which number...
gesslefan_no1 said on January 10, 2002 05:48:
hello!! could someone please tell me which number of the street per lives on (in stockholm). I would be so greatful.
Resi said on January 10, 2002 07:38:
There isn´t any mailbox on the outside of the house... And you can´t get into the house without knowing the code number...
I´ve forgotten the number, by the way, sorry.
Resi said on January 11, 2002 11:28:
I had the code number, in deed, but it´s years ago... I don´t think it is correct any more! It consisted of four numbers. But I haven´t got it anymore, sorry!
little-miss-sorrow said on January 12, 2002 08:11:
They’d be totally stupid not to change it very often... ;o)
gesslefan_no1 said on January 12, 2002 11:49:
well, thank you but I wasn´t going to enter his house... is the number 114?? are you sure? about the code: it´s changed really often, like once a week... thank you guys so much!!
gesslefan_no1 said on January 12, 2002 13:08:
@erweetiran is the number of the house 114?? please answer as fast as you can!!!
thank you!
arnie said on January 10, 2002 05:54:
Don’t steal his mailbox!