Sad Days..
Permaniac said on October 17, 2002 10:06:
Always seems to me that Roxette is the BSO of my life ,for example, nowadays i´m very sad , all things are agaisnt to me , my girlfriend left me , and i must begin again from zero , i have a boring job and the winter comes , so always there is a lazy sky when I wake up (and normally it´s raining).At the same time I knew about Marie´s tumour and then I though ” It´s the Final Day of the World” . With this state of mind I believe sometimes that my life is like a film when i go in the train and I listen to ATAY and weight of the world (what a beautiful song , but so saaad) Roxette and me beating like one heart.
Santi said on October 17, 2002 11:02:
Try listening to another band some day. Some years ago listening to Roxette in a similar situation made me depressed... but I discovered those Oasis :D They’re ******** (Ok, Lars... “brilliantly”) cool... Download from internet “STAY YOUNG”...
“Hey, stay young and invincible, ’cause we know just what we are... and come what may we’re unstoppable, ’cause we know just what we are... C’MON!!!!”
Be strong, life can be wonderful (it’s a matter of time for us... we’re not in a real bad situation as those Ferdan said) and sun shines in Spain also in the winter :)
P.S. “Ballads can seriously harm your health” ;)
cocos1972 said on October 17, 2002 11:17:
I broke up yesterday too and happens the same to me today: I feel sad, lonely and as I was coming to work this morning, I listened TWOTW too and felt worst. But do not worry, sun will shine in your life again sooner or later (and in mine too, I hope), it‘s just a question of time. Be strong and positive. Good luck!
Permaniac said on October 18, 2002 06:56:
hey, thank you all, now I feel a bit comes the sun!!( i live in Spain too)
AntiMario said on October 18, 2002 10:14:
Your girlfriend left??????? I thought you’re a girl too!
spookymeg said on October 18, 2002 22:21:
I once read many people get depressed on Spring but now it seems the same happens in Autumn! :(
I agree: this last week has been pretty strange for me. I’m tired, sad, sleepy... :(
vaxjoe said on October 18, 2002 22:24:
@antimario:she is a girl and she had a girlfriend...think a little more...
sweet_stalker57 said on October 19, 2002 04:07:
oh yeah, I’m thinking a little more... a lot more actually! :p
go surfing!!!! Spain has some sweet waves I hear.
have sex with your ex girlfriend’s mom.
go to a strip club.
buy a new car.
parachute from an airplane.
paint a picture.
in a world of endless possibilities... the possibilities are ... well , endless! :)
Permaniac said on October 21, 2002 10:00:
hey VAx I´m not a girl but If you´re we can meet , can you send me your photo??
Permaniac said on October 21, 2002 10:03:
:sweet i need sex more than others things ,(can you hear this shania twain?)
AntiMario said on October 21, 2002 12:26:
I thought I saw your photo! And it was DEFINETLY female, Permaniac! Of course I can be wrong...
sweet_stalker57 said on October 22, 2002 04:23:
but now that your main girl is gone it will be just empty hollow sleazy sex with strippers and teeny
boppers in hotels, cars and alley ways... opps gotta run! :p
Ferdan said on October 17, 2002 10:16:
Oh well.... there’s people worse than us, there’s people starving to death with no other chance of exit given, there’s people dying to have a boring job like yours.
but we all still have a chance, we still have ways to carry on with this, and there’s plenty of girls to meet, and we still have a lot of Roxette yet to be heard :))))))
If you think it can’t get worse, or you think it’s gonna be worst. well it’s gonna be worse :P