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Den Ständiga Resan

25 replies

I have always liked this album a lot too.

Lately I have been listening to this album a lot. I guess its my way to react to the Marie news...but I only put songs sung by Marie on, and if I play Roxette, I only listen to Marie songs (the ballads).Guess the new compilation will be good for me...
But the atsmosphere and the feeling that DSR has is so touching...esp the 3 songs “Den Ständiga Resan”, “Medan Tiden Är Inne” and “Den Där Novemberdan”. Does anyone else has this album as their favourite album right now?

this has been one of my favourites thru all years, and yes, lately i am listening to it and the compilation and the live 2000 a lot.. I think we are all kind of “Marie-mood” these days, I also watched the live-dvd yesterday..

i listeninig live 2000 CD every night ....

This is my favourite Marie album anyways...but I’ve been listening to it alot more lately......also been listening to I En Tid Som Vår alot too.

This album was my first contact to Marie’s music and I ’got in love’ with it. Yeah, is strange but during this days i’ve been listening to this one (and also the others and watching the DVD) but specially the song Det Regnar Igen (wich is my all time favourite) and Mellam Sommar Och Höst.
I really hope we can here more and more new songs from Marie during the following years.

Marie, recover soon, we’re all waiting to see you again.


it was the first of her solo work i heard way back in 1992 and it’s still my fave. esp. mellan sommar och höst and medan tiden är inne. too beautiful.

Na, I don’t like this album*... :D:D:D

*I am of course joking!

Definitely this album is a masterpiece, not only because it has fabulous songs, but also because of the amazing atmosphere which lasts from the first song to the last.

I specially like the song “Ett Enda Liv”, whose lyrics are very emotional, and also “Till Sist”...Marie is a poet!!

It would be great if Marie manages to write some songs with english lyrics at the same level as she does with her swedish work. I’m sure she’ll be able to achieve that in the future.

We are still with you, Marie, and we’ll always be.

I absolutely love this album... it’s a perfect mix of mellow and upbeat songs, but it leaves you with a very different feeling than, say, “Have a Nice Day.” Either “Medan Tiden Är Inne” or “Mellan Sommar Och Höst” is my favourite Marie song ever, but I’m not sure which... runners up are “Ett Enda Liv,” “Så Länge Det Lyser Mittemot,” and “Så Stilla, Så Långsamt” or even “Det Regnar Igen”... all from this album! To me, “I En Tid Som Vår” is just TOO mellow, very sad sounding, despite songs like “Tro” and “Vinterängel,” which are supposed to be positive songs... “Den Ständiga Resan” really showcases a depth that we all kind of knew Marie had but didn’t get to hear so clearly before this album came out. I hope Marie will continue to pursue her solo career in parallel with Roxette as she’s managed to do successfully for so long!

I am SOOOO happy to have finally figured out how to make my North American keyboard type Swedish accents and other characters... an ignorant Canadian no more!!!

I tried several times to listen to her best-of-album, but everytime I heard her voice, I started crying. So I have to postpone it.

It is my fave Marie album. First contact with Marie’s solo stuff and with music in Swedish. Not only the songs are great, but they fit perfectly with the CD-booklet and those 2 brilliant videos by Åkerlund [must be seen!]!!! A true masterpiece!
Tho lately I’ve been listening mostly to the 4 “new” tracks of the CD-Box - just can’t get enough of them!!
Get well soon, Marie!!

I think it is good that we are still strong enough o listen to anything that has to do with Marie. As lonely_girl said, her songs can make many of us cry these days. :(

I love Det jag verkligen ville from DSR

Im listening to the title track right now.It almost makes me cry:(

someone who own the swedish promotion box


Hmm... I’ve had it for a couple of months but haven’t really listened to it... perhaps I should

Mellan sommar och host and Sa stilla sa langsamt
2 alltime favorits. Lyrics are superb!

Hmm, I have finally bought it this summer. Have to say that I don’t really like it, it’s so pale and depressing. In contrast I love the I En Tid Som Var album!

i got the Karlekens Guld box in May.... and DSR is my favourite album... i just love it to bits!

I hate it. Sorry, but it’s so damn depressing.

Nah tis one of the best Marie albums...

its not so depressing if you don’t understand the lyrix ;)

I like denstandigaresan (the album and the person here). It was the first solo-album of Marie I bought.
The last one was Antligen and I listen to that one a bit more right now

I really listen to I En Tid Som Vår more. It’s been in heavy rotation since I bought it two months ago (DSR was bought at the same time), and Äntligen has gone from computer, to the CD player in the living room, to the car, to work, & on the airplane these last two trips I’ve had.

(Så Stilla Så Langsamt and Så Länge Det Lysser Mittemot, Det Regnar Igen, Vem Tror Du Att Du Är?, Till Sist, Ett Enda Liv, & Mellan, from DSRtend to be my favorites. But I woke up with Novemberdan in my head the other day.)

It occurred to me not too long ago that Marie is very much a mood of Winter, and Per is very Summery. Both cross into Autumn and Spring, but they both cover all the seasons with their moods. I myself have been feeling much more wintery lately.

Brilliant album! It was the first Marie album I heard and the first music I heard in the Swedish language, great stuff a real classic! Marie’s best I think.

It has been my favorit album ever since it came out in -92. For over ten years I have listened to it almost every day.


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