We are looking for Bootlegs
Viking said on February 9, 2002 02:18:
Hej everybody!
My friend and me are despretely looking for all kinds of Rox-, Marie- or Per-Bootlegs Does somebody know, where we can buy Bootlegs on the Internet? Or is there maybe one of you who wants to sell copies of his ones?
Send a E-mail to [email protected]
Thanx, HAND!
dan-rox said on February 10, 2002 23:42:
if you send me a list to my my e.mail of teh stuff you have, not just Roxette, also Gyllene, Marie ... i wil send you mine and we can see if we can swap copies of something , ok ?
my e.mail is [email protected]
coyboyusa said on February 9, 2002 15:14:
there are a handful on roxbytes.com just downlaod the mp3’s and copy them LOL
I have a rare radio show they did in NY in 2000 I will post to my rox site whenever I get it finished lol which may be never lol