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About Chippy205

4 replies

Does anybody know something about him?

I’m worry about him. I saw on the news that a big typhoon caused a disatre in Philippines and a lot of people have died.

I e-mailed him, I sent him a SMS, but I have had no news.

Ahi! I don’t know anything, but he isn’t on here often in any case, so I think he’s fine, try to not worry too much

Me neither, I hope he’s OK.

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup...

’Even if I am in love with you. All this to say, what’s it to you?’

thankz :( because youre worried... but i’m fine ;) you know SILVERoses? she is my friend from Albay, a province here in the philippines which was affected most by that very strong typhoon. but dont worry, none of her family got hurt:) thank God..

i often watch televition about that “mud-slide” near their place..

Thanks Debora!!!! i’m fine :) about you?

Hey Chippy!!!

I was really worried, but thanks God you are fine!! It’s nice to know about you!!


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