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Any asian people in here? Hello!!!

47 replies

c’mon guys, i’t’s time for us, the asian people, to talk to each other. have a nice kewl day!

Well hello Hasan, nice to meet you!!, i’m from Jakarta, ’apa kabar?’, how’s the rox-DVD in Malaysia?? can u get it on the musical market/ stores there???, i can’t find it here :(, I’ve been hunting for it but still can’t get it..

kabar baik. Di sini memang susah nak cari dvd roxette. Saya rasa EMI asia memang tidak mereleasekan dvd itu di asia tenggara sebabnya populariti roxette sudah agak pudar, dan mereka takut dvd itu tidak dapat sambutan yang banget.

hati gue sangat senang sekali bila mengetahui ada juga rox fans dari jakarta. jgn lupa ini lah portal utk kita semua org asian utk berbual. sampai ketemu

wow!! what a speak!! i miss this language on the sites!!, kamu guru(pengajar) biologi ya?, i’m a college Student!, kirim2 mail dong ke alamat mail saya!, Hassan di Sabah tepatnya di mana?, kamu kenal sama Razzali roxbase? kan sama2 dari malaysia!

Razzaliroxbase tu adalah adik gue. dia tu student form 6. Kamu di college ambil jurusan apa?...boleh kenalkan saya dengan cewek-cewek cute Jakarta?..Saya tinggal di Kota Kinabalu ,Sabah.

Kamu ada ambil bidang biology?...subjek bio sangat seronok. Kalau tidak silap saya, roxette ada buat konsert di jakarta pada 1994, betulkan?

i see.., he doesn’t seem to use his malay very frequent here, so i even almost thought that he can’t speak it :))), so does he leave in Sabah too? , salam kenal buat Razzali!! gue ambil Medical college di Univ. Of Indonesia, at 6th cemester, tapi saya mau pindah jurusan ke accounting.. saya ga kerasan di medical.. just doesnt fit with my own will, so i’ve just resigned a couple weeks ago.., and looking forward to studying account, wish me success!!

yup!! Roxette pernah singgah di sini thn 1994 lalu, saya nonton koq! di sabah juga kah? right at the time an indonesia unoficial roxette fans club was declared! named’joyrider’, sampai skrg msh exist, salh satu anggotanya juga Smalltalker di sini.., Her nick is Majdy, sorry i forget to tell u my name.. call me diky!

Great topic!

I’m Iranian.
What kind of language are you talking?

hi there Yashar! it’s good to know that youér from Iran. Hey, did u know that one of the latest Iranian film featured crash!boom!bang! as the musical background?..I think it’s called Hemlock....

If u wanna know, the language that deja vu and I are u sing is called Bahasa Melayu/Malay. IN my country, bahasa is the official language but English is also widely spoken, in fact it’s the 2nd language that we”re using in our daily life.

So, deja vu, medical is great, but u’ll have to face some difficulties along the way, coz i’m sure u know that it’s a very hard subject. Accounting is kewl, in fact I used to learn accounting when i was 17 y.old

So, can u tell me the add. of the indonesian site?

I myself have written that article! Didn’t you see?

hi, semuanya! apa kabar... I’m an asian fan too! seneng rasanya bisa ketemu dengan teman-teman yang juga dari asia....

Hello Asian!!

So Hasan, u mean the sites for The unofficial rox fan? well..amat disayangkan gak ada satupun dari kita yang bisa bikin Sites:(( krn Satu dan banyak alasan, kita tetep kontak paling2 lewat telp., SMS, E-Mail, Surat2an, Atau sesekali bikin Meet&Greet, Kamu mau ajarin saya bikin Sites?? I’d love too!!Have a nice Life!!

selamat kepada deja_vu dan majdy: sebenarnya, bikin site bukannya susah sangat. bisa guna microsoft frontpage utk bikin website yg cun gitu.

saya fikir kita harus menubuhkan satu asian fan site utk roxette. dalam site itu, kita patut adakan forum atau chat room supaya kita boleh kumpul semua org asia utk kita berbual gitu.

so, apa kabar Indonesia?...kirim salam dgn awek-awek di sana ya... gue suka dengar lagu Padi, Sheila on 7..

Brilliant Idea!, Since u’re the one who’s able to use the MS why dont u start it!? just tell me if u need anything to be assisted, i’ll give my best!, u have all my support, pal!

Indonesia baik2 aja, biasalah dgn segala jns permasalahan politk dan Ekonomi.. tapi Nilai tukar Kurs Dollar di sini Sdh mulai membaik koq!!, it’s a good start For Our Economical Developmnt!!

To Yashar: Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Bro.!! It’s been so long we’ven’t Had a Long chat!, Peace My bro.!


Shouldn’t this be in the international discussion?

For the whole of Asia there were 4...:-) Anyway, international anyone?

my mother is Indonesian...does that count?

@Th_Th: take a look at the date this topic was started - it was way before the international section was created!

right, it was started LLLOOONNGGG time ago.

@Close2U : your mother is Indonesian? it does count! because u have indonesian blood :) where do u come from anyway?

I bet we’ll sooner be kicked on international forum :) that’s okay as long they don’t delete it.

chinese boy in California here!

hey, bunny. nice meeting you here!!! I saw your pic on Spooky’s site. Hmmm... u don’t look like chinese at all :) hey, where do u live in California? also, if you go to International section, you’ll find asian fans there too...

I guess the TDR team will kick us in 10 sec :)

10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....

Hey I’m still here :)

I’m from Shanghai, China. We also have a Chinese Roxette Site: There are many Chinese roxers, but we seldom talked in TDR Forum in English.

@Majdy i’m from Holland. My mum from Jakarta...
I don not speak one single word malesian or what so ever... if it has nothing to do with food that is ;)


I’m not asian...sorry..

Hey Close2u : your mom from Jakarta? cool :) have u ever been there?

Sorry Majdy I haven’t replied for so long. Each time I visit TDR I go straight to discussions-roxette.

Not used to visiting this international forum .....

But, no I have never been to Jakarta. A shame. But I’m really affraid to fly. But it’s probably going to happen some time in the future.

Where are you from?


Hey, that’s okay :) anyway, I live in Manado North Sulawesi. It’s fram from Jakarta, and I only been there for two times.

you know, if oneday you decide to come don’t forget about me....

nice meeting you, by the way.

PS: I notice that u seldom (or never?) come to Off Topic too. It was fun there, really! :)

Well...I might just have a quick look then!

It better be good =)

lol! okay. see u there :)

Hi people!!!

hi, Aaso. what’sup?

Hi Majdy ... so there are a few Asian ones here ..mmm good :)

*Wishing you guys to always be Joyriders forever*

thank you, vemro :) are u Asian?

@vemroe: hey, kamu dari Indonesia juga, ya? saya baru check di “user Id kamu”. Great!!! that means now there are 4 Indonesian here!!!!

Hello Asian People...!!!
Eh emang yg dari Indonesia ada 4? Saya temasuk gak? Sekalian saya mao kasih ralat sedikit Roxette pernah singgah ke Jakarta bukan tahun 1994 tapi tahun 1995 tepatnya tgl. 6 Februari 1995 beberapa hari sebelum merilis album Rarities di ASIA.

Hello Majdy ;)

@ hotblooder
tentu kamu termasuk, dong. Saya tahu kalau Roxette manggung tgl 6 februari 1995, ultahnya Joyriders Club juga sengaja ngambil tgl yg sama.

@ Majdy
Thanx ya saya masuk hitungan. Anyway denger2 pacar kamu org bule ya..!! Roxette fans juga lagi jadi kalo mao minta lagu2 yg ada di B-side dan bonus track di Special Edition kamu ada donk!!! Aku mao dong lagu2 yg gak di rilis di Indonesia!!!

wow.. saya terkenal juga, ya? :) yep, you’re right about my bf. Saya punya lagu-lagu b-side, demo dan sebagainya dari... ehm dia hehehe. saya mau aja bagi-bagi ke kamu, but how to copy it? anyway, bulan depan dia mau dtg ke sini and dia mau bawa SEMUA koleksinya baik yang Roxette maupun no-rox. horraaayy!!!
ngomong-ngomong, kemana aja kamu? kok baru sekarang muncul. siluman, ya? hehehe...

Enak ya your BF punya semua lagu2 Roxette yg B-side maupun yg demo kalo aku minta gimana caranya ya?? bingung juga aku..Saya baru muncul karena dari kemaren jaringan internet dikantor lagi down.

tenang aja, siapa tahu suatu saat saya punya “chance” ke Jakarta :) eh, kamu pake internet di kantor, ya? sama dong :) saya dulunya punya internet di rumah ortu tapi sekarang nggak lagi, lagian sekarang saya sudah kost.
enak memang punya bf yang suka Rox. we can talk abour Rox every time we want :) it’s become on eof our fav topics!

Envy Envy Envy!!!
Jangankan pacar, satu temen yang suka roxette aja ga punya

Cucian deh loo...

How about continuing the Asian talk in here:

Or is this one better to talk in?

I miss this thread :(

Me too...!!!

Hey you! Do you what happen to DeJavu? it’s been so long since he post something in TDR.

He was busy with his college’s exercises


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