Please help Helena Josefsson!
tevensso said on December 18, 2006 14:01:
Helena's new single is a contender at the radio show Tracks. Please help her make the chart. Only Swedes can vote...The single and album is released by Elevator!
Max-Tob said on December 18, 2006 14:17:
AHHH...too bad!!! Shit. Helena MUST be helped. She´s the best.
Sascha said on December 18, 2006 14:38:
Hmm, 3 minutes wasn’t that much time! ;-) Anyway, I saw the video at youtube and it’s not really my thing.
tevensso (moderator) said on December 18, 2006 15:05:
Yeah the vote closed at 14, which was an hour before I posted. Oh well, can’t win them all.
LittleSpooky said on December 18, 2006 16:27:
Well that sucked only folks from Sweden got to vote. Never heard the music, but willing to vote anyway :o)
Tattooed White Trash
rox-kuryliw said on December 19, 2006 18:29:
ye cos Helena is not very good in my opinion. Plus nothing to do with roxtte , ( thank god)
Jud (moderator) said on December 19, 2006 19:17:
she DOES need help ;D
Marie Fredriksson Online
tevensso (moderator) said on December 18, 2006 14:04:
Never mind, the voting has closed...