Look at this ultra-mega-hiper rare promo! LOL
Room_service said on January 21, 2007 04:00:
Look at this!
It has been for sale before (and we even commented it), but now it popped up again (and from the same seller). I feel sorry for that people bidding on that and not knowing that item is totally fake. Someone is going to pay when in fact it doesn’t worth a cent.
Room_service said on January 25, 2007 21:52:
I can’t look for the previous thread right now. But the only promo for ATAY was a cardsleeve single, red background and the text in white. This one is clearly fake, specially the sleeve showing that stupid neon arrow. In addition, what’s the point in having a video clip on a promo CD?
gyllene_tjej said on January 27, 2007 22:08:
>In addition, what’s the point in having a video clip on a promo CD?
exactly, that’s quite intriguing. Thanks for clearing it out for me. anyway, I’m not going to bid, but seemingly people are interested. wierd.
gyllene_tjej said on January 25, 2007 21:29:
room_service: could you please direct me to the thread where it’s been discussed before? I find that case pretty intriguing. would like to know where the fuss stems from and what reliabnle sources classify this item as fake. thanks!