How to get from Halmstad to hotel Tylosand by bus?
Breathe8 said on July 5, 2007 11:15:
And in which bus station in Tylosand should I get off. Please, could anyone help me? Many thanks!
NigelBarnes said on July 5, 2007 17:12:
The bus is usually marked as Tylosand and the drivers are normally helpful. Get off at the Tylosand stop (right near the Hotel) rather than Tylohus.
Enjoy the Hotel - check out the signed CD’s at 180SEK (a good price for CD’s in Sweden). Last week they had EHM, SOAP, Gyllene Live and also the Gyllene DVD. Also had Marie’s book however that’s more expensive.
roxnl said on July 5, 2007 14:37:
Just check at the central bus station, they have a bus map there . Or go to the tourist office in Halmstad (in the centre of Halmstad) and ask them for a bus guide.