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listen to your heart or it must have been love?

17 replies

well, i must choose one song for some people that never heard Roxette before, but i’m not sure what to choose, it should be a song that symbolizes them, so i thought about those 2 songs, but could be also others.

Any suggestion?

Personally I’d prefer ’Listen to your heart’. At least it depends on the people who have got to listen. My boyfriend wouldn’t like any of those as he’s more kinda uptempo fan.

ah well, the people is my friendsm it’s a kind of homework for school.

i prefer listen to your heart too as music, and it must...i like it in the concert version.

okay, the real problem is that i was sure and i chose listen to your heart, but after a my friend (nk93) wanted the other because she think she is going to do a perfect impression when everybody’ll see her that sing it; then i said “ok, i choose it must have been love”, but she started to say “no you have to choose the song that you more like” (so LTYH), so i said “ok, i choose it then”. it seemed go alright but she started to sing IMHBL looking me in the eyes, then i was feeling in fault and i chose IMHBL again, but she said “no, really? no, you don’t want it, then choose LTYH. choose without thinking about what i’d like.”, ok, then i said LTYH, but she said “ok! nonono, wait it’s not ok, i have to learn it in just 3 hours today!!!”.

well, it went like that for time, and at the end (it’s endet only because we had to go back home) of all that, i haven’t chosen anything!!! that’s the why i write it on here.

IMHBL without a question.

Both because both have been played during parts of my life where the song just fit.

If it’s a bigger group of people you want to present the song to, then choose the song you like most!
Because all those will have a different taste in music, you can’t catch them all.
But the more you like the song, that you’ll present, the better you’ll be in convincing them about the quality of the song/band!

Good luck with your choice! :-)

IT must have been love.

It Must Have Been Love (and TB how’ve you been hun?)

ok, i think i choose IMHBL, thinking about my friend, your suggestions, and it hasn’t tobe liked by me but by my friends and it should be a song that represent them (like i said before), then i probabily will put that. thanks to everybody

Well maybe a song that represents them is a song with features both Per and Marie on vocals?? How Do You Do? Real Sugar? One Wish? Maybe it’ll be better to have an unknown song to play them rather than one of their biggest hits which surely they’ve already heard!! Just an idea

LTYH is so much better.

why is this on “off-topic” ?

Homework related...God if I could do this for my work, I’d be sorted!

oh then, you’re also right, that’s about roxette, but the reason i ask this question was personal.
i was unsure where i had to post it, but i chose this also because i usually reply on off topic, and...i was just a bit less embarassed to do it here, and then i did it.

yes, whateveriam is right, a homework.

however i took full marks, so it went ok. but to be honest i didn’t say a word i was too shy, and i had written more about discography, not about biography, so i was i had to remember what two years ago i read about their biography in english and trasnslate very quick!

yes...just a good teacher she is...

ok, now there isn’t any problems about the topic...

LTYH, of course, this is their best moment ever. btw WICF would be a great choice, either

Listen To Your Heart is the BEST!!!!


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