Min tjej o jag LIVE!
PerAndren said on December 31, 2001 15:13:
Just watched the Parkliv film and MIN TJEJ OCH JAG,, and I know Micke Syd sings this song,, but is he also playing guitar??? It sure looks like that,,, It even looks like he’s playing the solo while Fritzon is climbing on his back,,,, well, he plays the solo terribly wrong, but anyway, it’s ok coz of the climbing thing.... It’s kinda hard to tell what Micke Syd actually does because of the poor quality,,,,
Why does he need to play guitar anyway? Why couldn’t Per play that? That can’t be to hard, I mean Micke even plays the solo with Fritzon on his back,, and Per doesn’t even sing the whole song... It’s really weird why Per doesn’t play that....or does he?
Is Mats playing drums,,, ? I guess so.. After watching again it seems like Per is actually playing, though he plays chords plays chords...You don’t really see Per during the solo, perhaps his playing that too, and Micke is just joking around...
What do you guys say? This is a serious problem! I can’t sleep without knowing how it is!!!!!!!!!
I love this tune bytheway, it’s not that very serious, but it’s kinda funny.
PerAndren said on January 1, 2002 12:00:
But, is Micke actually playing the whole song, didn’t know he could play guitar.
Jävla tur att dne inte blev singel, även om det vore kul att ha den singeln idag.
Galning said on January 6, 2002 03:17:
Here is the reason why Per didn´t play the solo: Per played the rhythm guitar in the whole song. If per would play the solo, Micke would have to play the rhythm guitar in the whole song and I guess that it´s hard for him to play and sing at the same time.... of course per would be also able to play this solo. I have a concert recording from 1980 and Gessle plays a solo together with MP and gessle played it very well.... (it was a song with two sologuitars at the same time...)
MP was playing drums at Min tjej och jag LIVE
Micke played the solos for real (not playback or whatever) and he didn´t play it wrong...
Ferdan said on January 6, 2002 10:54:
Yes he played it wrong.... he missed 2 or 3 notes because Goran was disturbing him..... are you sure you listened Parkliv ok?
PerAndren said on January 6, 2002 22:12:
Yeah, I agree, he actually plays wrong because of Fritzon...
Galning said on January 13, 2002 02:47:
Of course, when Fritzson jumped on Micke, Micke wasn´t able anymore to play. but before that he played it the right way. Not very professionell but the right way.... and I´m 100% sure that he played live (of course!!!)
colinvdbel (moderator) said on January 14, 2002 07:42:
I think it’s not so funny. I think that because of this, the songs isn’t on the CD.
Ferdan said on January 14, 2002 12:16:
well, i dont care about that so much... what i dindt like is that Billy is not in the movie :(
PerAndren said on January 15, 2002 09:15:
Well, yeah,, But thay didn’t really record that to make a CD, it was for the audience,,, and I think Fritzon overreacted abit for cameras....
tevensso (moderator) said on January 15, 2002 10:14:
As far as I remember Fritte did the same thing in Ljusdal when I saw the show, so it was just a thing they did. During the summer tour ’82 Fritte played Tylö Sun on a shitty Casio $20 handheld keyboard... :) GT in a nutshell.
PerAndren said on January 15, 2002 11:07:
Is that what he’s holding in his hand on a pic in the GT-book?
PerAndren said on January 16, 2002 06:33:
No idea, haven’t gotthe book here with me, I left it at my other place.. but there’s a pic from Sommartiderturnén
tevensso (moderator) said on January 16, 2002 11:11:
Per: Yep, that’s the one! Page 55. They used duct tape to hook it up to the amplifier.... (well, you know what I mean)
PerAndren said on January 16, 2002 12:14:
How did it sound,, was a big difference compared to the Farfisa? ... I mean it’s practicly a toy....
tevensso (moderator) said on January 16, 2002 23:14:
I don’t remember exactly, but those toys did have a fair sounding Hammond organ sound he used so it was rather thin but totally OK.
tevensso (moderator) said on January 1, 2002 11:32:
Japp, det var en “kul grej”. MP trummar, Micke gurar och PG körar. Det var ju meningen att låten skulle bli en singel med Tylö Sun som andralåt. Men de la ner projektet. De inspirerades av Ringo Starrs solosingel - givetvis skulle Gyllenes trummis också ha en solosingel.