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Heath Ledger

11 replies

I was totally shocked when I heard the news this morning. What a sad turn of events for such a talented actor!

My thoughts are with the parents, family and close friends of this actor.

yes really very very sad, he was a great actor, Brothers grimm and knights tale my personal faves.

he was great, too bad. I am still in shock he was so nice and good looking. Who was he dating, I think another actress?

He was dating Michelle Williams who was Jen in Dawsons Creek and also played his on screen wife in Brokeback Mountain. They split up last year though

i just can´t believe what happened. he really touched my soul with his performance in brokeback, and i was so amazed when i got to know he was going to play the joker in batman, which is my all-time favorite comic. i will really miss heath, i hope he´s ok wherever he is.

You said it tavo! What a terrible fate, I’m very sad and shocked too. To be gone at the age of 28 at the very start of a brilliant carrier and having your life ahead of you... Such things are not meant to happen to anyone. What else can I say, we’re all going to miss him.

I don’t think i’ve ever seen one of his films, but when i heard the news i was quite shocked. He was so young and had so many good things happening in his life at the moment. Very sad.

a really great actor! I was so shocked when I heard of it yesterday. Very sad!

Just announced on one of our TVs a weekend with his films, showing parts of “A knight tale ” and playing Queen’s song..

Theres no chance for us
Its all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?

Sad and terrible news..
I watched interviews after the birth of his daughter and last interviews about Joker .
He was such nice person and devoted actor.
Why such tragedy always happend to good people?
It’s a crazy world .
“piece of heaven turns to dark”

Don’t know the actor well...Heard he was in Brokeback Mountain. What shocked me was to learn about a religious groupe who want to attend his funeral. They even had print an entire page in a newpaper (in Texas, I think) that they were happy for this news and that: (i quote...) he will now burn in hell, for his portrayal of an homosexual. What a group of morons...

probably the ’christian’ group westboro baptist church, an insane anti gay group:

and america and canada and maybe others. from memory i think they stated the boxing day tsunami was punishment for something gay related.

I was so shocked that I almost had to cry because of this Sad news about Heath Ledger!
Have Fun!!!


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