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A Test in Chinese

14 replies

I don’t know whether we can write in Chinese here, I just do a try. If Chinese can’t be writen here, Chinese fans still can go to talk in Chinese on

ÎÒ²»ÖªµÀÕâÀï¿É²»¿ÉÒÔÓÃдÖÐÎÄ£¬Èç¹û¿ÉÒԵĻ°×îºÃ£¡²»ÐÐô£¬ÖйúÈË¿ÉÒÔµ½ÎÒÃÇÖйú×Ô¼ºµÄRoxette¾ãÀÖ²¿ ½»Á÷£¡

Oh my God!



xuseam: How can you type such thing on your Computer-Keyboard???!!!??? asdklöjflöaskdjfklöasjdflökjsdalfköjlöksdjfölksdjflökajsdlköfjasfasdfa

I don’t know. You may see the wrong codes that couldn’t represent Chinese!

It happens too with cyrillic and greek alphabets... so imagine Chinese :o

Tip: if you use IE as your browser, there’s a menu called “View”, click on that and then choose the voice you see under Character (sorry but I don’t know what they are called in English ’cos my browser is in Italian), then choose Chinese... or Cirillic etc. Maybe you need to install this feature on your system.

Let’s see these...
Ìíîãî ìå ñúìíÿâà, íî âñå ïàê èìà äâå âúçìîæíîñòè ..., ñòèãà äà íàöåëÿ áóêâèòå, åñòåñòâåíî...
Å, òóê îïðåäåëåíî ùå ìè å òðóäíî !

Well , it definitly shows something , but not what is needed ....
Hey, Roxlad say more about this , please...

But, do you know, when I’m looking at these symbols I figure out that there will be no problem writing in Spanish, German, French, Italien .... you just need to learn the places of the symbols on your keybord, and ... change the flextype every now and again.....

Nope, roxlad, this is impossible. There’s something about the server and the way it represents text in the code of the pages... (long to explain).
The only way to see what’s been written in *non-Western-European* languages is to copy the text and paste it in a text-editor (Notepad), and then change the encoding/font... Thus I read what IPPIE tried to write :)!
(IPPIE: flextype is a Bulgarian program, the rest don’t have it :)

Ixtlaner – are you sure? Mine is not Bulgarian !!! And if I had used it you wouldn’t have got a thing !!! Believe me !

Sorry if i didn’t reply before but I forgot about this topic (and I may forget again so be patient :) *lol*)

It’s something to do with the View menu and then Encoding.... but I’m not sure...

No, it isn’t. Not on *this* forum. There are codes in the source of the page for every non-english letter that ’tell’ the browser exactly how to display it. Regardless of the encoding you set.

@ IPPIE: yep I am... 99%. (I never used it myself, but if you want I can ask some more ppl.)

Haved the pigter evern had ta choge?


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