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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Mika - Grace Kelly

13 replies

Hey people!!!

This has gotta be the most either love or hate track of the year so far.... I personally think it’s excellent! Love it lots!

What’s everyone else opinion??

different, but totally overhyped and overplayed

Sorry, are you talking about a song?

Yes, it’s currently Number 1 in the UK


Ahh, thank you! :-)
I haven’t listened to the radio for some time, so I never know “the songs”. ;-)

I’m not sure if it’s in Germany yet, but if you head over to you should be able to hear at least a little bit of it


Thanks for the link. There I clicked on the link to the homepage. The music was played automatically.

Very catchy at first listening I must say. :-)
It’s for sure worth a second glance.

Iv had his album a while, and he is gonna shift a shit load of records this year, he will deff end up in top5 selling albums this year. The album it reminds me of Scissor Sister debut album, closest thing i can compare it to.

I like this song very much. It reminds me of Queen and Scissor Sisters. Sadly it is not released in Germany. But i think it is just a matter of time. Here is a link to the video:
(middle part of the site under category “Videos”)

he claims he likes Roxette and one of his dreams is to write songs with Gessle.

Marie Fredriksson Online

OK. There are people who still like Roxette.Another one joined the few here :-~

I like his music . I guess he is number 1 ,cos England as long as i know changed from 1.1.2007 the way they counts records.

I like more Relax.
Grace Kelly reminds me some of the songs from new album of the last number 1 artist for 2006 -Take That

roxette have been around for 20 years , thats a loooooonnngggg time in music.

After listening the whole album ,i would say that would be very good if one of
his dreams becomes true..;-)
Cos he has big potential ,but some help in the begginig willl be very useful.


Have the cd - its fantabulous!!! A hell of a lot better than SSistors imho.

Love Today, Relax, Big Girl, Stuck in the middle and Ring Ring are my faves.

Speaking of him wanting to write trax with mrG - not gonna happen me thinx. MrG doesnt play well with others... hehehehe.

But I dont doubt that the G-man has >Life In Cartoon Motion


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