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FIREWORKS - Parody ! ! ! !

4 replies

ME nuts about billiards????
Well, I hate billiards!!!!
But when i heard the sentence:” they made lots of money playing folk guitar”
I thought: “They made lots of money playing pool-billiards”

I’ve made a new text on Fireworks. My english isn’t very good, so if there are any mistakes in it, please reply!

once played a game / I can’t remember it’s name but I remember it was cool / cos it was a thrilling match

It was on a table, with a stick and some balls / so I stroke the balls but the stick stuck in the cloth

The boss was very angry, our brawl ended in a fight / the spectators shouted out one of those yells that might just change your life / - It went like this: “Make just love, make no war
He’s to good He might become a good billiard-player / We like it when he likes to be discovered / Just like the other famous players” / - yes it did...

Training and training it was very hard / but on a nice summer day I played my first official match

I won the Dutch Open with a flag and a ribbon / Then I got very rich but still training every day

Yea I made lots of money playing pool-billiards / And everywhere I went the girls became crazy when they saw my face: “Make just love, make no war
/ He is so good /
He’s to good He might become a good billiard-player / We like it when he likes to be discovered / Just like the other famous players”

I come to you country / I’m coming to win there yeah / Coming to win the awards

Japeke - you must be nuts about billiards ;) Fireworks for you !! well done matey

hm, I get it ;) great minds think alike :)

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