Silversun Pickup's....
Benji101 said on June 1, 2008 02:52:
So has anyone enjoyed Silversun Pickup’s album “Carnavas”...? There are some really catchy tunes and a song I really enjoy, besides “Lazy Eye” and “Well Thought Out Twinkles”, is their ending track which I find myself playing over and over and over again... The tune is titled “Common Reactor” and to me, it’s one of those tunes that definitely has an ’anthem’ feel to it. Silversun Pickup’s have been compared to Sonic Youth and ’some’ tuneage by The Smashing Pumpkins. If you own this album, what are your thoughts and curious to read if you feel if they (Silversun...) have more potential than some of these other bands that seem to not get ’it’ musically. Hope to hear from ya.. Peace.