Mother's Day - 13th May 2007
queenmicky said on May 11, 2007 07:07:
Happy Mother’s Day
(for Sunday 13th May, of course)
to all the Mommies on this forum.
May you have a great day!!!
(I’m not sure about the other countries, but we are celebrating this in South Africa)
queenmicky said on May 11, 2007 08:59:
o, thanx, that’s interesting to know...
r u a mommy? (just curious - not sure of ur gender)
queenmicky said on May 11, 2007 09:39:
nice to meet you then...
b.t.w - i am a mommy to a 3year old girl.
frankie said on May 11, 2007 08:49:
in sweden - mother‘s day is the last sunday in may. this year it is 27th may 2007.