Who is Jo-Anna??
Yuliya said on February 8, 2007 12:57:
I often hear Per Gessle sings about Jo-Anna. “Jo-Anna...my love”. Who is she? I thought Asa is his love.
Yuliya said on February 8, 2007 13:26:
You mean, Per likes how this name sonds? I don’t know. Maybe! But if he reply this question we will know...hahahahahahahah
FirstGirlOnTheMoon said on February 8, 2007 14:23:
Jo-Anna is the firstname of a person who’s surname is Cooper. And Cooper is a friend of Jefferson. So, Jefferson is Anders and Cooper is Asa...
FirstGirlOnTheMoon said on February 8, 2007 14:28:
purplemedusa: “But who’s Per?”
Per can B Anyone He Wants To B
FirstGirlOnTheMoon said on February 8, 2007 14:47:
To be fair to Anders: Per can B anyone Anders wants him to B
Max-Tob said on February 8, 2007 14:47:
If I remember correctly, he did answer this question 100 times in the deceased Q&A section of SOAP. My memory is kinda weak lately so I can only remember two answers. One time he joked the question off with some lyrics (smth like “she’s a flower, she’s a bird...” or whatever). And some other time he answered shortly: “won’t tell you”.
tevensso (moderator) said on February 8, 2007 20:46:
No, he said Jo-Anna is a friend of Billy, Chrissie and all the other names Per uses. IE; she doesn’t exist in real life.
Max-Tob said on February 8, 2007 21:38:
that’d be the 3rd answer, yes, thanx.
but, hm... what the hack, was I dreaming the other answers? anyone ever saw them (except me)? haha
Lantartida said on February 8, 2007 23:41:
Marie -> Mary Jane -> Marijuana -> Mary Joanna -> Jo Anna
I think the muse could be Marie ... or a gagger. Who knows! :P
Lantartida said on February 11, 2007 22:38:
Next SOAP 2 single: “Jo-Anna smokes marijoana”. (Therapeutic use, of course: She’s better now)
Galadriel said on February 8, 2007 13:06:
I do not know, but my guess is:
he likes to use this name in his songs, because he likes the sound. ;-)
Anyway, I am sure this has been discussed before. So a bit of “search” could help. :-)