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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Selling some stuff

5 replies

Here are my latest selling list


Finn 5 fel - 14 track Promo CD (Danmark) 60 Euro
Samtliga hits - digipack 15 Euro
Puls - digipack - 12 Euro
e.p. 9 Euro
Juni, juli, augusti 15 Euro
En sten vid en sjö i en skog/tuffa tider 8 Euro
Jag borde förstås vetat bätre 8 Euro
Solsken 8 Euro
EMI promo sampler sommar 2004 (with the song “en
sten vid en sjö i en skog”) 10 Euro
Sommartider - Promo cd 15 Euro
Instant Hits cd 20 Euro
Instant Hits (MC/kassett) 15 Euro
Puls (MC/kassett) 10 Euro
Halmstads Pärlor (MC/kassett) 40 Euro
Radio Parlophone (MC/kassett) 15 Euro
Radio Parlophone - andra sändningen (MC) 12 Euro
Moderna Tider + bonus EP! (MC/kassett) 12 Euro
EMI Promo 1981 (MC/kassett) with 2 G.T. songs - 12
EMI Promo 1982 (MC/kassett) with 1 G.T. song - 15
80-tales svenska stjärnartister (5 MC/kassett) 15
Halmstads Pärlor 2 CD 15 Euro
Samlade Tider cd (Disky) 15 Euro
Samlade Tider cd (Pickwick) 15 Euro
Konstpaus cd 15 Euro
Återtåget VHS 10 Euro
KEB Records vol 9 (USA) “När vi två blir en” 12”
40 Euro
Flickorna på TV2 Remix 89 (12”) 35 Euro
Sommartider Remix 89 (12”, with a scratch on
the B-side!) 15 Euro
Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång 7” 15 Euro
Beating Heart 7” 160 Euro
Teaser Japanese 7” TESTPRESS/PROVPRESS 150 Euro
Pers Garage - Småstad 7” 35 Euro


The world according to Gessle (PROMO CD -
pappfodral) 25 Euro
Do you wann be my baby? (Maxi CD) 10 Euro
Do you wann be my baby? (Singel CD) 8 Euro
Mazarin (1st edition; Glossy sleeve) 15 Euro
Mazarin lim. CD mit DVD 25 Euro
Mazarin (NOT COPY CONTROLLLED + signed booklet) 65
Scener (MC/kassett) 25 Euro
Scener LP 15 Euro
Per Gessle LP 10 Euro
Hjärtats Trakt/En samling cd 8 Euro
Hjärtats Trakt cd (Pickwick) 15 Euro
Hjärtats Trakt (MC/kassett) 20 Euro
På väg (4 track Promo cd) 55 Euro
På väg cd box 75 Euro
Demos 1982-86 35 Euro
Tycker om när du tar på mig (Maxi CD) 13 Euro
Tycker om när du tar på mig (Promo Maxi cd) 30 Euro
Här kommer alla känslorna - PROMO Single CD 20 Euro
EMI Promo CD Nr. 14 (with the song “blå december”)
20 Euro
Galning 7” 20 Euro
Blå december 7” 30 Euro
Inte tillsammans inte isär 7” 40 Euro
Galning 12” PROMO 50 Euro
Olympia Kassetten 84 (with the song “Om du har
lust”) 10 Euro
Drömmar i dur & moll (2CD, with the song
“blå december”) 12 Euro
Mazarin T-Shirt (black, size M) 25 Euro
En mazarin älskling? VHS 20 Euro
SOAP Vinyl 2LP (with Pers autograph) 39 Euro
SOAP 2CD (with Pers autograph) 30 Euro
SOAP Jo-Anna says 8 Euro
SOAP Hey Mr. DJ 8 Euro
SOAP I like it like this 8 Euro


..efter stormen 7” 15 Euro
Sparvöga 7” 15 Euro
2:nd chance 6 Euro
all about you 6 Euro
Sommaräng 8 Euro
Min bäste vän 13 Euro
Så länge det lyser mittemot (PROMO CD) 40 Euro
Äntligen (1984-2000) 11 Euro
... efter stormen (MC/kassett) 15 Euro
Den ständiga resan (MC/kassett - still sealed)
20 Euro
Wasa Promo Sampler cd (with the song “Så skimrande
var aldrig havet”) 10 Euro


One Wish (2 track cd singel) 5 Euro
Opportunity Nox (Maxi cd) 5 Euro
Real sugar (Maxi cd) 5 Euro
Teaser Japaneser PROMO 7” (USA) 80 Euro
Dancing DJs v Roxette - Fading like a flower 9 Euro
Dangerous 7” fold out 10 Euro

De ensama pojkarna(“the lonely boys”) - book/buch
(without cd) 20 Euro
Deejay Timo - Flickorna på TV2 (Singel cd) 12 Euro
The lonely boys (CD album) 10 Euro
Tuffa tider/en sten vid .. Aufkleber/Sticker 7 Euro
Freddie Wadling - Måla mitt minne (text&music Per Gessle) 10 Euro

All prices without shipping!!

[email protected]

warm regards from sweden

bought a couple CDs from Mirko. Received as promised. Good seller :).

Hej Mirko- on sale again?? HA!HA!
I can say “Mirkos shop” is everytime very faithful. I got a lot of stuff from him- and everytime very fast!!!

1000 TACK!!

1000 TACK!!

I’ll second that! Mirko rules! My best friend and me are so greatful that he helped us with getting things we had no chance to get otherwhise. :)

Many hugs from Switzerland


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