davidc4 said on May 12, 2008 17:02:
Has anyone got the new Madonna album Hard Candy yet? if so what do you think?
im loving it at the moment almost as much as Kylie Minogues X album
seba said on May 12, 2008 18:31:
Both albums are really bad...anyway they’re madonna and kylie so they will sell millions of copies. I’m not a fan of them, but on the previous albums I could find at least one good song. btw, I also think that kylie’s album is better if I have to choose one.
Roxette-atic said on May 12, 2008 19:07:
I agree,,,,both Madonna and Kylies latest albums SUCKS. And I am a big fan of them both... Music and Ray of Light are masterpieces. I think Madonna releases albums too often.. she doesent write enough good tracks too fill a whole new album. She seems to be in a hurry and sorry Madonna...the result is not that good. Also..bad idea to work with hip-hop, rnb producers...
7-Twenty-7 said on May 12, 2008 19:24:
Let’s be clear. Madonna releases albums just for the sake of making money. I don’t think there’s much art or ’inspiration’ in her music. She knows there’s a market out there, and takes the chance. The big problem is we’ll hear her music everywhere, and her videos in every channel, while it’s plenty of better music around (which hardly gets any atention).
Thank God for the internet!!! :)
rox-kuryliw said on May 12, 2008 22:48:
I dont like it at all, Boring nothing new. If i wanted a timberland lake album i would of bought one !
DEFAULT_GREEN said on May 13, 2008 05:57:
The music overall is bad lately
Bryan Adams 11 - Very boring
REM Accelerate - What where they thinking?
Madonna Hard Candy - Really what a load of S@#$@#T
Janet Jackson Dicipline - Feedback is good the rest sucks
Mariah Carey E = MC2 = Very Average
I hope Dido can save us from this mess
animalkingdom said on May 13, 2008 22:48:
I don’t have the new Madonna record as of yet (wasn’t too impressed with 4 minutes to buy the whole record), however, some artists are still capable to write/produce (rather) good (innovative) music after a very long career.
Madonna’s put out some crap out over the years, but she’s still putting something out for her fans - AND for herself! Whoever said she’s having an album out too often must have something wrong in their system ! :-S
arnie said on May 15, 2008 11:31:
Hard Candy’s cover sucks !!! who designed the cover? the same people who designed HAND’s cover?
Kylie’s X is a great album.
DEFAULT_GREEN said on May 15, 2008 11:49:
I know this is not a HAND tread but the HAND cover is artistically very good,
as for Modonnas cover... the cover reminds me of her Like a Virgin days
RobS said on May 16, 2008 07:23:
I’ve don’t have anything against the HAND cover as it were, but what makes it “artistically very good”?
And just to keep on topic, i don’t really like the new song, 4 minutes. I ’m really getting sick of all the artists who do collaborations with others. I think the song probably would’ve been better if it was just Madonna herself.
coyboyusa said on May 19, 2008 10:26:
hard candy is the ghetto black peoples version of confessions onthe dancefllor. I am sorry but when madonna makes albums she goes hit or miss, either it’s really amazing like ray of light or rubbish like american life. She’s one of the few artists in her 50’s I wish would retire, but just like abba us gay people keep her alive lool
bunny2 said on May 21, 2008 14:18:
I was looking forward her album sooo badly, but actually it isn’t the best. I still prefer the last album. Hard candy is nice, it’s different again, but I am missing something. I don’t know.
Well, Kylie’s last album is really really boring in my ears. I regret the day when I have bought it, so I have sold it. I like her latest albums.
Well, I did not hear the new Bryan Adams album but I wanted to buy it now.
There is not much good music at the moment. I just love the “Mercy” song. I don’t know the singers name.
but anyway, I am trying to get a ticket for Madonna’s show in Berlin! :-)))
tavo said on May 23, 2008 23:27:
i bought it the first day it was released here in argentina. with this purchase i was given a hard candy poster. really cool! regarding the songs, i still don´t like 4 minutes, i never liked the beat goes on when it leaked and i didn´t like candyshop either. but now, when listening to the whole album, i really like it. i like all of the songs except for spanish lesson. what was she thinking? also incredible, it´s awful. voices is not my cup of tea either. the rest is ok. beat goes on sounds great, nothing to do with that crappy demo. my favorites are hearbeat and miles away. i also like dance 2nite and the perfect ending would be devil wouldnt recognize u.
realsuga said on May 31, 2008 17:04:
adore Hard naff track, Spanish Lesson....some potential mega hits on there. Not quite Confessions quality-wise but it’s a bloody good effort IMHO
kman said on June 1, 2008 08:13:
I like the new album. Spanish Lesson is the weakest song, but there is many potential hit singles on it.
colinvdbel (moderator) said on June 1, 2008 09:32:
The album ’Hard Candy’ rocks! Of course I’m talking about the legendary album by the Counting Crows..... never quite understood why it’s fun to ’borrow’ other bands’ album titles :S
DEFAULT_GREEN said on June 1, 2008 10:04:
Just to comment on one of the top threads:
Mercy by Duffy; yeah really great song... If you listen carefully the instruments
used in this song is almost exactly the same ones used in en handig man cd,
I waht Duffy did with that song is what Per was trying to do.
coyboyusa said on June 1, 2008 14:46:
duffy is great, I am ashamed to admit britney spears song break the ice is under my skin right now:)
so say we all
roxtexanet said on June 2, 2008 19:17:
@coyboyusa: Mine too. What is it about that damned album? I couldn’t stand anything but “Toxic” before this and now... gimme more before I black out! (ugh, that was terrible)
Roxryder said on June 3, 2008 11:09:
Last saturday was available on youtube for like 7 mins Madonna’s “Give It To Me” video. Of course better than 4 Minutes but nothing special nice editing though. It’s her body all the time. Ok she’s 50 and has a great body and....?? that’s it? What happened to those days where a new Madonna video was something interesting to look up to but well Madonna and most of the others artists too.
Here i found the link again for the ones that haven’t seen it yet: Enjoy!.....?
Maybe in good quality it grows
like magic and love lots of forgotten words
ncurran said on May 12, 2008 18:11:
A few good songs on it, but a lot of rubbish as well.....i prefered her last album. Kylie’s album is much better