Who's Who at the FC
LittleSpooky said on November 26, 2002 06:14:
While people are beating the holy crap out of the Fan Club, I just wanna know one thing?
Who runs it? Is it Ronald & Co. from back when I first joined? Or is it Chantie & Co. from what I’ve been reading of the posts lately?
Clue me in?
Jud (moderator) said on November 26, 2002 09:14:
German: Nadja
Spanish: Peter, Jorge, me
Finnish: Mari
Swedish: Per-Axel
Italian: Darya, Diego
Portuguesse: Sergio
Dutch: Chantie, Cisca, Iris, Sawa
Hope I didnt forget anybody :P
Now comes info about the Divisions/Local Fanclubs
Jud (moderator) said on November 26, 2002 09:22:
Local Fanclubs / Divisions:
Belgian FC - Cathy - www.roxette.be
UK FC - Klair - www.roxette.co.uk
Spanish FC - Peter, Txiqui, Judith www.roxspain.com
Italian FC - Diego www.roxette.it
Romanian FC - Robert, Mio www.roxette.ro
German Division - Nadja
US Division - Dan
I might have forgotten some, so please, help meee!
Ferdan said on November 26, 2002 09:31:
what about the latinamerican division?
what’s happening there?
did you read what i posted here —-> http://www2.dailyroxette.com/smalltalk/thread.php/4605
AntiMario said on November 26, 2002 15:49:
Oh no, Per-Axel Mansson is a fun-club person. Disappointment of the week.. :(
Nothing personal guys, didn’t have any intention to spoil this topic
Ferdan said on November 26, 2002 17:25:
so no reply for this!?
“The FC is not working cos in the Latin American division they have people (staff of the fan club) selling out CDRs even of official stuff!
One of themselves even posted the links here!
And the fanclub headquarter has never taken the officialization away from the latin american division, or kicked that guy out.
The guy selling the staff... is in the last pic... alejandro lerin or something.
And here’s his page
ha, he title the page as “trading CDr”... but if it was really trading, why he then would say “prices don’t include postage”... really dumb.
I think it is not correct at all if a member of the official fc does that!...
No one told me about this... i realised about this browsing the sites... and when himself posted those links here in TDR....”
Ferdan said on November 28, 2002 03:23:
so no answer for this?
well, then i suppose you consider fine for a fan club staff member to sell CDrs of some official stuff...
ok, I don’t give a sh/t anymore.
Jud (moderator) said on November 28, 2002 09:13:
Ferdan, I said I would ask, when I get things clear, I will come back with an answer... :)
LittleSpooky said on November 28, 2002 09:34:
Thanks gang for the replies. I appreciate that.
Happy Gobbler Day to those that celebrate Thanksgiving!
Ferdan said on November 28, 2002 10:08:
ok judith.. thx
spooky.... sorry for desvirtuating your thread.
LittleSpooky said on November 28, 2002 19:03:
Ferdan: Is cool. You just wanted some answers. Me too :o)
loversdo said on December 1, 2002 16:44:
Ferdan, that’s the official latinamerica roxette fan shop ;-)
LoneGunman said on December 1, 2002 16:51:
Some friends and I (all Roxette fans, of course) want to run a Brazilian Division of the Internacional FC, cause we don’t have one and our country has a large amount of fans.
What do I do to make it happen ? I really wanna work for Roxette and for a fan club here in Brazil... and my friends want that too.
Please, anyone from the FC, reply me !
Iertje007 said on December 2, 2002 11:42:
Hi Gunman, please send your request to [email protected] and inform the fc about it! We always appreciate everyone’s help!
LittleSpooky said on December 8, 2002 09:28:
Her Ferdie! Hold you horses there bud! Sometimes, an email can sit in an Inbox for DAYS before someone reads it or even accesses the account. Or, it could be a dummy account. Go easy on Jude, she’s got things she has to do. And making an inquiry from Europe to SA doesn’t produce instant results! Hell, I can’t get my POST OFFICE to work that fast!! *lol* :o)
Jud (moderator) said on December 8, 2002 10:59:
Indeed, there is stuff to check before we can come back with an answer. We have already mailed the people behind Latin Division. Now, we are waiting for their answer :)
Ferdan said on December 8, 2002 16:03:
hehe.... ok ok, it’s that i get kinda mad at things like this.....
ím going out to buy some patience somewhere...
LoneGunman said on December 9, 2002 03:00:
I’m here..can’t wait to start the work in a Brazilian division of the FC.
LittleSpooky said on January 27, 2003 07:07:
Ferdan: Can I contribute to the cause? *lol*
*pulls out a few bills* What’s the exchange rate??
Jud (moderator) said on January 27, 2003 08:37:
I would say 2 months not 5, cuz this thread started in November, but well.
I haven’t forgotten about it, but I am waiting for some answers, that are not coming, so there is not much I can do about it.
Ferdan said on January 27, 2003 09:45:
damn... i read day/month... and it was month/day
i need some sleep, my vacations are killing me
Susi said on January 27, 2003 21:42:
@AntiMario: Don’t say negative things about my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
per_mson said on January 27, 2003 21:48:
@AntiMario: It is a pity to hear that you feel like that. Well, one can´t please everyone. :/
Starrox said on January 27, 2003 21:55:
@coyboyusa: Dan = Daniel Zimmerman, better known as the owner of roxette.org, of course!
AntiMario said on January 28, 2003 13:16:
to Per-Axel and Sussie:
Well, it was my mistake as I misread that you’re not really involved in FC deals but was only translating for them (as Judith almost immediately explained to me in a letter). And thus I showed a disappointment solely for myself. I’m strange but I don’t really like FC, so that was the stupid reason.
I never ever wanted to hurt anybody with the post. You can see details of my wonder in your mail, Per-Axel.
P.S. Strange, but why you reacted only 2 months after?
jorgerox said on January 28, 2003 14:36:
@coyboyusa, roxette.org isn’t close ;-) Luckyly Dan found a way to keep it up
At the moment we can’t offert webhosting for new sites but as you can see the rest of roxette.org’s services is working without problems :-)
Iertje_ said on November 26, 2002 08:54:
Hi littlespooky!
It;s a combination of what you mentioned actually... :)
Ronald is still in the fc, he’s especially dealing with he database and the website and the contacts with the record company people. Some of the ’old people’ are still there, the longest there (I guess) are me and Ronald. I’ve been there since ’94, started doing swap & sale and answering letters and the last ehmm 6 or 7 years or so I mostly did work for the review, designing and writing for it and stuff. Chantie and Cisca and some other new people joined us last year and are very enthousiastic. Chantie is doing the fanshop now, and I think she’s doing a great job! We also have a lot of new people doing things like translations and writing. So we have a much bigger (and better!) team now!