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Eurovision Song Contest - Helsinki 2007

19 replies

Only couple of weeks and then it’s time for Eurovision song contest, for the very first time here in Helsinki. I didn’t get tickets to final, it was sold-out about 10 minutes. But I got tickets to semifinal prewiev, better than nothing.

Who’s gonna win? Who’s gonna be terrible? My favourite is Sweden, The Ark is just a great band and really good on stage. Ukraine and Swizerland are kinda..well, not so good. This is the first time ever I hope win for swedes :D

Don’t like The ark, but I still think they will win

Please watch Bulgarian choice for Eurovision and say few words.Thanks!


Eurovision 2007 Bulgaria(Winner) - Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan - Voda=Water

another song-live!!!

Todorova worked as a soloist at the State Dance
and Music Ensemble in Varna and the “Cosmic Voices of
Bulgaria” Choir where she performed authentic Bulgarian
folk songs, and compositions in Yiddish and Sanskrit.
In 2003 Elitsa Todorova began working with Bulgaria’s
most popular and renowned drummer and percussionist Stoyan
Yankoulov. The unique Elitsa Todorova-Stoyan Yankoulov Duo
turned into a phenomenon in no time. Their high
professionalism and perfectionism underlies all their

Stoyan Yankoulov records plenty of jazz, pop and ethnic music.
This has significantly influenced his unique playing style. He
manages to produce orchestra sound on percussion instruments.
Sometimes the listener has the impression that there is more than
one percussionist playing. “The acquisition of other techniques -
from bass, piano or other instruments is useful in this process.
For me to play means to communicate.”

Yankoulov breaks and stretches the traditional way of playing
drums, tupan, percussion by applying new techniques and
non-standard musical ideas. Combining authentic folklore with
new ways of expression with percussion instruments Stoyan
Yankoulov reveals the unlimited variety and emotional intensity
of the unique Bulgarian culture.

I like The Ark as well. They’ve played here in New York City several times now. But I’m still a bit confused about a “song contest” versus a battle-of-the-bands type competition. The Ark is great... but I don’t think this particular song is their strongest.

Yep, The Worrrying kind is not their strongest, but it’s ok song. Finland is represent by Hanna Pakarinen, former Idols winner from year 2004. Hanna’s song Leave me alone is kinda boring.

Emil__BG, I watched Water. Well, not my cup of tea :)

Check out the UK’s entry!! How embarrassing is it!!! It’s so cringeworthy!! God knows how it got chosen to represent the UK in the competition!


Maybe it’s not tea but it’s hot and masterly! ;-))

It’s not just another pop song but reprеsenting our country Bulgaria combining authentic folklore with percussion instruments.

This must be important for such contest.

It’s not ordinary silly contest .You must vote for contry and something unique not just for the craziest band. ;-)))

-live perfomance on the AB -square with another song

well i bought myself the CD with all the tracks but sad enough i have to say that there is not a single song I really like. Most tracks are just plain rubbish. At this stage my favourite would b Britain (and it really hurts me to say this).
By the way when the British entry was chosen there were talks of a set up. Several acts with better songs and bigger names were totally ignored.

Of course it was a set up in britian, at the end of the show, one presenter said the obvious winner , and another presenter at the same time said another name of who should of won! was really odd and very strange! I dont know one person who likes the winning entry. The french women whos name got called out at same time should of got through she was the attual winner, was odd to watch really, Big brovers should of got through to the final as well, ow well what you to do.

I like the finish glam rock group i think it is best from what iv heard.

So Serbia won, i was going for Russia.

And you’ve gotta love the FYRoMacedonia’s entry. I thought it would have got a little higher. They seem to be quite good with their cheesy pop songs :-)

I think this is no Eurovision anymore ;-)
Marie Fredriksson Online

The voting was SO odd, i could of guessed alot of them, i didnt enjoy that bit at all, its spoling it now. Part of me thinks they should go back to the judging system.

while I think the voting has some influence in it, I think the reason why I don’t care about EUROvision is that I don’t feel identified with those songs anymore, for me that’s not Europe and the songs have nothing of “schlager”. So well, let’s see how they will finance the Slavicvision in the future if European countries do what they are saying they will do: quit like Italy did a while ago ;-)

Marie Fredriksson Online

Well a friend of mine in Germany said they have been talk of pulling out, as reports are saying that eastern bloc countries have no monitared voting system because they can not be ? ( i dont know why) and that some knew what votes they were getting already. Germany wants to cut funds as they dont have a chance along with rest of Western europe as its getting worse each year as seen. Same report came out of Malta who gave UK 12 points out of protest and said after how easy it is to fix it. ( thats shocking but just shows how bad it is)

I think all counties should go in semi finals then we wont waste out money and all the Western european counties dont have to shift the bill for finals then. Now thats fair. Just spoils it cos next year its going to be same, and its going to get worse, spolis the fun and i used to love it, but its no suprises and the fun been sucked out of it. Weres before it was jealous of the winner, but now its politcal and very plain thats something is going on.

it’s not even political, it’s a farse :) It has always been political, sure, but at least when Sweden voted DK, NO and other neighbours, the songs used to be OK (for the Eurovision), now you cannot even call them “music” ;)
Marie Fredriksson Online

I must agree with Judith here. Eurovision has lost its magic. I have been a Eurovision fan since I can remember, I loved watching it, learning the songs and a bit of each country in each edition. I still can remember when Eurovision was a contest among a chosen few. that was not fair and when the jury chose the winner... opening the votation to the general public, was a great idea but allowing countries to sing in English was a draw back. Eurovision was meant to be a platform for artists but also a chance to show their culture and identity as a country and catch the attention of the potential tourist. Today I can only see that all countries are becoming mere copies, that they are in interested in art anymore but in provocation.

Also, English speaking countries should complain about the quality of the English in Eurovision songs. Oh my Lord Gracious!

Likewise, Swedes should sing in Swedish , Swiss in one of their four official languages.. and so on.— The only thing I can say in favour of this year’s winner is that the song was ok and that they sang in their language. That was Eurovision- Oh I still remember Tommy Nilsson singing En Dag, or Carola winning in Italy... where have all the good ones gone?? Gone to Eurovision? No. not a single one.

I’m not a Eurovision follower and I don’t care too much about the contest or the final result. Yet, I just have to feel shame for the Spaniards who sang there. I can’t believe we just ridicule ourselves again and again, it doesn’t mother if it’s Eurovision or the Football World Cup!! I can only laugh when I remember that wonderful coreography and those clever lyrics: I LOVE YOU MI VIDA!!! LOL.

By the way, Ucranians where quite funny ;)
“A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal” (Oscar Wilde)

I totaly agree. But again Spain is not a real model for anyone and for anything... I guess no one in Spain really wants Spain to win Eurovision since what we send there is ... let’s be polite and say not good enough.

Those Russian chics were hot, if you look on youtube the video to that song is there...


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