lol*
LittleSpooky said on December 28, 2002 05:46:
Thanks Jas. These are great pix! :o)
Oh, and I’ll select a few from each person that sends them in. Right now, Jas has sent me about 20 of them, and they’re usable.
NEXT!!! ;o)
Denstandigaresan said on December 28, 2002 14:57:
Spooks. I don’t own a scanner. :( But if I get a chance to scan some piccies at a friends house, I will of course send them. :D
LittleSpooky said on December 28, 2002 20:58:
Denny: Thanks, you’re a doll :o)
I really appreciate all that everyone’s contributing to this.
LittleSpooky said on December 30, 2002 07:00:
Check the Page!!!
Dedications is the one with the major update. I’m still working on Biographies.
Roxrider_USA said on January 1, 2003 06:53:
Hey friends!
@Little S. not trying to be annoying but being already, i just wanted to say that you forgot to put my age in my biography. You know, age is an important aspect of someone’s details. ;-) ! Well, that’s all friend!
Hope everyone had a lovely time “flipping the last page of the 2002 book” ! Now, let’s head on into the 2003 book with lots of positive energy!!
Take care people! :-)!
Carlos E., New York!
LittleSpooky said on January 1, 2003 07:56:
*grins* Fixed it my friend. You neglected to tell me if you were legal in all 50 states ;o)
And I, for one, plan on doin the new year right! Tomorrow, paintball, IN THE SNOW!!!
Roxrider_USA said on January 1, 2003 13:11:
LOL!! Have lots of fun, friend! Be careful not to slip on icy spots.
First cloudy morning of 2003 here in New York.
Carlos E., New York.
Mfan28179-Jason said on December 28, 2002 05:40:
Okay, I’m working on it. ;)