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Does anyone speak Swidish?

4 replies

Hi everyone:
Can anyone translate this into accurate Swidish for me please:

“Hi. It seems that a person who doesn’t like my sister got your password, entered your account and sent that horrible message to my sister. you’d better change your hi5 and MSN passwords. Take care”

Thank you very much for your help!!!!!!!!!

sorry, I meant Swedish...

Det verkar som om en person som inte gillar min syster har använt ditt lösenord och ditt konto och skickat det där hemska meddelandet till min syster.
Du borde ändra dina lösenord. Var försiktig / Ha det bra”

paulgm - Microsoft admitted yesterday, that they had a security error in MSN Messenger, allowing anyone to send messages from any address.
So that may be not a password issue.
Now it is fixed.

Thank you so very much,



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