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Techno version of Dangerous!!!

6 replies

Hey everyone,

I was listening to a EuroDance streaming audio channel yesterday and heard a Techno version of Dangerous. Unfortunately, it was part of a mix (Magic Dance Xplosion - Volume 10), so I only heard about 30-45 seconds of it, but it actually sounded pretty good. Not sure who was singing it... not as good as Per’s voice but not too bad.

Hey, I just looked up the track list for this mix and found that a band called “Three Some” is the one covering Dangerous. Haven’t been able to find out anything about them though. Has anyone heard of them?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW dont wanna hear it... it was (’was’ being the operative word) some stinky boygroup... ca 94-96 when it came out. they never suceeded ;)

It’s on CD 12.
Busta Rhymes - Dangerous

Some 5 years ago I also heard some techno-version of LTYH, so that also exists. Indeed you don’t wanna hear it!!! They should make their own songs and not mess up those rox-songs!!!

O My God!

Actually, didn’t you know that immatation is the sincerest form of flattery? The fact that groups are covering Rox tunes, no matter what genre they may be part of, if certainly flattering to Roxette, don’t you think. And, even if you don’t like the cover version, I don’t see how that degrades the original version or Roxette. To me it’s actually kind of interesting to see bands covering songs of my favorite groups. Look at the hundreds of covers that have been done of ABBA songs. Sure, they’re not all as good as Erasure’s or E-rotic’s but some are still nice to listen to.


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