Traduccion in English Per Gessle Interview en DWTV
justroxette said on October 18, 2006 21:25:
Hello,,, aca la entrevista a Per en DW-TV el dia 14-10
How would he describe his personality?
My personality? Oh my gosh... oh, it’s hard to do... It’s always hard to describe yourself, isn’t it? But I’m kind of ambitious, I guess. I’m a family man, I don’t go out that much nowadays. I stay at home a lot. And I like my work.
Who is his personal hero?
My big hero in life is my wife because she stands out. She copes with me, that takes some person.
What’s his biggest temptation?
I started thinking about things that I haven’t really done before. I’ve always been a lousy sportsman, but it’s nothing really to do with a big temptation. It’s something I would love to be able to do much more, but I’m worthless.
What’s his life philosophy?
I don’t really have a philosophy, but I think it’s good to realize that you live now and to enjoy that. So many people I know live for tomorrow and I think it’s good to live for today.
What’s his dream?
One of my dreams, which I hope comes true, is that my family gets a good life and my son – I have a 9-year-old son. And he is very dear to me, of course, so I think about him a lot.
What drives him crazy?
Silly politicians. We have a lot of those in Sweden and I guess everywhere and it just makes you sort of... you know, people who are using their positions. I think that’s terrible.
What’s his perfect day?
I think a perfect day is a day in the summer in our summer house in Sweden, families, friends, nice lunch, long lunch, lots of wine, jump in the ocean, dancing all night long.
see ya!!!
justroxette said on October 19, 2006 22:31:
Si esta repetida pero sepan que yo no veo mucho el daily en Ingles.... cuando escribís una palabrita en Español/castellano como sea te pegan una patada que ni te imaginas.... ay ay ay ay