My new website: The Scandinavian Anti-Sealing Coalition
WorldFalls said on May 12, 2007 18:32:
My friend and I have been working on a new website devoted to saving the seals from the cruel slaughter that takes place each year in Canada. Hundreds of thousands of baby seals are clubbed to death; not for food or medicine, but for the sole purpose of providing fur coats to wealthy people who can’t think of anything better to spend their money on! The hunt is cruel; many of these seals are skinned alive on the ice. And they are just babies! Many are as young as 12 days old. They are completely helpless and can’t even swim at that age. And with temperatures rapidly increasing on the earth, the seals’ habitat is being destroyed. The last thing that should be happening at this point is the slaughter of so many baby seals when the species is facing the inevitable struggle to survive global warming.
We are asking caring people to sign our free form and pledge your support to The Scandinavian Anti-Sealing Coalition! We are hoping to convince the European Union to pass legislation that would ban the import of seal skins. So far, it looks good! But we must keep reminding them that the majority of the world is against this cruel hunt. Once Europe bans the import of seal skins, the largest market for the seal skins will close and hopefully that will be an end to this evil hunt!
Thank you for your help! :o)
roxtexanet said on May 13, 2007 04:52:
Before signing this petition, please educate yourself on the alternative to the “but they’re so cute!” argument, namely that some of the poorest people in Canada rely on the sealing industry for their livelihood, that independent investigation has repeatedly determined that “clubbing” is as humane as other industries in which animals are killed for profit, that the annual seal hunt is a cultural tradition dating back hundreds of years before Beyoncé started wearing fur coats, and that the ~300 000 seal quota imposed by the Canadian government each year (but not always met) is out of 5.5 million seals, many of which would starve to death due to cod overfishing, the primary food source for these animals. For arguments from both sides:
pwbbounce (moderator) said on May 13, 2007 09:27:
As usual, the TDR shows it’s warmth and compassion............
For the record, I think Sealing is disgusting, if they MUST kill the seals for whatever reason, at least do it in a humane way, not just hit it over the head.
Kathrin said on May 21, 2007 18:36:
That makes me cry!!!
Life is like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you gonna get!
ROXIROX1998 said on May 13, 2007 03:54:
I’m sorry to say that i’m a little dissapointed at your comment and don’t get me wrong, I love animals but ... of all kinds and shape not just the babies...What I mean is, not excusing the seal hunt, but what about the meat that your eating each day: the cows, the chicken (for g-s people eat foetus of chicken (eggs) don’t hear many complains about that either), the pigs, the fishes (your renound “salmon”) those too are animals. I don’t see many people go the defense of cows or pigs, sure, there not as pretty but, they’re living creatures too... I think you’re talking about something you don’t really know about... And what about, those animals used for experiment, now, that is pure cruelty, don’t hear much about that either...perhaps because you love using your shampoo, your beauty creams & make-up.
Getting back at seal-hunt, some documentarists made a movie about the subject, showing, for instance, that some “extremist” groups, were “hunting” the hunters only to show that they were more cruel than them: when they saw the killing of a “blanchon”, they stop the hunter from finishing the job because they want to get video of the poor animal suffering... they keep it alive for about an hour, taking different angles for the video, all they want, to show the animal suffering and in a pool of blood, in the snow and , at last, when they were finished, they leave it there to slowly die. It’s one of the crew member who killed it... with a gun. And when the documentarists was ready to realease the movie, guess who didn’t want the general public to see it: not the seal-hunter but the “extremists” groups.
So, my point is, it’s always easy to judge someone when there’s only one side of the story. Myself, I would never kill a animal, but i can understand that it’s a natural selection... in a sens. The kind of hunt that i can’t understand is sport-hunting/fishing but i don’t see many raising their hands against that.
The major difference between animals and humans: they both hunt, at some point,
for their survivel but the human is the only one who take some pleasure at it, in some case.