Need help from germans!!
Roxette-atic said on January 12, 2008 00:02:
hi! I just this telephonenumber a real german telephonenumber or is it fake??: 016267680XX
Roxette-atic said on January 12, 2008 00:25:
Thank you ver much!! So with other words...I ( from sweden) would have to dial 0049162016267680XX?
Sascha said on January 12, 2008 00:45:
No, you have to change the pre-number 0 for the 0049 (for Germany). So 0049 162 67680XX is correct. :-)
tevensso (moderator) said on January 12, 2008 12:01:
Please don’t put out real phone numbers on the net without censoring it.
Roxette-atic said on January 12, 2008 12:27:
Thanx guys=)
Sorry TDR for writing the real number.
This guy is actually ripping me of ( ebay) so now ill be giving him a call.
RoXoR said on January 12, 2008 00:08:
this is a German mobile phone number. To call the number from a foreign country you have to call 0049162.....
I hope that helps.