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MARKUZ:a "fake" roxette fan?

48 replies

TOPIC:CRUSH ON YOU - why........
MARKUZ:COY is the third worst Roxette song after Stars and MMHGP.

Thank God it was never released as a single... We had our fair share of crappy singles from that horrible album.

TOPIC:Jason Donovan’s Sweet Hello
MARKUZ:It’s good, but not THAT good.

MARKUZIsn’t that GREAT???? :(

TOPIC:”Ballads”-a success?
MARKUZ:Honestly, I think it’s going to be a complete flop.

TOPIC:Roxette popularity.

i don’t care what ignorant people think...i like roxette and that’s it...

hey what do you have to him ? he is on daily roxette much longer than you and he is right about that things you presented.

leave people alone and let them think like they want.

@jackeil:oh yeah? thanks for telling us who has been here longer and whos right and whos wrong miss God

LOL...hi vaxjoe! U know when I came to TDR, the replies of Markuz used to pissed me off (a lot)!

But you know once u accept that he’s a BITCH, u will find his replies rather amusing and besides, he’s right quite often!

the fact that he is using criticism doesn’t make him fake, I think. Maybe he carries things too far at times, but so what? I think it is needed to keep your senses you know. Is there anyone who loves E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G Roxette has done? I don’t think so! Such attitude would be fake, I think.

I have 10 years of being a Rox fan and i say
Crush on you is horrible (the studio version)
MMHGP....... i hate it... it’s too cheap
Stars...... really really ugly song

Have a nice day album...... the worst thing Roxette ever did..... after Baladas en español....

and if someone comes and say i´m a fake rox fan.... i´ll just laugh at his face and feel pity bout him

vaxjoe.... you make me laugh

no Ferdan, you’re not a fake rox’re a very frustrated rox fan!!!

They love me! They REALLY love me!

BTW, vaxjoe, you forgot to quote this one:
TOPIC: Isn’t Per nasty sometimes?
MARKUZ: “Yes, not only is he nasty but also rude. But i guess you fans deserve it. The guy is laughing at your faces and you don’t even notice... I remember one time when Per said that Marie was preparing dance steps for the next single and all the morons got all really exited hehehehe there was even a discussion here at small talk about that, I guess some fans were expecting something like a Britney Spears video with all the dancers lol you just can’t blame him, it’s you who ask all those stupid questions at I guess that being “nasty” or “funny” is the only way to answer those questions. Otherwise he would have to tell you to go and get a brain...

lol the funniest bit is that some of you seem to enjoy being treated like sh*t!!! ROTFLOL”

Enjoy the sarcasm!

Some people just seem to have too much time and don´t know what to do with their pathetic lives!


Yes you’re right, hence the reason you’re here!

Keep up the great work Markuz.

Let people talk about what they want. If someone wants to talk about possible dance steps for Marie; let them do it- this is a Roxette forum.If anyone wants to critisize rox for anything; let them do it ( but off course, if you go to far, like M sometimes has-you can count on being flamed since THIS IS A ROXETTE forum). I mean, there HAS to be a “I want to be a BITCH about everything” forum somewhere on the net...

Markuz, I think that we have some things in common, he he he.

@accompaniedgirl:seems the only time u re accompanied by something is when u use this nickname *roflmao*

@ferdan: u make me laugh also! u claim to be a cool sarcastic but u cant really take the sarcasm..cheers
ps:i loved the vanity thing..yes they love u , u re a king here everybody bow b4 u *lol*


huh? when did claim anything???

Just because someone doesn’t like everything they do....does that make them fake??? .........oh god I better run for the hills then, or else you’ll all be chasing me with your fake fan baseball bats! ;)

hehe...Per could have done a cover of Ramones Beat up the brat with a baseball bat ;-)))))) But he did not, such a shame ;-)
Anyway, I think alike, so I won’t chase you Vix :)

I won’t say anything ...
I met him 2 years ago, in a party.

He was the president of our local fan club and he was sacked ... I wasn’t there but the rest of the fans told me a lot of bad things about him.

I didn’t believe anything. Anyway, the Fan club is gone, and probably Markuz took the right decision.

I’ve been sitting back, watching this discussion with a bit of interest. I thought I’d watch a while before commenting.

I’ve known Markuz for a little while now. We talk back and forth away from here with a farily regular basis. I’ve been watching as a lot of people have put Markuz down just for stating his opinions. I’ve noticed people do that to others on a regular basis.

The thing that gets me is: What makes YOUR OPINION better than his or anyone elses?

The answer to that is: NOTHING. Your opinion isn’t better than his, mine, my friend KnightSaber’s, or anyone elses for that matter. It is just that: an opinion. It is valued because of its uniqueness from the individual. So Markuz “trashes” (according to quite a few of you) some stuff here:

“TOPIC:CRUSH ON YOU - why........
MARKUZ:COY is the third worst Roxette song after Stars and MMHGP.

Thank God it was never released as a single... We had our fair share of crappy singles from that horrible album.

TOPIC:Jason Donovan’s Sweet Hello
MARKUZ:It’s good, but not THAT good.

MARKUZIsn’t that GREAT???? :(

TOPIC:”Ballads”-a success?
MARKUZ:Honestly, I think it’s going to be a complete flop.

TOPIC:Roxette popularity.
MARKUZ:Bleh... “

Uh huh. And this gets your panties in a knot why? I, for one, am glad that Markuz actually has the testicular fortitude (See: Bigger balls than most of you) to state his own opinion. And yet you ridicule him for that. Makes sense. You fit in with most of the folks in the world who can’t bear to have someone think differently from them. You want my opinion? (Bet not)

COY: I liked it for some peculiar reason, but not one of Roxette’s best songs.
Jason Donovan’s Sweet Hello: Sweet Hello, Sad Goodbye? Not sure if I heard it, so not enough input for a meaningful response.
Up Tempo: Guess I’ll have to find that one and read it.
Balladas: You have GOT to be kidding!!!! I have it and I don’t think it’s all that and a bag of Doritos. If you’re going to sing a song in a different language, please LEARN SOME OF IT FIRST!!! That’s like me trying to sing the anthem for the Russian Army. Don’t speak it, I’d lose some of the feeling behind the words.
Roxette Popularity: Not in this country they ain’t. They were big with The Look and Joyride and then crashed. So I’d have to go with Markuz’s half-assed “bleh”.

*awaits the flames and the floggings that are sure to follow this comment*

Thanks to those who let Markuz be his own man.

-Little Spooky

so you got ballads...

Markuz is a true rox fan! I remember after the
last concert he ran into his room and flung himself
on the bed then began to cry while kicking and
pounding his fists.... “Oh, when will I see Per och
Marie again!!!!!”

He doesn’t like Roxette anymore.

SS...hehehehe...reminds me of one story I heard! It goes something like, after the show they were crying because the show was over and Roxette left town so now they were crying because the fun was all over. And they were all upset because they knew it would be a long time before they see Roxette again.

Wow...that’s a fan!

Do you remember reading that one Sweet Stalker? Hey SS...hopefully when I get back from my little trip I’ll have some cool stories for you! If you know any good places that I haven’t been to let me know and I’ll check them out!


Did’t really like Vegas, Royal. it was just too
tacky. I did have fun but it wasn’t interesting
fun. and all the strippers smoked and toss their
cigs while walking up the platform and then are
like “hey baby” with that gravely torn up voice
that sounds like Marge’s sisters from the Simpsons!
ick! :p

don’t worry about Markuz, he will be okay as
soon as he buys all the new box sets and the
red cover re issue of Brazil DBUGTTC 95.

vaxjoe is really Prince!

no he’s not but Vax Joe don’t you have better things to do instead of pointing out other peoples weaknesses??


umm roxie i think we had agreed that i stay out of ur way and u out of mine?
or if u want to go to the good old bitching days i have no problem so sont dare me

*wonder what me love was thinkin*

“I remember after the last concert he [Markuz] ran into his room and flung himself on the bed then began to cry while kicking and pounding his fists.... “Oh, when will I see Per och Marie again!!!!!”

Certainly, he has the testicular fortitude (See: Bigger balls than most of you), like someone said before.


*wonders how this topic escaped the Archive Police.....?*

Dunno but it’s funnish nontheless!!

why do you pick up all those old topics? Do you think the new ones are not interesting or do you just feel bored?

superbullie: because he´s retarded??

@Ferdan :HAND is second best Roxette album after Joyride!
You are also fake-fan:-))

LaMan... STOP your killing me!! LOL

HAND is, among Joyride, Look Sharp! and C!B!B!, the best album Roxette have done.

HAND sucks !!! Go to hell HAND and take that stupid singing ducks with you !!!

LoneGunMan: how rude!

It doesn’t sucks. I bet you have it, and all the singles off that album too...

Sparvo: I’ll agree to that one... *whistles* YO!!! ARCHIVE POLICE

I don’t like HAND so much. Too electronic for what Roxette used to be... And some songs tooooo boring. ANd that’s it for me, and it’s an opinion, and it’s my opinion.

PS. And you may call me whatever you want. I don’t run fanatism races :p

singing ducks....? Be glad I’m not the moderator......mwahahahaaha oam.

Have you seen “Stars” video? Were not those plastic singing ducks?

Singing dux... well, they sure beat the hell out of BS, NSYNC, BSB, and several OTHERS I can think of....

Hello apo Elllada!!!
Keep on Roxing Niko!

Moonchild u know my baby-Nikos?

Online NOW!!!!!!


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